The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 138 The Stepfather of the Contract

Chapter 138 The Stepfather of the Contract

A new day has begun.

Mo Mo stretched his waist happily, he was not in a hurry to get up, the decoration downstairs has been completed, there is no need to get up early to open the door for the workers and masters, and the matter of overcoming the bureau is only short of a written report, and he is not in a hurry to hand it in, so he just lay down Sleep a little longer in bed and enjoy this hard-earned leisure time.

From time to time, the sound of Nan Nan typing on the keyboard can be heard at the computer desk. Before Shen Mo woke up, she had already started to fight the Summoner Canyon. Pick it up and give him a fat beating.

"Ah! This stupid dog head gave 10 heads to the opponent's weapon in 13 minutes, how can you beat it!" Nan Nan smashed the keyboard angrily, immediately attracting silent attention.

He frowned slightly, stood up half-supported, and looked at the angry Nan Nan with interest.

"Nannan, with your luck, shouldn't all of your teammates be matched against each other?"

Nan Nan pouted, and said solemnly and contemptuously, "Nan Nan dismisses victories won by luck."

Silence was speechless, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This is really in line with the old saying that people often desire what they lack the most, and demons are no exception.

Those without money long for money, those without power long for power, and those without love long for love.

The strongest bastard in history like Nannan who can rely on luck to win, actually abandons his most powerful European Emperor attribute and wants to win by strength.

Mo Mo couldn't help giving Nan Nan a thumbs up, praising her competitive sportsmanship.

But just as Shen Mo was about to speak, Nan Nan yelled angrily and roared, "Ah, the weapon cut me to death again, you wait for Ben Nannan, Nan Nan wants to activate the luck attribute, 100% crit plus Buddha dodge There is no way to get rid of the skills, and the headwind is super god!"

Mo Mo was speechless, and could only talk about the current world, not only women's words could not be believed, even the words of pure goblins could not be believed.

He pursed his lips, and after Nan Nan's troubles, he was completely sleepy, so he looked away from Nan Nan, turned over, and faced the wall, ready to check the daily tasks after refreshing.

Open the list of daily tasks.

[Simple task (main world): Lin Linger's wish]

Lin Linger, a sea and lake ghost who studied at Yancheng University, got rid of the shackles of the earth-binding spirit due to unknown factors, and the family love that had been suppressed in her heart for four years broke out, causing her to fall into pain and depression, and suffered a lot. Please help her to end it tie down.

[Task Reward: 20 Reiki]

[General Mission (Main World): Contact Lens]

I don’t know when the legend spread in the south of Yancheng City. Girls who haven’t returned home at twelve o’clock in the morning will be attracted by some kind of magic power and step into the mysterious optical shop hidden in the mist. They only need to wear the contact lenses of the owner of the optical shop , any dream can come true.

Gao Jie believed in this legend, successfully found the optical shop, and put on contact lenses, but things didn't go as she wished, various supernatural events kept popping up, and she almost collapsed...

Please help Gao Jie get rid of the curse of contact lenses and unlock the secrets of contact lenses.

[Mission reward: 100 aura, sharpshooter's 8x scope. 】

[Sharpshooter's 8x scope: This is a special sight used by sharpshooters. With it, you can see everything you want to see. 】

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): Stepfather of the Qi Demon]

Alice is an intellectual woman with a successful career, but unfortunately her husband passed away early, leaving behind her eldest daughter Jasmine and six-year-old daughter Gina, the three depend on each other.

You will appear in their lives as the silent stepfather.

But soon you discovered that this home is not simple, Qimo has signed a life and death contract with you.

Qimo's life and death contract:
1 The Qimo is hidden among the three of Alice, please confirm the identity of the Qiqi within three days.

2 Before confirming the identity of the Qiqiu, you cannot kill or injure the three of Alice, and similarly, the Qiqiu cannot kill or injure you.

3 After confirming the identity of the Qiemo, the contract will determine the outcome. If you find the Qiemo, you will win. If you fail to find the Qiemo, it will win and take your soul. (There is no death in the mirror world, it is protected by the system, and you will fall into a weak state for 24 hours.)
Qi Mo: Do ​​you dare to bet big with me?How about the bet is your soul?
[Task reward: 200 aura, props: Qimo's master-servant contract, a pocket jar of earth and earth]

[Qimo's master-servant contract: This is a sacred contract protected by the God of Contract. The contractor and the contractee can use its power to determine the master-servant relationship. 】

[Effect of master-servant contract:
1 The contractor will enslave the contractee from the soul level.

2 When the contractor suffers fatal damage, part of the damage can be transferred to the contractee.

3 If the contractor dies, the contracted person will die, and the contracted person will die, and the master-servant contract will be terminated (the quota of the master-servant contract is still occupied).

4 The master-servant contract cannot be canceled, and the number of master-servant contracts shall not exceed five. 】

After silently reading the introduction to the daily tasks, all his thoughts were on the first simple task.

Lin Ling'er got rid of the shackles of the Earth Binding Spirit?Aren't water ghosts freed from bondage only by finding a scapegoat?Could it be that Ling'er has already found a scapegoat?her wish?Does she want to go home and have a look?

There were 1 whys in Shen Mo's heart, and finally he knew why Lin Ling'er didn't come to him last night, she was relieved of her feelings, and a new concern arose.

Shen Mo smiled slightly, and based on his friendship with Lin Linger, her matter was Mo Mo's matter.

Lin Linger's wish, Silence, will definitely help her fulfill it.

However, silence will not accept this task.

Because he can only receive one daily task a day, it is no problem for him to help Lin Linger after completing the task. There is no need to miss the opportunity to get more rewards because of the friendship between the two.

So Shen Mo kept Lin Ling'er's affairs in mind, and then set his sights on the next task.

Contact lenses? !
What happened in the south of Yancheng.

This task is silent and there is no rush to claim it. This is a task that can be reported to the Super Bureau to receive a subsidy, and there is no need to conflict with the daily task.

In the end, the choice of silence naturally fell on the nightmare level task.

After reading the mission introduction again, Mo Mo didn't know how to describe this mission.

The stepfather of the contract!
This time he will enter the mirror world as a stepfather, and sign a life-and-death contract with the so-called Qiemo.

Judging from this contract, his current strength is almost useless, and he can rely on his excellent IQ to lock the identity of the Qimo.

At first glance, this task looks very simple, but after careful consideration, there are many unknown secrets hidden.

Take this contract as an example, it has a large gray area.

Although I don't know who has the final right to interpret this contract, but it is undeniable that this task is to fight wits and courage with Qi Mo among the three women.

Hmm~~~~ Thinking about it carefully, it seems very interesting.

Then choose it.

Shen Mo really wanted to experience what it was like to be a stepfather!

(End of this chapter)

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