Chapter 113
I have a showdown.

In fact, before writing this book, I got a clergyman system, and I need to collect readers' subscription power to unlock the system. A different world for you to manage.

cough cough.

just kidding.

Anyway, it's finally on the shelves.

I have mixed feelings.

I have been an internet writer for two years. I have been a novice all the way. To be honest, I have been bumpy and stumbled. I have never written a decent book, and I have been struggling crazily on the road to the street.

This book has been planned for a long time, and a lot of effort has been put into it. I just hope that I can use the precipitation of the past few years on her, and try my best to write a good book that satisfies me and makes everyone like it.

As I write this, I feel that I have not let myself down, nor have I let down the brothers who like her. Although she still has many flaws, it is the best book I have written in the past two years, and I will also Continue to work hard to write her better, so that more people can see her and see her getting better and better.

There is nothing in this world that makes people happier than a group of people getting together because they like one thing.

Because I like it, everything becomes meaningful.

At last,
Thank you book friends.

Thanks for my editing expedition.

Thanks to Qidian Chinese Network.

Thank you for supporting me all the time, thank you for moving me.

thank you all!


It will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock today, and it will be offered in a burst of six more guarantees!

Recently, the website is undergoing a major rectification, and the update may be delayed, so don't be impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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