The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 119 The Outside World Is Too Scary

Chapter 119 The Outside World Is Too Scary

Silence is exciting, but Nannan is confused.

Shen Mo knew the effect of the Goblin Horn, but Nan Nan didn't know anything.

When the goblin army division appeared in front of Nan Nan and expressed his loyalty to her, Nan Nan was quite frightened.

Ten thousand green-skinned dwarves suddenly appeared in front of a little monster who was underage, shouting one after another, no little monster could stand it!

Although Nan Nan couldn't stand it, Mo Mo could.

He stepped to Nannan's side and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, Nannan, they are all good friends summoned by you, and they are here to help us."

"He was summoned by me?" Nan Nan was very surprised.

Silently introduced the function of the Goblin Horn to Nan Nan. After understanding it, Nan Nan gradually regained her senses. Then she looked at the Goblin's army of [-] people curiously, and countless little stars lit up in her big eyes. .

"Do they all obey Nan Nan's orders?"

Silently stunned, "Theoretically, yes!"

"Of course, General Nannan, if you summoned us, we will naturally obey your orders. Our army of [-] goblins is willing to die for General Nannan." demeanor.

"That's great, huh!" Nan Nan shouted excitedly, "You guys come home with me, let's level the Summoner's Canyon together!"


Goblin military adviser: "Obey! With the resourcefulness of this old man and the bravery of the Goblin army of ten thousand people, we can destroy even a country, let alone a canyon."


Mo Mo slapped Nan Nan hard on the forehead, making her hum continuously.

go home? !Stepping down the Summoner's Canyon? !You really want to come out!
Silence is full of stud pressure, how can it stand up to such a game.

Although the goblin army of ten thousand people is strong, they can only exist for one hour, and one hour is fleeting. There is no time for Nannan to mess around here.

Mo Mo had just finished beating Nan Nan, and he regretted it, because dozens of scythes were erected around his neck in an instant, and the goblin guards had already surrounded him, looking decisive.

Silent and confused on the spot, speechless.

"Ah! Stop it!" Nan Nan covered her head and immediately stopped the goblin guards, "Don't bully my boss."

Mo Mo's heart warmed, secretly thinking that Nan Nan still has a conscience.

"Slap him in the head too!"


Why don't you boast?
"Stop, don't move!" Taking advantage of the moment when the Goblin Guards were about to attack, Mo Mo immediately shouted, "Nannan, don't play, we still have business to do, we want to play when we go home .”

Nan Nan pouted, hesitated a few times, and finally obeyed angrily.

"So boss, what shall we do next?"

Mo Mo escaped from the siege of the goblin guards, "Give me the control of the goblin army."

Nan Nan was silent for a while, then nodded with great reluctance, "Goblin Commander, the boss will command you from now on, his orders are my orders."

The Goblin Army Master waved his feather fan and nodded slightly, "Of order, everything is under the orders of General Nannan."

I saw the goblin military division thugs waved and ordered to the tens of thousands of troops, "Hurry up and see the boss, the second general!"

"See the boss, Second General!"

Thousands of people shouted in unison, and the momentum was monstrous.

But Shen Mo couldn't be happy at all, thinking in his heart that the name was just a code name, so there was no need to worry about it.

He gave the first order to the goblin army.

"Brave and unparalleled goblin army, this general orders you to kill all the corpse soldiers in this school ground as quickly as possible."

"As ordered!"

The goblin army commander took the order, swung his feather fan, and with his wisdom, he replied again,
"Goblin heavy armor, crush the corpse soldiers in front of you."

"Goblin paladins, cut in from the left and kill the corpse soldiers."

"Goblin Cavalry Squad, cut in from the right flank and shoot the corpse soldiers."

"Goblin Magic Support Group, do a good job in magic support, strengthen magic boost, attack magic boost, and weaken magic boost."

"Goblin Longbow Group, lock on the enemies behind and shoot in coverage."

"Goblin artillery, prepare large-scale magic and clean up the battlefield."

A series of precise orders were issued, and the goblin army of [-] people was like a terrifying meat grinder, devouring the corpse soldiers on the school field at an unimaginable speed.

These corpse soldiers who have not yet awakened are simply vulnerable to the crush of the goblin army.

The giant ax slashed down, the corpse soldier was cut off at the waist, the silver wolf rushed to kill, the corpse soldier's corpse was in a different place, the arrow rain fell like a curtain, and the corpse soldier turned into a hedgehog in the blink of an eye.

The artillery fire raged all over the sky, and there were pieces of corpse soldiers in an instant.

In the Yuan tomb, the front hall, which was originally the quietest, has now become the busiest.

Loud noises and fighting sounds resounded through the Yuan tomb, and Ye Lilo, who soon returned to the apse, heard the movement of the front hall. She looked in the direction of the front hall in astonishment, and then turned back to look at the Supreme Hall, with a complex expression on her face. .

"The corpse soldiers in the front hall have been awakened?" Ye Li lost his guess, "Could it be that Silence is still in the tomb, no, I have to go and have a look."

"Cousin, where are you going?" The lucky male corpse chosen by Silence stopped Ye Li and lost his way.

"Go away, don't block me." Ye Limi shouted sharply.

"If you want to go to the front hall, I advise you not to go," the lucky male corpse warned, "Listen to this movement, the situation in the front hall is definitely not the corpse soldier waking up, I am afraid there are strangers breaking into the tomb, they must not We are not kind, we should immediately return to the Supreme Hall, meet Uncle Wang, and discuss countermeasures."

"Hmph!" Ye Limi lost a cold snort, and she swore that she would never trust her father, General Tatar, even if she killed the intruder, she would not die in his hands.

"It's up to you to go to the Supreme Hall, don't stop me."

Ye Li lost the hand of the lucky male corpse, and ran away along the secret path leading to the front hall.

"Hey!" The lucky male corpse sighed, in desperation, he had no choice but to call other family members of the corpse king and head towards the Supreme Hall.

Because the Supreme Hall is far away from the front hall, and the corpse king has not yet known about the shocking changes in the front hall, they must immediately feel the Supreme Hall, tell the news to the corpse king, and ask him to take action to eliminate those villains who broke into the tomb.

In the Supreme Hall.

Holding the mobile phone that was shut down due to insufficient power, the corpse king looked up to the sky and screamed, distraught.

"It's terrible! It's really terrible!"

The corpse king was extremely shocked, and muttered to himself, "The outside world is so terrifying, it's so terrifying!"

"With my own strength and three thousand corpse soldiers, I am afraid that even a small cultivator from the outside world can't beat me. How can I help Da Yuan?"

"Brother Huang! You are wrong, you are really wrong!"

"The outside world is too dangerous, I want to go back to Dayuan..."

The corpse king slumped on the dragon chair powerlessly, feeling that the life of the corpse was hopeless and hopeless.

Hua Yingjun on the side trembled, fearing that the corpse king would kill him because of his loss of value.

But seeing the decadent look on the corpse king's face, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Hey, you're stupid, corpse king, you're scared out of your wits by the horror of Xiuxian's novels!

Let me tell you, a boss like you is just a small boss in the first scene in Xiuxian novels, what were you talking about before.

Wait for a while, the support from Super Bureau will come, let them teach you how to be a human being.

Just as Hua Yingjun was chanting, an exclamation came from the Supreme Hall.

"Report to the emperor, something is wrong! People from outside have called in!"

The corpse king Tatar's face was pale and powerless, "!!!"

Hua Yingjun's face brightened, the support from the Dark Path Super Bureau finally arrived, and he was saved.

(End of this chapter)

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