The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 147 Don't Touch My Woman

Chapter 147 Don't Touch My Woman

Am I happy?

Silence replied, "Of course, I am very happy."

The girl ignored the silent answer and continued to repeat the question just now, like a puppet that lost its soul, without any sense.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, stepped forward, and with one move with one hand, the power of purification was activated, enveloping the girl completely.

The milky white halo spread along the girl's messy hairline to her whole body, and her empty eyes gradually revealed the brilliance of wisdom.

It didn't take long before the girl finally woke up. She looked around in surprise, and when she found herself in a state of distress and the silence beside her, she immediately let out a loud exclamation.

"Help, ****!"

Her voice was loud, in stark contrast to her weak appearance, but in contrast to Silence, not only did she not panic, but she also stared at the girl with interest.

"Keep screaming, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."

The girl was stunned, and wanted to struggle to get up from the ground, but failed several times due to lack of physical strength.

The panic for a moment, coupled with the calm and calm silence, gradually made the girl calm down.

She looked at Silence carefully, her memory flashed back, and she gradually regained her senses.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

Silently replied, "Before asking someone's name, you should introduce yourself first, and where is this place, don't you have anything to count?"

The silent words made the girl fall into memories. She pondered for a while, her brows were tightly frowned, and extreme fear and anxiety soon appeared on her pale face.

"My name is Gao Jie. I can't take off the contact lenses I'm wearing. I wanted to ask the owner of the optical shop to take them off last night. Then, he...he put them on..."

Gao Jie's eyes flustered, and her lips and teeth became blurred. Obviously, she already knew what happened last night.

It's just that she didn't dare to say it, and she was too embarrassed to say it.

Silence didn't care how happy Gao Jie was last night, he was sure that the girl's identity was Gao Jie mentioned in the mission briefing, and he had a plan in mind.

Rescue her out, and then have a heart-to-heart talk with the owner of the optical shop.

Mo Mo looked at Gao Jie who was at a loss, and taught him a lesson.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and there is no good thing like a pie in the sky. The evil causes you planted yourself, and the evil results you reaped, you have to bear it yourself, understand."

Gao Jie was stunned and stood there, regretting not being as good as before.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't believe the legends of the optical shop. When I first put on the contact lenses, I was really lucky. I could always meet some big bosses with big money. But it didn't take long before I realized something was wrong. This I couldn't take off my double contact lenses, and every night, I had the illusion that a man had climbed into my bed."

"I thought it was just a dream, but as my body and mind got weaker and weaker, I realized there was definitely something wrong with the contact lenses."

"I wanted to find the owner of the optical shop and ask him to take off the contact lenses, but I didn't expect...he is the man who appears in my dreams every day."

"He...he's a demon."

Gao Jie recounted what happened during this period, and tears of regret had already flowed down her cheeks.

Shen Mo comforted him, "Crying can't solve the problem, you should be glad that you are still alive, it's just that your vitality has been greatly damaged, and your life span of more than ten years has been lost."

"What? Ten years of longevity! You mean I will die ten years earlier than others." Gao Jie's eyes widened, unwilling to accept this reality.

"Don't think so," said silently with a poisonous tongue, "it's possible that you have a shorter life than others. Only King Yama knows how long you will live."

Ten thousand beasts roared past Gao Jie's heart, but he didn't dare to refute the man in front of him, because his intuition told her that this man was not simple.

"You... no, handsome guy." Gao Jie temporarily suppressed the sadness in her heart, and changed the subject, "You haven't answered my question yet, who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you know that I am the one who can save your life, that's enough."

After Shen Mo finished speaking, he approached Gao Jie, raised her chin with his index finger, lifted her head slightly, and stared carefully at her eyes.

"Come on, open your eyes and let me see the contact lenses you mentioned."

Gao Jie seemed a little flustered, but she still tried her best to cooperate with the silence. Subconsciously, she began to trust the man in front of her, because he gave people a very reliable sense of security.

Mo Mo took a few breaths carefully, with the naked eye it was impossible to tell that Gao Jie was wearing contact lenses, and there was clearly nothing on her eyeballs.

So Shen Mo opened his spiritual sense and looked into Gao Jie's eyes again.

hum!A chilling scene happened. Gao Jie's eyes, which were originally clear, turned into pale ghost pupils that ghosts would have in the next moment. Strong resentment continued to overflow from the ghost pupils, eroding Gao Jie's body and spirit. .

What kind of contact lenses are these? They are clearly the ghost pupils of ghosts.

The owner of the optical shop uses this kind of ghost pupil control to eat away at Gao Jie's body and essence.

Knowing the truth about the contact lenses, Mo Mo prepares to help Gao Jie take off the ghost pupil.

Just as Shen Mo was about to make a move, a strange change occurred on the second floor of the dilapidated optical shop.

The surrounding scene has changed drastically, and it is as illusory as a dream bubble. When Shen Mo and Gao Jie regained their senses, they have been pulled into the ghost by a mysterious force.

"Don't touch my woman!"

A man's voice full of viciousness and hatred sounded from behind the silence.

Shen Mo turned around and looked at the man, who was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking polite.

"It's him, it's him, he's the owner of the optical shop." Seeing the man screaming again and again, Gao Jie panicked and hid behind Shen Mo.

The man had a dark expression on his face, and he said with a strange smile, "Hey, Xiao Jiejie. That's not what you said when we were happy last night."


"Aren't you disgusting?" the man said, his eyes flashed with dazzling white light, and the next moment, Gao Jie, who was still about to refute, froze on the spot, lost consciousness in a daze, and was controlled by the man like a marionette on a string.

"Xiao Jiejie, your body is useless to me. If that's the case, you can warm up and kill this man for me."

Gao Jie swayed her body, swayed and raised her arms, under the control of the man, she wanted to fall silently.

How can Shen Mo, who has twice the physical fitness of ordinary people, be knocked down by Gao Jie on the spot?
In this world, there is only the woman he throws down, how can there be a woman who can throw him down? !

Silently click on the foot, and activate the secret skill.

Jump left and right!

The high-speed swaying body perfectly avoided Gao Jie's pounce, and the minotaur's phantom battle ax appeared in his hand, slashing the ax face, directly threw Gao Jie several meters away, and hit the wall unconscious.

Gao Jie was repelled with one blow, and Shen Mo pointed the phantom battle ax at the man.

"Next, it's your turn."

The owner of the optical shop sneered, "Do you think it would be great to defeat Xiao Jiejie? Let me tell you, you are now my ghost, and this is my home field."

(End of this chapter)

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