The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 149 I'll Give You Free

Chapter 149 I'll Give You Free

What will Lin Linger's ghost be like?

The man with glasses was burned to death, and his ghost creature was a sea of ​​flames. According to this reasoning, even if Lin Linger could really have ghost creature, it would be a small lake.

The lake water is obviously not as powerful as the monstrous sea of ​​flames.

You can't let the enemy come, you spray the opponent's face with water, and then howl like ghosts and wolves, I will drown you.

This style of painting doesn't match Lin Linger's temperament at all!
"Don't think about it, just try it later and you'll know."

Shen Mo shook his head to dispel the scattered thoughts, his eyes fell on the ghost creature that was about to collapse, and Gao Jie lying on the ground was still awake.

So Shen Mo stepped forward, came to her side, leaned down, peeled off her eyelids with his hands, and opened his spiritual sense to perceive the other party's eyes.

The pale ghost pupils had long since disappeared, replaced by Gao Jie's original normal pupils.

It seems that the contact lens of the man with glasses has dissipated with his death, and no longer erodes Gao Jie's body and spirit. She is free and safe.

Shen Mo was about to take out his mobile phone and contact Niu Dui to deal with the follow-up matters, but just as he took out the mobile phone, Gao Jie on the ground faintly woke up.

She murmured a few times and groaned weakly. It was obvious that being controlled by the man with glasses exhausted her energy and made her already weak body even more overwhelmed.

"Am I still alive?"

Gao Jie looked up at Silence, and asked eagerly.

"You can't die if I'm here. The owner of the optical shop has been eliminated by me. You're fine now."

"Really?!" Gao Jie quickly touched her eyes, the discomfort of the contact lenses had disappeared, and although she was still weak, her condition had indeed begun to improve.

"Thank you so much!"

As Gao Jie said, she wanted to stand up, but her weak body couldn't stand up from the ground at all. She tried several times, but looked at Mo Mo helplessly, "Sorry, can you help me? I have no strength. "

Facing Gao Jie's request, Shen Mo frowned slightly, he looked at the disheveled Gao Jie, and the faintly visible pale skin, feeling very entangled in his heart.

help?Still do not help?

"Please, I don't want to stay in this kind of place for a moment." Gao Jie made the request again, her eyes full of hope and longing.

Shen Mo let out a long sigh, leaned down and hugged Gao Jie, her hands wrapped around Shen Mo's neck, leaned slightly, and leaned against Shen Mo tightly.

A slight heat and soft touch touched Shen Mo's body, making him stop subconsciously, and looked down at Gao Jie in his arms, his pale face was already blushing.

"Just give me a hand, I don't need the princess to hug me."


Blame me, you don't make it clear, how do I know which kind of hug you want?
Silent was about to put her down and wanted to change her posture.

But Gao Jie spoke again, shyly said, "No, this posture is pretty good."

He was silent, secretly thought that the woman was really troublesome, and quickened his pace, preparing to carry her out of the optician's shop and throw her outside the door to wait for Team Niu to deal with it.

Before taking two steps, Gao Jie spoke again, thanking her.

"Thank you for saving my life this time, I really don't know how to thank you, or, where you send me to work, I will give you a set of services!"


Silence's footsteps paused again, he had never walked through such ups and downs in his life.

What does this little girl mean by saying this?I am a decent man, don't tempt me to commit a crime.

Gao Jie seemed to notice the strange expression of silence, and quickly explained.

"Don't get me wrong, I work in Liangzi Foot Bath, which is a very formal bathing center. To tell you the truth, my massage skills are very good, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Silent and silent, secretly thought in his heart.How had he come across such a woman?Are good men so attractive to women?
Hey, so annoying!You say you are angry.

Shen Mo snorted coldly, did not answer Gao Jie's words, and rushed out of the ghostly creature, the two of them only felt that the surrounding scenery had changed, and they had returned to the real world.

Shen Mo put Gao Jie by the door and said solemnly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested, so I'll leave!"

Gao Jie paused, looking at the back of Shen Mo's departure, her eyes were full of disappointment, but she still couldn't help asking, "Why? Don't you like it? Our store has a full range of services, and I'll give it to you for free. "

Silence had already stepped several meters away. Hearing Gao Jie's words, he turned his head and sneered, "Sorry, what I like is informal, what you said is too formal."

"Yeah?!" Gao Jie was stupefied, and she didn't come back to her senses for a while. By the time she wanted to obey Silence, Silence's figure had long since disappeared from her sight, leaving her alone to regret on the empty street. confused.

Sitting back in the car silently, he sneered and said, what kind of storms and waves he hasn't seen in this period of time, how can he be so easy to cross the red line.

The strong desire to survive made Shen Mo dare not look at the parts below the neck of women.

There was no words all the way, and he drove silently to go back to Laifu woodcarving shop.

After solving the optical shop incident, there are not many urgent things in front of us.

After Lin Linger finished writing the written report, and then reported the situation of Yuan Tomb to Ma Shisan, he could take Lin Linger back to her hometown to find relatives with ease, fulfilling Linger's wish.

Shen Mo glanced at the BMW steering wheel in his hand. He had been driving Zhang Jiayi's car for almost a week, and he had to go to Shangao and have a long way to go. After all, he had to return what he borrowed from others, and now it was time to return it to her.

Before Shen Mo had no money to buy a car, Zhang Jiayi repeatedly pushed the car to him, but in desperation, he borrowed it for a period of time because of his sophistication.

When the subsidy for the Yuan Tomb incident and the pig farm incident came down, the money in Shen Mo's hands would definitely be enough to buy a new car.

Some people will ask why Shen Mo has the money to buy a car instead of a house.

Because for Shen Mo, the current situation is that he has to go out on field missions every now and then, and the car is used very frequently. It is really inconvenient not to have his own car.

As for the house, it is very convenient to live on the second floor of Laifu Woodcarving Shop. There is no need to go far and wide to build a house to toss yourself.

Therefore, Shen Mo decided to buy a car first.

If this matter is placed on ordinary people, Shen Mo suggested that the big brother should not think about it, and must buy a house first.

These days, there are only cars with falling prices, but no houses with falling prices.

The real estate speculators have made money, but the car players are happy, and they have spent a lot of money.

When Shen Mo returned to Laifu Wood Carving Shop, he just got out of the car, and he saw the lame uncle squatting in front of the shop smoking a big cigarette, and Daoist Zhang Nuqing with a happy face.

There is another acquaintance beside them, that is, Zhang Pengju, the rookie who silently handed over to the Bulls.

Why is Zhang Pengju here?Wasn't he taken away by the Bulls?

Taking a closer look, Zhang Nuqing was talking with Zhang Pengju, and the two had a very happy conversation, as if they were close friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Shen Mo secretly guessed in his heart that Dui Niu probably handed Zhang Pengju over to Taoist Zhang Nuqing and asked him to be Ju'er's guide.

Hehe, with Ju'er's level of flattery, he can definitely make Zhang Nuqing feel comfortable for a long time.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Zhang Nuqing got hemorrhoids, Ju'er could lick them well.

As soon as Silence appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the three uncles.

"Amo (Shen Xiaoyou) (Brother Mo), you are finally back, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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