The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 145 You Are Professional After All

Chapter 145 You Are Professional After All

Lin Linger looked puzzled, she really felt that Mo Mo was a good person from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't understand why Mo Mo was unhappy.

Does this need to be explained?

Mo Mo was issued a good person card just now, or a good person card issued by a little water ghost.

No one would be happy about this.

Because the good person card also has a very nice name called spare tire, followed by a series of pet names such as licking dog, honest man, and panxia.

These are very good people of great reputation.

Can silence be the same as them?Not the same, absolutely not the same.Since they are different, how can they accept Lin Linger's card as a good person.

Silence emphasized, "Ling'er, you have to remember that I am not a good person."

Lin Linger shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "It doesn't matter whether you are a good person or not. The important thing is that I really thank you. Zhang Ailing once said that men are kind to women for a reason. Apart from love, I'm afraid there will be no other reason." I can't find a second reason. So, you must like me, right?"

Silence: "Huh?!"

Mo Mo looked confused, this is all going on, how did it involve the question of whether he likes it or not.

Lin Linger deserves to be Zhang Ailing's diehard fan, this small literary atmosphere is too strong and unscrupulous.

Although Lin Linger Zhang is quite good-looking, with a good figure and a good personality, being a ghost can give people unimaginable happiness.

But Shen Mo really didn't have the idea of ​​overreaching Lin Linger. The reason why he was willing to help Lin Linger was purely out of pure brotherhood.

I treat you like a brother, but you actually want to sleep with me.

Silence strongly condemned Lin Linger's unkindness.

Seeing Shen Mo's embarrassing expression, Lin Ling'er became more and more happy, and all the displeasure in her heart was left behind. She knew that now was not the time to worry about this issue, Mo Mo must be shy.

I didn't expect that a man of his age would be shy sometimes.

Lin Linger changed the subject and said, "So, little Momo. When are we going back to my house to meet my parents?"

Mo Mo was shocked, goosebumps arose in an instant, and he murmured, "Little Mo Mo?! Huh... so sour. You should call me Brother Shen, or Brother Mo. You can call me Mo Mo as you like. Is it?"

"It's all good, it's just a title." Lin Ling'er smiled more happily, "You haven't answered my question yet, when are we going to meet my parents?"

Cough cough, the silence turned serious, "Don't worry, I still have some things to deal with at hand, and we will set off after we finish."

Lin Linger was obviously a little disappointed. She was silent for a while and asked, "What's the matter? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

"It's all small things, you can't help..." Before Shen Mo finished speaking, a flash of inspiration suddenly remembered that Lin Ling'er in front of her was majoring in Chinese language and literature, and this major could just help him.

"Since you want to help, there is just one thing you can help with." Mo Mo said with a smirk, "Can you help me write a [-]-word written report?"

Lin Linger: "???"

Written report?Aren't you the owner of the woodcarving shop?Now the boss is writing a written report overnight.

Seeing that Lin Linger did not object, Mo Mo explained to her part of the situation in Yuan Tomb.

"You know, I want an excellent report that is profound, without revealing my strength, and can get a lot of credit. Can you write it?"

Lin Ling'er tilted her head and pondered for a while, "Small things, I will take care of myself. Do you want the vernacular version or the classical Chinese version?"

Silently stunned, this thing can also write classical Chinese?Is the Chinese language and literature major so six?
"It's in vernacular. We don't understand the classical Chinese version either."

"Okay! Leave it to me, you can come and pick it up at night." Lin Linger said that she was about to plunge into the sea lake, but was stopped by Shen Mo.

"Hi! You are not an earth-bound spirit anymore, why are you still the same as before, just playing in the water when you have nothing to do? Can you write electronic written reports in the water? Do your nonsense, come home with me, and use the computer to write."


When Lin Linger heard that she could go home with Shen Mo, she was very happy, "This is the first time that someone went to your house during the day, and they always went at night before."

