The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 143 Lost the game and won the bet

Chapter 143 Lost the game and won the bet
The so-called Three Immortals Returning to the Cave is a very old street trick. The trick is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is a fast word, a quick bowl turning action, plus fingers to control the number of small balls in the bowl, and control the rhythm of the trick.

Play six up, want to let it have as many as there are.

Alice looked at the empty dining table and was very puzzled. There was really not a single cherry under the three porcelain bowls, but she just saw three cherries stuck inside.

Jasmine also frowned, stunned by the miraculous scene before her.

Da da da!Shen Mo closed the mouth of the bowl again, put on a posture, and continued to ask, "Jasmine, guess how many cherries are in my bowl?"

"If I guess, there is not one."

Silence did not explain, and opened the porcelain bowls one by one.

"You are wrong. There is one in each bowl, and there are three cherries in total."

Jasmine was stunned, the cherry that had just disappeared had actually returned.

"Gina, it's your turn. Guess how many cherries are in the china bowl?"

Gina's eyes were fixed, and she struggled for a long time, then she jumped down and walked straight to Shen Mo's side.

"I guess there are two in the china bowl."

Before the words fell, Gina opened the porcelain bowl suddenly before waiting for Shen Mo to make a move, revealing the number of cherries inside.

"Why is there only one cherry? I clearly saw that you hid a cherry. Why is there only one left?"

Gina asked very surprised, which aroused the curious eyes of Alice and Jasmine.

"What did you see?" Silence asked.

"I saw my father's hand take away the cherries in the porcelain bowl the moment he opened it."

Silence: "You are really capable!"

Gina: "???"

Mo Mo said bluntly, "My hand speed is famous in our village, and you can see it, it's really not easy!"

Mo Mo spread his hands, and two cherries appeared in his hands.

"Actually, you guessed right. There should indeed be two cherries inside, but at the moment you jumped off the dining table, I took another one away while you were not paying attention."

"You mean, I made the right bet?" Gina narrowed her eyes unwillingly.

Shrugging indifferently in silence, "The trick of the Three Immortals Returning to the Cave, there is actually no winning or losing, but if you are so fond of gambling, then you will win."

Alice frowned slightly, and she realized that the conversation between Silence and Gina became more and more strange, not like a conversation between father and daughter, but like two gamblers playing games.

"Hey, I won!" Gina's face showed the ecstasy of a gambler.

And Shen Mo who lost the game is not only not sad, but very happy.

Although he lost the game, he won the bet.

Qimo, to put it bluntly, is a demon who likes to gamble with others. It must be a big gambler who is addicted to gambling. If you want to find it among the three of Alice, as long as you arouse its gambling nature, you will be able to find it. It is possible to determine the identity of Qimo.

Shen Mo hadn't practiced the trick of the Three Immortals Returning to the Cave before, but with his physical fitness and agility that were far more than twice that of ordinary people, it was definitely enough to use this trick to try out Qimo.

In fact, Shen Mo really used this set of tricks to find out the Qi Mo hidden among the three of Alice.

Confirming the identity of Qimo, Mo Mo immediately submitted the task without hesitation.

[Bing Ding: Sorry, stepfather's copy has ended in a hurry. There were still a lot of old drivers who wanted to write, but giant monsters appeared in the background, and the stepfather chapter was frequently deleted and modified. In desperation, it had to end like this.Hey, let’s be in awe of the river crab god]

【I'm sure the Qimo is Gina】

【Ding! 】

[Nightmare-level mission: The stepfather of Qimo, the mission is completed. 】

[Task reward: 200 aura, props: Qimo's master-servant contract, a pocket pot of earth pot]

[Qimo's master-servant contract: This is a sacred contract protected by the God of Contract. The contractor and the contractee can use its power to determine the master-servant relationship. 】

As the mission reward sounded in his mind, everything in front of Shen Mo became unreal. The originally cute and cute Gina showed a hideous and terrifying face, and her body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a head full of living souls. hell demon.

She frantically roared angrily towards the place where the silence disappeared, and the living souls all over her body bared their teeth and claws, howling in pain, which made the whole room start to tremble.

Alice and Jasmine seemed to be still, maintaining a movement without noticing it.

When the silence disappeared, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

But the Qimo, who turned into Gina again, quietly looked at the three small porcelain bowls on the dining table in a daze.

The bedroom of Laifu woodcarving shop.

Mo Mo slowly opened his eyes, and immediately checked the mission rewards he had obtained.

Level: Level 6 (Aura 250/2000)

In the personal warehouse, a sheepskin scroll full of ancient charm lay quietly in it. With a thought, the sheepskin scroll appeared in Shen Mo's hands.

The perfect combination of soft touch and frosted touch, a mysterious force continuously emerges from the scroll, allowing Shen Mo to clearly perceive the function of this scroll.

A master-servant contract, to put it bluntly, is a pet contract, what a powerful and practical tool.

Almost every strong man will choose to grab a powerful creature to sign a master-servant contract, so as to raise his strength to a higher level.

Although Shen Mo is not yet a strong man, but with this wool scroll, he has the right and opportunity to choose a pet.

Who should he choose as his first pet?

Silently set his eyes on the rhubarb woodcarving and the demon body woodcarving.

No, neither of them qualify as silent personal pets.

Because the function of the dog egg is a dog-shaped self-propelled return blue weapon, the function of Nannan is to use it for luck.

The two of them didn't directly increase their combat power against Silence, so there was absolutely no need to waste the master-servant contract.

So, who else?

After thinking about it silently, there is really no suitable choice to sign a master-servant contract with him at the moment. If the corpse king Tatar in the Yuan tomb is still alive, he is a good choice.

It's a pity that the corpse king Tatar has been overthrown by silence.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to put away the master-servant contract, and it would not be too late to take it out when he met a suitable pet in the future.

Putting away the master-servant contract, Mo Mo took out the pocket jar of the earth jar that he had just obtained from his personal warehouse.

According to the usual practice, Nan Nan was responsible for opening the pocket jars.

This time is of course no exception.

Silence summoned Nan Nan from the demon body wood carving, handed the earthen pot to her, and said expectantly, "Nan Nan, you can't help when you're in Qi Demon, but now it's time to show your skills. "

Nan Nan pouted, grabbed a pinch, and opened the pocket pot in her hand. As the brilliance dissipated, the props inside revealed her figure.

【Teleportation potion】

[Teleportation potion:
Rarity: Rare

Attribute: consumable
Use this potion to teleport yourself to any location in another area. 】

(End of this chapter)

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