The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 174 Fox Demon Dafei

Chapter 174 Fox Demon Dafei
Shen Mo swears that this is the first time he has entered the women's toilet, this is a place he used to be out of reach, and now it seems that this is not the case.

Except for the woman with a smirk at the sink, Shen Mo really doesn't think there is anything that men should be curious about here. Can a toilet that doesn't even have a urinal be called a toilet?
"You're so courageous!" The woman smiled, walked slowly towards an empty toilet cubicle, and continued to say charmingly, "Go further in if you have the ability."

Hey, Mo Mo can't bear his little temper. How can a man of seven feet be pointed at by a woman as incompetent?
Hurrah!Silently, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he took two steps in three steps, followed by the woman into the toilet cubicle, and he didn't forget to close the door behind him.

For a while, Silence and the woman were in a small cubicle, and they could clearly feel each other's breathing and beating heartbeat. Silence was because of nervousness, and the woman...who knew why she was so excited.

The woman turned down the toilet lid very skillfully, sat on it with ease, and then gently slid the brown sunglasses under the bridge of her nose with her slender index finger, revealing a pair of extremely clear and jewel-like eyes.

"You're flustered~" the woman smiled playfully, with jokes and sarcasm.


Mo Mo swallowed subconsciously, nodded, and shook her head again. This action made the woman laugh like a copper bell.

"So, what do you want to do next?!" As the woman spoke, she stretched her hands towards Shen Mo, and gently floated over his waist, like a breeze passing through a thin willow, rippling with youth and passion.

Mo Mo only felt an electric current pass through her body, and an indescribable feeling swept her heart. Unconsciously, Mo Mo grabbed the woman's hand, causing her body to tremble and her expression shocked.

"You're hurting me~~" the woman said, cloudy clouds appeared on her face involuntarily, her eyes were sleepy, and the scenery was indescribable.

But when she was waiting for Shen Mo's next move, there was no movement for a while, she couldn't help feeling curious, and opened her eyes slightly, only to see Shen Mo was opening her small LV bag, looking for something inside.

The woman was taken aback, not knowing what Shen Mo was looking for, "What are you looking for?"


The woman was stunned, "Yida?! At such a critical moment, you are looking for Yida?"

call!In astonishment, Mo Mo actually took out a bag of small things from the lv bag, "Haha. It seems that I won!"


The woman said angrily, "You play with me!"

Shen Mo sneered, but instead sternly shouted, "Hey, your acting skills are not bad either!"

The woman's face froze, the original charm and coquettishness disappeared, replaced by an evil charm and fierceness, "Did you see it?"

"Hey," Shen Mo said solemnly, "I'm sorry, I'm Super Bureau, you've been arrested!"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, but instead of showing a look of extreme panic, she laughed again, "What a coincidence, me too!"


You think I'm stupid, don't you? When did the Super Bureau have a monster special agent?
Just when Shen Mo was about to start, the woman showed the identity certificate in the baseball uniform, which was a badge proving the identity of the Special Commissioner of the Super Bureau, and the woman's identity information was clearly written on it.

Name: Daffy.Gender: female.Race: fox demon.

Birth: Confidential

Address: Confidential

Card making unit: Paranormal Research and Defense Bureau (No.13 group)
This breastplate cannot be faked, because Shen Mo also has such a breastplate, which is exactly the same as a woman's.

Could it be that she is really a commissioner from the Super Bureau, our colleague? !

"Now, can you return my small LV bag to me?" The woman said, standing up slowly, snatching the small bag from Shen Mo's hand, and shouting sharply, "Which group are you from?"

"Huh?" Mo Mo compared awkwardly, he was still a little unwilling to accept this fact, it was hard to accept that this vixen was actually his colleague, and no one had mentioned such a thing to him.

From the very first glance, Mo Mo could detect the demonic aura on the woman with his spiritual sense. Although she was so hidden that even a ghost like Ling'er couldn't perceive it, Mo Mo's spiritual sense was well known. accurate.

I thought that I would be able to complete another big task and get a generous subsidy, which is good, catch the monster and catch my own people.

Da Fei seemed to see the guard of silence, and asked again, "You don't know the situation of the thirteen groups? Didn't your guide tell you?"

Silently stunned, she even knew about the guide.

"Our thirteen groups are all monsters!" Da Fei said, revealing her Weixin group, which clearly showed the Super Bureau thirteen groups.

Now there really won't be any fakes!

Silence still didn't believe it, he took out his phone in embarrassment, and asked directly @凤京马三十三, "Group leader, I met a vixen, she said she was Da Fei from the thirteen groups, is there such a person?"

Ding!Ma Shisan sent a message soon.

"Da Fei? There is indeed this vixen. Why did you bump into her? This little demon is notoriously troublesome in the Bureau. You'd better stay away from her."

Mo Mo looked at Da Fei who was so close to him in embarrassment, speechless, what else could he say?
Is this the sequelae of not bringing Nan Nan?This is too much to memorize, I would have brought Nan Nan here if I knew it earlier!

Shen Mo sighed, and realized something was wrong again, "No, you didn't know my identity when you let me in, so why did you bring me in?!"

Da Fei laughed badly, "Little brother, are you pretending to be stupid with me? What does sister want to do, you don't have a point in your heart?"

Mo Mo's face darkened, "Are you crossing the line?"

Da Fei smiled and said, "Forget it, it doesn't count. This is a gray area. Why, the little brother can't get his sister, so he wants to sue her?"

Shen Mo curled her lips, "I'm not interested, I don't like doing boring things. It's fun, just don't kill anyone."

Now that the other party's super-official status is confirmed, Shen Mo doesn't bother to take care of it. She is a super-official person, and someone will definitely manage them. There is no need for Shen Mo to worry about it.

After the words fell silent, he pushed the door open and went out, ready to go back to find Ling'er.

"Little brother, don't worry about leaving, we can talk again, where are you going?"

Silence, "It has nothing to do with you!"

"Then these two tickets to Yizhou are yours?"

Silently paused, he touched his pocket, and the ticket really disappeared.

"Give me back!" Shen Mo shouted sharply.

"Don't be angry, meeting is fate, why don't we go together, I'm going to Yizhou too!" Da Fei took out her ticket, and she and Shen Mo were on the same plane.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, even if he was on a plane, he would meet a vixen, no one is so lucky!
"Whatever, but you'd better stay away from me."

"Why? Is my sister not beautiful enough?"

"No, it was our group leader who told you that you monster is too annoying, and I don't like annoying monsters."

"Hee hee, you are really different from other men!" Da Fei smiled, and returned the ticket to Shen Mo, "It doesn't matter, sister, I am also bored on the road, if you don't like it, then go your own way. "

Shen Mo didn't answer, and holding the little thing in his hand, he went back to find Ling'er. Although the big task and subsidy were gone, at least he won the bet, no.

As soon as she got out of the toilet, she heard Da Fei's voice in silence, "Little brother, I'll give you that little thing. If you have a chance, you are welcome to chew at my sister's place anytime!"

The vixen is indeed worthy of being a vixen, how can ordinary people resist it!

(End of this chapter)

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