The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 132 The highest level of foodie

Chapter 132 The highest level of foodie

woo woo woo~
Shen Mo stepped into the assassination and bloodletting workshop, and immediately there were countless wailing sounds in his ears, which were the last stubbornness of the meat pig at the last moment of life.

Shen Mo let out a long sigh, born as pigs, this is their fate, I only hope they can have a good pregnancy in the next life.

Although it's not like Wang Sicong's direct reincarnation to the end of life, at least she can be reincarnated into a human fetus and enjoy the fun of being a human being.

The silent spiritual sense immediately scanned the entire workshop, and all the hidden evils were revealed in his eyes.

He saw the soul-devouring pig demon at a glance, and determined that it was the chief culprit of the evil spirit polluting the world in the whole pig farm.

Why do you say that?Because this pig's head is so big! It's unbelievably big.

How big is this pig's head?Have you ever seen a whale's head?

This is a large pig's head as big as a whale's head, with a diameter of more than four meters.

Silent for a while, he was a little absent-minded, and he swore he had never seen such a big pig's head in his life.

At this moment, this big pig's head is hanging on the mechanical arm of assassination and bloodletting, with its terrifying mouth open, it keeps devouring the souls of those meat pigs that have just been killed.

Before the living souls of the dead pigs fell into the underworld, they were swallowed by a strong suction force from the big pig's mouth, and they wailed and screamed a few times, but there was no more movement.

This big pig's head didn't even bother to move its eyelids, just hanging there, waiting for the soul to fall into its mouth.

Mo Mo's first impression of this soul-devouring pig demon was that of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins recorded in the Bible, because it was so similar to the description of gluttony.

It completely brings together all the words related to obesity, gluttony, and laziness, such as eating too much and being lazy, and being crazy about fat.

Shen Mo couldn't help sighing that the development of science and technology not only brought great convenience to human life, but also benefited monsters a lot, invisibly changing their hunting methods and evolutionary extremes.

It would be unbelievable if an ordinary soul-devouring pig demon could grow to such a level with the help of a fully automated slaughtering system.

But now, the huge pig's head is so real in front of Shen Mo.

"Technology is indeed the primary productive force!"

After some emotion was over, Shen Mo had to face up to this soul-eating pig monster. He came here to butcher pigs, not to marvel at how powerful the other party has grown.

With silent wisdom, he quickly discovered the fatal weakness of the Soul-devouring pig demon.


Unquenchable desire!
This soul-devouring pig demon has enjoyed the way of eating for nothing. As its strength grows wildly, its desire is infinitely magnified, and it is not under its own control at all.

To put it more simply, the soul-devouring pig demon has reached the end of the road of food, and now it has nothing to eat, and only food is left.

"Pig head, you're inflated!"

Shen Mo murmured, stepped forward, and came to the switch of the conveyor belt.

Ding Dong!

Silence shut down the machine directly, stopping the machine that kept feeding the soul-devouring pig demon.

At first, the Soul-devouring pig demon didn't notice it, it still opened its mouth wide, waiting for the food to fall into it, but after a while, it seemed that something was wrong, the food that was offered to the door did not fall into its mouth again mouth.

The Soul-devouring Pig Demon snorted, still too lazy to move at all, just moved his eyeballs slightly, and glanced at the machine that was shut down.

Soon, it found the silence, and it seemed that the machine was not broken, but shut down by someone.

huh huh~
The soul-devouring pig demon snorted again, ignoring the existence of silence, a black evil spirit spread down from its pig's head, turned into a black pig's hoof, and directly poked on the switch key of the machine.

The stagnant mechanical gears rolled again, and the pig's living soul began to fall into its giant mouth actively.


This big pig can actually turn on the switch by itself?

No, it is very reasonable for such monsters to have such an IQ.

The phantom battle ax in Mo Mo's hand shone with pink brilliance, and the ax fell with one strike, directly cutting the gears of the conveyor belt in half, and the machine stopped abruptly again.

Huh huh? !

The soul-devouring pig demon rolled his eyes again, and a jet of black evil spirit spread out, turning into several arms, skillfully repairing the broken gears in just a few seconds, just like a master who has been in maintenance work for decades As before, the machine started again.


That's pretty awesome!

It can even repair machines.

How much potential has this product been stimulated on the road of foodie!
Silence originally wanted to use the mechanical stop to anger the pig demon, causing it to be swallowed by desire and fall into madness.

Finally, he shot and killed the pig demon who lost his mind.

Now it seems that this method is completely unworkable, the other party's IQ is very high, and it is obvious that ordinary routines cannot be fooled.

Silence fell into contemplation, what should I do next?You can't just watch the pig demon devour the living souls of the same kind.

Ding!Suddenly, there is a solution to silence!
I saw Shen Mo came to the conveyor belt again, stepped on the mechanical shelf, so that he could just touch the dead pig.

Then, Shen Mo gently put his hand on the meat pig whose soul had not been devoured by the soul-devouring pig demon.

hum!Before the living soul of the meat pig left the body, it was rescued by the power of purification and re-entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Soul Devouring Pig Demon: "???"

Purify!Another pig's soul was saved.

Soul Devouring Pig Demon: "!!!"

One more cleanse!
It finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The human being in front of him is not a worker who manages the machine, but an enemy who has come to grab food from it.

How could the soul-devouring pig demon endure his own food being cut off by others.

With the end of the roar, the soul-devouring pig demon shook its huge pig head. Every time it moved, the fat on the pig's head would vibrate like water ripples, which was very joyful.

The pig demon jumped down from the hanging mechanical arm with all his strength, and stared at Shen Mo with bloodshot pig eyes, as if he would eat him up to the bone in the next second.

"" The Soul-devouring Pig Demon hummed a few simple words, struggling to get up from the ground, but something more festive happened.

I saw the huge pig's head rolling to the ground, tossing and wriggling constantly on the ground, but it didn't even move a distance of [-] centimeters.

Hoo hoo!The Soul-devouring pig demon gasped heavily, bean-sized beads of sweat flowed down from its forehead, fell to the ground, and immediately turned into black evil energy when it touched the soil.

It's too fat!

The fat one can't even walk!
The soul-devouring pig demon I met before Silence was only the size of a basketball, able to fly through the air without being affected by gravity.

And this pig's head, which was four meters big, struggled to get up from the ground.

The Soul-devouring Pig Demon also seemed to have discovered its own problem. It roared, and countless black evil spirits began to spread from the huge pig's head, turning into countless ferocious pig hooves, and slammed towards Silence viciously.

That humming sound seemed to say, "This pig is going to smash you to death with countless pig's hooves!"

 A friend's book [I Can See Experience Points] authored by Hongyan Sanqian, Ling Dang and Hongyan made an indescribable py transaction in private.

  I just started reading his books, and the first time I ordered a high-quality book, just relying on the beauty's coquettish work, his books will not be simple, everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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