Chapter 151

Being studied at Yenching University is at least not life-threatening.

After Shen Mo knew that Ye Li was lost for the time being, she stopped paying attention to this issue.

After all, Yeli Lost is no matter how good-looking, cute and full of potential she is. In the final analysis, she is just an 800-year-old zombie.

Theoretically speaking, humans and zombies do not belong to the same species at all. Although the love across races is beautiful, Silence dare not try it.

Because that is so exciting!It is so exciting that even the picture is unimaginable.


Mo Mo is still young and can't afford exciting things.

After the lame uncle told Shen Mo about the follow-up situation of Yuan Tomb, the three of them ended their chat and got busy with business.

Daoist Zhang Nuqing brought the unconscious Zhang Pengju back to the hotel they had booked.

According to Daoist Nuqing's wishes, he had to prepare for Ju'er's entry test. Zhang Pengju, who has yin and yang eyes, happened to be able to practice a secret technique of the Zhang family's Xiangxi exorcism.

Daoist Nuqing didn't know whether it was out of gratitude for the silence, or because he felt comfortable being flattered by Ju'er, he decided to teach Ju'er the secret technique of ghost corpses that only the Yin and Yang eyes of the Xiangxi exorcist Zhang family can cultivate, as a way for him to enter. 21 groups of entry test tasks.

Mo Mo can only say that Zhang Pengju's luck is really good. First, he was rescued from the nightmare by Mo Mo, and then he awakened his yin and yang eyes, and then he was taught by Zhang Nuqing, who became his guide, and taught him the art of killing corpses in Xiangxi. Arcana.

Could it be that Zhang Pengju is the real protagonist of cheating? !

The idea of ​​silence only sprouted for [-] seconds before it was strangled to death in the cradle by the lame uncle's words.

Because the silent Xiaohang also came.

"Amo, uncle, I like your performance very much in the battle of the Yuan Tomb. I have a unique skill in my hand that no one has succeeded, and I just pass it on to you. I hope you can carry it forward and practice it to perfection."

Mo Mo knew that such a day would come when he received the talisman miscellaneous notes taught by Uncle Lame, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Lame uncle's unique skill? !What kind of unique skill is that?

Silently, he was curious in his heart, but he pushed his mouth shut, "Uncle Lame, how can Amohod be valued so much by you? I just did what I should do. If I take advantage of this to receive your favor, it would be too much." I'm sorry."

The lame uncle didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly, "Do you want to learn or not."

Silence tightened his expression, "Learn!"

"That's right! What I don't like the most is the sophistication of the world. I clearly want it in my heart, but I still pretend to refuse it. Amo, people should live in style and ease, don't pay attention to these pedantic things." Red tape."

The crappy Taoist has a straightforward personality, so Silence doesn't follow him in the society, he said frankly.

"Uncle Lame, what is your unique skill? Is it great or not? I won't learn if it's not great."

Uncle Lame said proudly, "My unique skill is unique in Niutoushan. No matter how many people want to learn it, I don't want to teach it. If you learn this unique skill, there is no place in the world that you can't go to."

Mo Mo didn't believe it, and joked, "Uncle Lame, don't talk too much, I think, even the strongest spells have their drawbacks, you say that if you master this unique skill, there is no place in the world that I can't go to, I I just think it’s not rigorous enough.”

"Why isn't it rigorous enough?" Uncle Lame was curious.

"Some places are absolutely not allowed to go." Shen Mo said mysteriously.


"You can't go to the women's bathhouse!"

The lame uncle snorted coldly, "It's a joke, isn't it just a women's bathhouse? It's not like I haven't been to your lame uncle... Good boy, you set me up."

"Hey, I was too serious just now, I'm just joking with you," Shen Mo begged for mercy, "Then uncle, what is your unique skill?"

Uncle Lame said slowly with a serious face, "This technique is unique in Niutoushan, and its supernatural power shrinks to an inch."

Shrink to the ground!

Silently surprised, he also knows this supernatural power. This is a Taoist supernatural power. It can shrink thousands of miles to an inch when it is practiced to the extreme. It is much more brilliant and cool than Monkey King's somersault cloud. .

This side of the world actually has this supernatural power? !

Uncle Lame was shocked when he saw the silence, and he was flattered in his heart, and he muttered to himself, boy, you must be frightened, you know how powerful this supernatural power is.

Silent for a while, he asked with doubts in his heart, "Uncle Lame, can you really be able to walk thousands of miles by shrinking the ground?"

"That's natural. This supernatural power is just a start. If you cultivate it to the realm of transformation, you can come and go in this world as you like." Uncle Lame boasted, looking like a poor man with supernatural powers that are invincible in the world.

But these words felt something wrong in Shen Mo's ears.

Since Uncle Lame possesses such powerful magical powers, why was he caught by the corpse king in Yuan Tomb at that time, wouldn't he use this magical power to escape?
"Uncle lame, do you know this supernatural power?"

"Nonsense, Uncle Lame will naturally know it. Uncle Lame is the only one in the whole Niutoushan Mountain. I am lucky enough to learn this supernatural power."

"Then I'm curious, why didn't you run away from Yuan Tomb?"

Uncle Lame: "..."

Uncle Lame's face froze, quite embarrassed. After a long time, he coughed twice, slightly embarrassed, "This supernatural power is against the sky. Although I have cultivated it, I just use the power of the talisman to stimulate the skin, and it only takes one step. A hundred meters away, the corpse king was very fast at that time, I just took a step, and I was caught up by him, and I was beaten so hard that I was shrunk to an inch."

There was a pain in Uncle Lame's face, but he still told Shen Mo firmly, "Although I can't use this supernatural power to the extreme, I believe that if Shrinking to an Inch is in your hands, it will definitely flourish and go further and further. According to ancient records, the master who founded Niutoushan was ten thousand miles away in one step, and you have to follow him."

Shen Mo curled his lips slightly in disappointment, no matter how gaudy he said, this is still a magical method that is difficult to cultivate to the extreme.

In layman's terms, it is a simplified version of shrinking the ground to an inch. It is as difficult as reaching the sky if you want to make a step in the fairy tale.

So, should we still learn to be silent?
study!Why not learn!
He has worked so hard to practice elementary talismans for so long, and he has copied the basic talismans on the talisman miscellaneous notes not a thousand times, but [-] times. How could he give up halfway after such a huge effort.

Taking a step back, if you have more skills, you don't overwhelm yourself. When you use the book, you hate less. If you have advantages, don't take advantage of the bastard. Why don't you learn from silence.

Besides, even if it is a simplified version of shrinking the ground to an inch, is it really weaker than it?
Mo Mo couldn't help but think of the teleportation potion in his personal warehouse. Isn't this supernatural power the teleportation potion that can be used without restriction?
As long as you learn this supernatural power, silence is equivalent to turning on teleportation.

At that time, who wants to take a step forward?Silence kept flashing within hundreds of meters of the enemy, all kinds of kite enemies, let the enemy experience what is called real despair.

Uncle Lame is still too young. How could such a powerful method be used by him to escape or hurry?
Tut tut!Brain hole limited his strength.

Shen Mo has a premonition that he will become bigger and bigger on the road of Tianxiu.

(End of this chapter)

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