The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 177 What's Wrong

Chapter 177 What's Wrong

This person who wants to refine Lei Shagui into a Yin-Yang Lei Shagui is really advancing with the times!

Want to attract the Nine Heavens God Lei to fly a kite outdoors on a rainy day?
If you insist on flying out to harm people, if you succeed, I would like to mention a yin and yang thunder ghost.If this is unsuccessful, everyone on the entire plane will be buried with him.He was stud all at once, he was popular and hot when he won, and his bones were ashes when he lost.

Shen Mo focused his eyes, and immediately scanned the entire cabin. He wanted to find out from these people the culprit who refined the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost as soon as possible.

After experiencing the violent shaking and turbulence of the plane, ordinary people have already fainted, but even so, finding that person in the crowd is still a needle in a haystack, which is even more difficult.

No, I have to find another way, catch another Lei Shagui first.

Mo Mo's head was a bit big, he dodged again, dodged an electric arc, and then unfolded his spiritual sense, sensing the surroundings, and quickly locked on to another thunder ghost hidden in the plane's wiring.

The two thunder ghosts are yin and yang. Yang Yong, who belongs to Yang, likes to possess women's bodies, while Lei Shagui, who belongs to yin, likes to live in electrical equipment.

Silence's wrist shook, and a lightning bolt was attached to his leg, and he rushed towards Lei Shagui's hiding place at a high speed. It was a tablet computer that was flashing electromagnetic snowflakes. With the violent vibration of the plane, it slid down on a plane. under the feet of a young man.

"So you're hiding here!"

Silent's shot was as fast as lightning, and it was also blessed with a weapon in the palm of his hand, directly hitting the tablet on the floor.

Snapped!The palm is firm, and this hand feeling is completely incomparable with the last time. It is hard and has a sense of electric current. I really don't understand how the Yin-type Lei Shagui likes to live in the cold electronic equipment.

Of course, this thought was only fleeting, the silent palm pulled, and with the power of the milky white halo, the other Thunder Ghost was sucked out very smoothly.

Use the power of the Investigator Ring again to investigate the information of Lei Shagui.

Name: Liu Ci.

Race: Ghost (Thunder Ghost) (Yin)

Origin: Liu Ci, who loves all kinds of electric toys, accidentally got an electric shock while using electric toys, and was overwhelmed, resulting in his death. His obsession persisted and turned into a thunder ghost.

Huh? !Mo Mo frowned, this is a lot of information!

Some people on the Internet say that men and women, boys and girls, have opposite hobbies. Boys like toys when they are young, but they like dolls when they grow up. Girls like dolls when they are young, but they like toys when they grow up.

Liu Ci has shown this to the extreme!Tucao return to Tucao, when Shen Mo caught both Yin and Yang thunder ghosts, the Lei Sha ghosts floating in the palms of each other attracted and pulled each other like Yin and Yang magnetic poles, and the invisible magnetic force made them gather towards one place.

And as they got closer and closer, the thunderclouds outside the plane became more violent and raging. It seemed that when they touched each other, the thunder of the Nine Heavens would descend, hit the plane fiercely, and penetrated the iron sheet to reach the silent place. between the hands.

The silent spiritual sense also sensed this. He had to find a way to prevent the fusion of the Yin-Yang Lei Shagui, but he could not stop such a powerful electromagnetic attraction with his own strength.

Even if he had stuck the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Talisman on his arm, he still couldn't resist such a powerful electromagnetic force.In an instant, Shen Mo's forehead was soaked with sweat, the muscles all over his body swelled, and the veins bulged out, looking like he was about to explode on the spot at any moment.

At the critical moment, Shen Mo looked at Da Fei who was lying on the ground and hadn't gotten up from the corner of his eyes. Her complexion had improved slightly, but she still stared at Shen Mo with resentful eyes, and she didn't help him when she saw that he was embarrassing , Instead, sit and watch the monkey show.

"What are you looking at? Do you really want to die with me? Come and help!"

These words sounded very familiar, as if Da Fei had said the same thing just now, this one person and one monster is also very interesting.

But Da Fei, this annoying little goblin, was not silent and righteous. Instead of getting up to help, she acted like her old lady was seriously injured and helpless, as if whether she died or not had nothing to do with her.

Just when Shen Mo was about to lose her hold, Ling'er, who hadn't been on the scene from the beginning to the end, finally appeared on the stage, and only heard Ling'er's voice calling out from the first-class cabin.

"Xiao Mo, I found it!"

What did you find?Shen Mo took a closer look, and saw that Ling'er found a cloth bag carved with thundercloud patterns from the round and bald top jacket pocket of seat 2. Through spiritual perception, the cloth bag kept emitting the same ghost as Lei Shagui Shaqi, obviously, this bag is used to hold Thunder Shagui.

Good guy, it turned out that you, round and bald, did the thing. If you don't have the time to be silent for the time being, he will ask the teacher to blame him. Now he just wants to put the two thunder ghosts away as soon as possible, so as not to attract the thunder of the nine heavens.

Shen Mo shouted, "Ling'er, open the bag!"

Then, with all his strength, he threw the two thunder balls in his hand towards the first-class cabin, and with his silent shooting ability, the two small balls were accurately shot at the cloth bag opened in Ling'er's hand.

But at the moment when Lei Shagui was about to enter the bag, they finally merged together, and the Nine Heavens Thunder outside the plane crashed down. body.

boom!Although the thunder of the Nine Heavens that shook the heart did not land on Shen Mo and Ling'er, the terrifying power of the sky shocked the two of them from the bottom of their hearts. Feeling the majestic power of the sky at such a close distance, no one would be upset. calm down.

Fortunately, Tianwei only came for a moment, and was absorbed and swallowed by the Yin-Yang Lei Shagui wrapped in a milky white halo, turning into a blue streamer and sinking into the cloth bag.

Ling'er's hands felt cramping, and the ghost energy evaporated and atomized. She was so shocked that she could only throw away the cloth bag, and retreated. The cloth bag that fell on the ground continued to inflate with the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost being absorbed. , become swollen like tripe for a while, and dry for a while like dry grass. How terrifying is the Nine Heavens Thunder, how can it be contained in a small cloth bag? The bag is also unbearable.

Mo Mo saw that the cloth bag was about to burst due to expansion and shrinkage. With sharp eyesight and quick hands, he immediately pulled forward, stretched out with one hand, and a weapon blessing popped out, hitting the cloth bag directly.

hum!The milky white halo spread over the cloth bag, blessing it with the blessing of holy light. Although the two do not belong to the same power, the panacea effect of the weapon blessing still played a certain role in helping, and it was barely able to support the overflow of the Nine Heavens God Thunder The power of thunder.

Mo Mo saw that the Yin-Yang Lei Shagui was fine for the time being, and immediately set his sights on the bald man in seat 2.

Well, you are middle-aged and bald, and you think you are destined to take Lei Shagui to the plane to bathe in the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. If it weren't for my cheating, I would have to be buried with you today.

Looking at Yuanrunbald's unflappable appearance, he was still sleeping like a dead pig. He didn't know if he was really asleep, or if he was fainted by the shaking of the plane.

As the Yin-Yang Leishagui was captured, the thunder outside the plane dissipated, and the plane gradually recovered, but the comatose passengers in the cabin were still not awake, so Silence stepped up to Yuan Roubald, took off his seat belt, and He grabbed him from his seat and cursed fiercely.

"Baldy! Are you courting death?"

Yuanrunbald was shaken violently by Shen Mo, and then woke up faintly, looking at Shen Mo with confused eyes.

"Ha, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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