The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 163 The Demon King Arrives

Chapter 163 The Demon King Arrives
After being shocked for a moment, the archer immediately took off the bright red battle flag on the watchtower, pulled back and waved it backwards, nine shallow and four deep, six high and three low, this is a distress signal for special circumstances, because zombies are extremely sensitive to sound, they can only Communicate through the most primitive semaphores.


Soon, the soldiers in charge of the guards discovered the signal from the watchtower, and immediately reported the news to Renault, the captain of the guard team in Gray Town.

Renault is a high-level fighter. He is tall and powerful. Years of strength training has given him a figure comparable to that of a bodybuilder. However, his most outstanding feature is not his strength, but his falcon-like intuition and jackal-like intuition. general wisdom.

When the first batch of zombie monsters rushed out of Nolan's Forest, it was Lei Nuo who led the town guards to wipe them out. Looking at the zombie corpses all over the ground, Lei Nuo's keen intuition realized that things were not simple.

So, he organized the villagers in the town to build a giant wooden barrier with all their strength, and successfully stopped the zombie monsters before the zombie frenzy hit, protecting the safety of the town.

But now comes the big problem for Renault, they are surrounded!

The entire town of Gray was surrounded by zombies and monsters, besieged on all sides. The town's food reserves were not large. When the food and water sources were exhausted, even if the zombies didn't break through the giant wooden barrier, they would die from hunger and panic.

Renault can only hope that the principality will discover this terrifying undead plague as soon as possible and send the kingdom's army to rescue them.

"Captain Renault, there is a situation in the east!"

The soldier's shout pulled Lei Nuo back from his contemplation. His face full of determination was dignified. These zombie monsters are extremely sensitive to sound. If one accidentally provokes one, it will soon be surrounded by a large number of zombies. , if the number of zombies and monsters in the east reaches a certain amount, even the giant wooden barrier will be difficult to stop them.

Thinking of this, Lei Nuo quickened his pace a little, and soon came to the east watchtower, where the archers in charge had been waiting for a long time.

"Gavin, what's going on outside?"

The archer named Gavin still replied in disbelief, "Captain Renault, there is a person among the monsters!"

"A person? Are you sure?" Renault frowned. There were countless zombies and monsters outside. They were all monsters who only knew how to kill. How could people be among them?

Gavin realized that he might not be able to explain clearly, and suggested, "Really, you can go to the watchtower to see that he is spinning and jumping among the monster piles by himself, and those monsters can't find him at all. I've never seen anything like this..."

Seeing that Gavin was so determined, Renault went straight to the watchtower and looked out through the giant wooden barrier.

Then, Lei Nuo saw a figure tossing and turning among the monsters, spinning and jumping, as if entering a land of no one.

Shock was written on his face, is there really someone who can come and go freely among the monsters? !
Is this still human?Ordinary people would never be able to do this, not even a senior fighter like him.

Could it be that he is the legendary brave man? !

Renault immediately realized that if this person could spread the news of the plague to the principality, then the town of Gray would be saved.

This man is their hope!

Renault kept a close eye on the figure in the group of monsters. After careful observation, he found that he was constantly approaching the town. Obviously, he wanted to enter the town.

Renault didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately threw down the rope on the watchtower, and waved his arms vigorously, motioning for the figure to climb up along the rope.

Silence and Nannan, who had just avoided the attention of the zombie monster by sticking to the back of a lizard monster, immediately discovered the rope that Lei Nuo dropped.

It is the hope that silently enters Graytown.

"Boss, have you seen that meat mountain?"

Shen Mo took a closer look, it was a terrifying monster made up of countless corpses of zombie monsters, it squatted on the ground like a giant mountain, with countless arms and heads shaking and moaning on its body, any monster that approached it would be caught by it Live to swallow and integrate into the body.

If it wasn't so big and difficult to move, the giant wooden barrier would have been destroyed by it long ago.

"Throw the pig's head on your right over there, and use its strength at five o'clock to jump onto the giant wooden barrier."

Nodding silently, power poured into his feet, and immediately jumped out like lightning. With a swish of his arm, a pig-headed man was ruthlessly thrown towards Roshan. Amidst a burst of wailing, it was torn and swallowed by countless arms and heads.

Silence followed, pointing to the back of the pig's head, using force to fly into the air, and landed precisely at the five o'clock direction of Roshan, then using force to pop out again, and went straight to the rope hanging on the giant wooden barrier.

Phew! He started with the rope, and before Shen Mo exerted any force, he felt a huge pulling force coming from one end of the rope, which immediately lifted him up and pulled him into the watchtower.

The whole process was extremely quick and perfect, without a single zombie noticing it.

As soon as Silence settled down, he focused his attention on Renault. From his clothes, it was not difficult to see that his status in the guard army of Gray Town was not low.

At the same time, Renault was also looking at Silence. He was full of curiosity about this stranger who was dressed a little differently and showed great strength.

"Excuse me, are you a brave man from afar?" Lei Nuo asked respectfully. As a warrior, he has an instinctive sense of admiration for the strong.

Mo Mo was puzzled, how could he look like a brave man?Isn't it just to spin and jump a few times in the crowd of zombies and monsters, and become a brave man in the eyes of the other party?

Shen Mo needs an identity right now, so he replied wrongly.

"That's right, I'm a brave man from afar." Mo Mo didn't want to say much, because there were so many mistakes in what he said, all he needed to do was admit that he was a brave man.

Receiving the silent affirmation, Lei Nuo was overjoyed, and immediately asked, "Heroes far away, please help us, we are willing to pay you accordingly!"

Shen Mo waved his hands, looking at the densely packed zombie monsters under the giant wooden barrier, "We'll talk about the reward later, I just want to ask you, do you have any good ways to deal with these things?"

Renault paused, "I've never met this kind of monster before. Their individual strength is not strong. What's scary is their number and infectious power. With the combat power of Gray Town, it's almost impossible to destroy them. so····"

"So what?"

"That's why the small town of Gray, Renault, implores the brave to report the situation here to the Principality, and ask them to send the Royal Army to destroy this group of mutated monsters."

Silently stunned, he just came to the small town of Gray with all his troubles, his ass is still not hot, and now he gives up, and he wants to go to some duchy to recruit soldiers, isn't he playing me?

Are you really good at doing this?

【Ding! 】

[Nightmare mission: Zombie frenzy.Task reward list triggers. 】

[Killing ordinary zombie monsters rewards 1 aura value (pig-headed man, lizard man, goblin, etc.)]

[Killing mid-level zombie monsters rewards 10 aura points (Roshan, Rot Lizard, Corpse Goblin, etc.)]

[Killing high-level zombie monsters rewards 500 aura points (Guardian of the demon king of ghost race)]

[Killing a lord-level zombie monster rewards 1000 aura points (Slime Zombie Demon King)]

After the reward notification sounded in Silence's mind, the zombies and monsters under the giant wooden barrier began to agitate. They let out hungry roars, and their original aimless wandering began to gradually become orderly.

Both Shen Mo and Lei Nuo noticed the mutation of the zombie monsters. They looked around and saw a giant light blue skinned slime in the depths of the Nolan forest, guarded by four ghost men, heading towards Little Gray. The direction of the town is slowly approaching.

Shen Mo frowned, "It seems that I have no chance to leave here."

(End of this chapter)

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