The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 135 How Many Good Sisters Do You Have?

Chapter 135 How Many Good Sisters Do You Have?
Meng Tingwei sings very well.

How many good sisters do you have, and why is every sister so haggard;
How many good sisters do you have, and why every sister has tears in her eyes.

Shen Mo swears that there is absolutely no so-called good sister in his memory, but why does a young girl suddenly appear and call him Brother Shen?

With doubts in his heart, Shen Mo put down the car window and cast his eyes on the girl outside the window.

Hey!Don't tell me, Shen Mo really knows her, and she calls Shen Mo brother Shen, there is no problem.

The girl standing outside the car window is none other than Huang Xiaojiao, a senior student at Yancheng University, the female college student who was cheated because of an online loan before and silently helped her.

"So it's you, who am I?" Silence felt relieved and asked, "Why are you here?"

Huang Xiaojiao seemed a little cautious in the face of the silence, and she said weakly, "I'm about to graduate soon, and I went out to have dinner with my classmates, and I just met you."

Silently stunned, Wei Wei recalled that in the Jianguo cafeteria, she had actually seen a group of college students having dinner together, but she didn't expect Huang Xiaojiao to be there.

According to this, Huang Xiaojiao witnessed the silent gluttonous feast and the whole process of being invited out of the cafeteria by the manager.

Isn't that silent in Huang Xiaojiao's heart tall and handsome, with a positive image full of justice?
A man who would be asked to leave after eating a buffet is such a man that girls are afraid of.

cough cough!Silence coughed twice to divert the awkward chat topic.

"Is there something you want from me?"

Huang Xiaojiao shook her head, then couldn't help but nodded, "Thank you for helping me before, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would have become."

Silently shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "It's just a matter of little effort, besides, your matter is mainly solved by the Bulls, I just did what I should do."

Huang Xiaojiao smiled shyly and said gratefully, "I understand, it's just a small effort for you, but it's a help to change my destiny for me. I have nothing to repay you, only..."

Mo Mo was startled, hearing Huang Xiaojiao's tone, could it be that she wanted to promise something with her body?

What era is this, it can't be so bloody.

Huang Xiaojiao murmured with a flushed face, "I can only help you do what you can."

"What I can do?" Shen Mo was stunned. Could it be that another idiom has fallen into the trap?

"Like what?" Shen Mo asked curiously.

"I can take you to the nearest cafeteria where I worked during the summer."

Oh no!It turned out that Silence thought too much.

The things within one's ability turned out to refer to leading the way, not some weird things.

The silence immediately became dull, and he refused, "Don't bother you, I have a navigation in the car, and besides, it's definitely inappropriate for you to go alone when you have dinner with your classmates."

"It's okay, I'll tell them that I'm not feeling well, so I'll leave first," Huang Xiaojiao was a little anxious when she saw Shen Mo's refusal, and hurriedly fought for it, "I will find a way to repay you for the kindness I owe you, please give me one Chance."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and looked at Huang Xiaojiao again. Although she was dressed plainly, she had a good foundation, and she would definitely be a beauty if she dressed up a little.

But why is this clingy character so unlikable?
After all, Mo Mo doesn't like girls who are too proactive.

Even with the sign of repaying his favor, he couldn't pester him so blatantly.

The last time she took the initiative to provoke the Silent female ghost, she was already crushed.

There is an old saying that is good, it is too easy to get on the kang, but it is difficult to get off.

Silence has always been against women.

"Since you are so anxious to repay your favor, let me ask you a question!"

Huang Xiaojiao froze for a moment, then nodded quickly, blinking her eyes and staring at Shen Mo expectantly.


Silence asked solemnly.

"Do you think there are bullets in my gun?"

Huang Xiaojiao: "???"

She looked surprised, and she was a little caught off guard when faced with silent and strange questions, and she was at a loss and didn't know how to answer.

Silence saw that Huang Xiaojiao hadn't answered for a long time, and raised a slight smile, "I bet you don't have bullets for your gun."

Huang Xiaojiao: "???"

What kind of strange question is this asking and answering, what does he mean?
Shen Mo shook his head helplessly, and sighed, "You are not on the same channel as me, sorry for the interruption."

After the words fell, before Huang Xiaojiao could react, she kicked the gas pedal silently and flew away, leaving Huang Xiaojiao standing there dumbly.

She looked at the buttocks of the BMW driving away from her, with an imperceptible hatred on her face. The words of repaying her gratitude that she kept saying before seemed so pale and powerless at this moment.

The ancients said that poor people must have something to hate.

Huang Xiaojiao, who was caught in the trap of online loans, may not be as pitiful as she said.

So, boys, you must protect yourself outside.

Don't be dazzled by beauty.

After experiencing Huang Xiaojiao's episode, Shen Mo's physical hunger subsided a lot, and he was not in the mood to go to the next cafeteria, so he drove towards the old city.

Laifu Wood Carving Shop will soon be renovated, and it's time to prepare a new signboard for her.

There is an old carpenter in the old town who specializes in signboard business. His craftsmanship is very superb and he is quite famous in the circle. The younger generations respect him as Master Tan.

Why didn't Mo Mo carve a signboard for Laifu Woodcarving Shop himself? It was because he wanted to go to the old town to meet Master Tan.

In Laifu's memory, Master Tan once taught him his woodcarving skills, and he was regarded as half of his master.

When Lai Fu was still alive, he always liked to bring Master Tan's favorite sugar-coated oil cake to him to catch up with him.

Asking him to carve a signboard for Laifu Wood Carving Shop is definitely more valuable and meaningful than Shen Mo's carving out by himself.

Mo Mo parked the car, bought a sugar-coated oil cake for [-] yuan at the alley in the old city, walked along the winding alley, and after a lot of effort, finally found Master Tan's home.

This is a traditional green brick and tile house. There are a lot of logs used to make signs outside the door. The door is open, and the sound of cutting wood keeps coming from inside. Obviously, the people inside are busy.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, he hesitated for a few moments, then stepped into the door, walked through the front hall where the semi-finished signboard was placed, and soon saw the apprentice who was processing the log, and the Tang suit who was engrossed in carving the work with a carving knife in his hand. old man.

This old man in Tang suit is Master Tan, who is very famous in the woodcarving world, and he was nicknamed Tan Sandao.

It is said that he once carved three finishing touches on a woodcarving work, making an ordinary work reach the level of a master in an instant.

When the apprentices saw Silence, they also recognized Silence's identity, nodded slightly as a greeting,
Nodding with a silent smile, he pointed to the sugar-coated oil cake in his hand, and walked straight to Master Tan.

He didn't bother Master Tan, even though the sound of cutting logs was already very noisy, but in Master Tan's words, he could carve the most perfect work only by listening to the sound of cutting logs.

This may be the strange taste of the masters.

Silently waited aside, looking at the works that Master Tan was completing with eyes of appreciation and learning.

This is a wooden screen hanging on the wall. It is carved with the essence of "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" painted by Shen Quan in the Qing Dynasty and landed on the wooden screen.

I saw the phoenix falling on the branch, and all the birds worshiped.It is breathtakingly beautiful.

Silently marveled at Master Tan's exquisite skills, but looked at Master Tan with more solemn and hesitant eyes, and sighed.

"A generation of masters Tan Sandao - immortal!"

Master Tan froze the carving knife in his hand, turned around suddenly, and stared at Shen Mo with strange eyes.

"Laifu, what did you say?!"

 For the convenience of reading, the main characters are all named after Silence. This chapter has a special plot, so it is called "Laifu".

(End of this chapter)

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