Mo Mo felt that this sounded strange, but he couldn't figure out why it was so strange. He was used to Lin Linger's literary and artistic atmosphere, so he shrugged and ignored it.

Ever since, Shen Mo took Lin Linger back to the Laifu woodcarving shop, and after dealing with Nan Nan for a while, he finally obtained the temporary right to use the computer from Nan Nan.

Leave Lin Ling'er in the bedroom and let her finish the written report, while Shen Mo prepares to go to the south of the city alone to deal with the contact lens shop incident.

According to the process, Mo Mo first reported the contact lens incident to her in Weixin@野京马三十三, and after obtaining the record and mission permission, he embarked on the journey to the south of the city.

At the same time, Yanjing Ma Shisan also told Shen Mo that the subsidy for the two incidents of the Yuan Tomb and Ren's joint pig farm will be submitted to him in written reports, and the review will be issued smoothly after the review, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Silence didn't care about this at all. Since joining the Super Bureau, money is a series of numbers to him. He has no desire for money, and he only wants to make this series of numbers infinite.

The more balances displayed on Weixin and Alipay, the more at ease Shen Mo felt.

Driving Zhang Jiayi's BMW X1, he murmured silently, "When the task subsidy comes down this time, it's time to change to another car. It's not good to always drive someone else's car. An old driver must have his own car." car."

Drop drop!
Honk the horn, startled the passers-by who were blocking the way, and sped silently on the road in Yancheng. It didn't take long to reach the south of Yancheng.

The south of Yancheng is more remote than the north of the city. It is notoriously deserted here. Although several communities have been built, no one wants to live in the south of the city. As a result, the communities have been reduced to ghost towns. On the spacious roads, few cars have been seen for a long time. , On the bleak sidewalk, there is no one inhabited.

Here is the aftermath left by the rapid development of the city.

However, the south of the city is not useless, because there is a very different street in the south of the city. It is the place with the highest GDP contribution in the whole south of the city. It is deserted during the day, but it is very lively at night.

It is a gai for foot therapy.

The low rent has led a large number of bathing and foot therapy shops to choose to take root in the south of the city. They work day and night, working hard to contribute to the health and wellness of the public.

Of course, bathing and pedicure here are very formal.

Informal ones have long been banned, or are hidden in some unknown corners. When you wander in the deep and dark alleys at night, you suddenly find a nameless shop with no signboard but lights on. Maybe you I can spot them, but I advise everyone, if there is no business, there will be no harm, keep yourself clean, and take care of yourself.

Mo Mo walked alone on the pedicure avenue, the daytime here was unusually deserted, the doors of the shops on both sides were closed tightly, and there was only one [Little Supermarket] and a 24-hour self-service Chengren store in the whole street.

Mo Mo took a deep breath, thinking about whether he should wait until night to come again, but then he thought that he didn't come here to keep in good health, wouldn't it be the same during the day and at night.

With the pretext of buying a pack of cigarettes, Mo Mo walked into the small supermarket, wanting to inquire about the legend about the contact lens shop.

Although the beautiful small supermarket is called a supermarket, it is smaller than the general store. It is not big inside and the variety of goods is not rich, but it is enough to meet the daily needs of this street.

Shen Mo pushed the door open and entered, his eyes fell on the proprietress behind the bar who was watching a certain TV series.

"Get a pack of cigarettes!"

The proprietress is a woman in her 30s. She wears thick but not excessive makeup. Her clothes are in line with the temperament of this street, giving people a sense of maturity that has survived the wind and rain but still retains its charm.

"What cigarettes?" The proprietress gave her a silent look, as if she was curious about how a new face would come here at this point, but she didn't ask too much. After all, this is just a small business, and who cares.

"Here comes a box of King Furong."

"Soft or hard? What color?"

Silently surprised, King Furong still has soft and hard points?Are you still divided?
(End of this chapter)

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