The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 124 The pie in the sky

Chapter 124 The pie in the sky

Mo Mo was a little worried. More than half of the goblin army of [-] soldiers had poured into the apse battlefield.

But until now, there has been no news of victory in the battle from the apse.

Looking at the remaining goblin warriors, he fell into thought and doubt.

Can 800 goblins consume an [-]-year-old corpse king?
The gap between levels, even if it is filled with human heads, can't it be filled?

Just when Shen Mo doubted himself, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

That's the notification sound from the task reward.

【Ding! 】

[Mission completed: Successfully eliminated General Tatar, the corpse king. 】

[Task participation is being calculated, and rewards will be approved and issued later. 】

Silence was stunned, and then he was overjoyed, "The corpse king is dead, the mission is completed?!"

Instead of waiting for the mission rewards to be issued, he immediately ordered the goblin heavy armored infantry to get out of the way, put on a speed talisman, and made dots under his feet, turning into afterimages, and went straight to the apse.

When Shen Mo walked through the secret passage and came to the apse, he couldn't help but stand on the spot, unable to recover for a long time, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

What did he see?
I saw the corpse king Tatar kneeling on one knee, with his head bowed to the end. His body was covered with arrow feathers, and bone wounds could be seen all over his body. It was hard to imagine what kind of battle he had experienced.

The corpse king is surrounded by goblin corpses, and the starry morning light after the corpses have emerged, which is dreamlike and shocking.

After a long time, the silence came back to his senses, and his eyes scanned the apse.

There are less than a thousand goblins left in the entire apse, which means that the corpse king Tatar killed nearly [-] goblin warriors by himself.

What a mighty force this is.

Silence dare not imagine what kind of bloody battle happened here.

This is a respectable opponent.

Although his mind is too straightforward, there is no doubt that he is a respectable and powerful opponent.

"Corpse King Tatar, go all the way. I will take the reward you exploded and live strong."

Silence is full of words of gratitude, every boss deserves to be respected.

The corpse king Tatar is no exception.

【Ding! 】

[The calculation of the task participation has been completed, and the rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check]

【Ding! 】

[The time limit for the Goblin Army summoning has expired, and it is about to return to another world. 】

[Sub-task: Yuan Tomb.mission completed.Clerics can leave Yuan Tomb through the space portal at any time. 】

A series of mission prompts gave Silence the illusion of a pie in the sky.

This time the Yuan Tomb mission was so dangerous, but he successfully completed his impossible mission by relying on the Goblin Horn and Zashiki Doji Nannan, two big coins.

What a thing to show off and celebrate.

But Shen Mo didn't care about celebrating right now, he was anxious to see what kind of task reward he got.

Seeing that the goblin army turned into countless stars and disappeared, Shen Mo stepped into the space portal and disappeared into the Yuan tomb.

Check the rewards, of course you have to go home and watch.

In the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty, looking at the corpse of the corpse king Tatar to check the mission rewards that he exploded, wouldn't your conscience hurt?

"No! I don't have a girlfriend yet, I don't want to die!"

A shrill roar came from Hua Yingjun's throat, he woke up suddenly, and looked around in horror.

"Where am I?"

"You're finally awake, don't worry, you're safe now."

The one who responded to Hua Yingjun was a young and beautiful woman. Seeing that Hua Yingjun had woken up, she removed her golden hand from his chest, turned around and called three groups of other people.

"Our boss has something to ask you."

"Boss?" Hua Yingjun was very surprised, trying to recall the memory before he passed out, he tried his best to escape from the Yuan tomb, and then was surrounded by several black shadows, and passed out.

Could it be that these people were the shadows back then?Who are they?

"You are Hua Yingjun!" The burly man called the boss smiled slightly, "My name is Wang Meng, and I know your father Hua Yunlong. We had a good relationship when we were performing missions."

Hua Yingjun was stunned and remained silent.

The other party knew his father's name, and they had been on missions together. Obviously, they were beyond the game.

"Are you the support of the Super Bureau?"

"Yes!" Wang Meng flashed his identity card, blinked his eyes with the scars sideways, and continued to ask, "To make a long story short, what important information do you know about the Yuan Tomb?"

After confirming the identity of the other party, Hua Yingjun finally let go of his hanging heart, and then said solemnly, "You may not believe me, but when I escaped, I saw a well-equipped army of goblins fighting against the corpse king."

Wang Meng was stunned on the spot, with a puzzled look on his face: "???"

The rest of the three groups looked at Hua Yingjun as if they were fools.

Apparently, they didn't believe Handsome's words at all.

How could there be goblins in this world, and a well-equipped army.

Could it be that Hua Yingjun was frightened, and his mind is a little out of order! ?
"Really, you have to believe me. According to my guess, the corpse king will definitely not be able to beat those goblins, because there are too many of them. You haven't seen them with your own eyes. Although those goblins are not tall, But densely packed one after another, the entire hall is full of them."

Hua Yingjun tried his best to explain the truth, hoping that everyone could understand him.

But obviously, except for Wang Meng who was listening to his statement seriously, the others had already lost their souls.

Although Wang Meng felt that what Hua Yingjun said was extremely absurd, his intuition told him that the other party did not lie, and there was no need to lie.

Is there really an army of goblins in the Yuan tomb?
Why did this Western fantasy monster appear in the Yuan tomb 800 years ago?

Just when Wang Meng was surprised, there were bursts of hurried footsteps coming from the robbery cave leading to Yuan's tomb, which immediately aroused everyone's vigilance.

"Something is coming out soon!"

The special commissioners of the three groups and Hua Yingjun held their breaths intently, staring at the robbery cave.

The next moment, a figure shot out, it was Ye Limi, a zombie girl in gilded battle armor, she jumped out of the robbery hole, and passed out before taking a few steps, her body was embarrassing and emaciated.

Followed by several zombies, each of them is miserable, more pitiful than refugees fleeing famine.

Wang Meng and the others looked at each other, zombies escaped from the Yuan tomb in such a panic?
What kind of plot is this?There is something strange here!

Wang Meng frowned, more and more he believed that Hua Yingjun was not lying, that there was really an army of goblins in the Yuan Tomb, hunting and killing these zombies.

So, are these goblins friends or foes?
Before Wang Meng had time to think about it, the zombies who came later discovered them, roared and rushed towards the crowd, including them in the scope of the enemy.

"Three groups! Do it!"

Wang Meng ordered concisely, and the three groups of friends seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and rushed towards the zombies like a tiger descending a mountain.

In just a few breaths, several zombies fell to the ground, turning into balls of pus and blood and dissipating.

Looking at the three groups of friends again, they looked like they were still unsatisfied, there were probably not enough zombies to fight, and we had to fight ten more.

The three groups of friends quickly surrounded Yeli Lost, who was unconscious.

"Who is she?" Wang Meng asked.

"She is Princess Yeli, the daughter of the corpse king Tatar!" Hua Yingjun quickly explained, "but the armor she wears is the gold-plated armor equipped by the corpse king, which is very unreasonable... unless, the corpse The king is dead!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally looked at Wang Meng, wanting him to come up with a plan.

I saw Wang Meng pondering for a while, muttering, "Take her away!"

"Why take it away?" Hua Yingjun asked subconsciously.

"Hand it over to the country!" Wang Meng said solemnly, "This is an ancient person from the Yuan Dynasty, who is of inestimable value to the study of the history and culture of the Yuan Dynasty. Moreover, as an 800-year-old zombie, she must not be allowed to wander. Outside, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Hua Yingjun was stunned, and thought brokenly, "As expected of being the boss of the three groups, with such a brilliant opinion, I admire him all over."

(End of this chapter)

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