The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 179 Our leader will not let you go

Chapter 179 Our leader will not let you go
【Ding! 】

3 Collect complete souls 0/1]

[Detection of the complete soul: Yin-Yang Leishagui, a fusion of male and female Leishagui trained by the Nine Heavens God Thunder, has great restraint ability against ghosts and evil spirits, and is good at manipulating the power of thunder. 】

[Reminder: After completing the dungeon task, you will get a chance to make a doll for free. The higher the strength and quality of the complete soul, the stronger the strength and quality of the doll. 】

[Whether to take the Yin-Yang Leishagui as a complete soul income.yes?no? 】

After silently reading the task information in his mind, he hesitated for a moment before making a decisive choice.

yes!The Yin-Yang Leishagui must be included as a perfect soul.

Why?Because this not only saves Shen Mo from interrogating Yuan Runbald about the manipulation method of the Yin-Yang Lei Sha Ghost, but also greatly improves the strength and quality of the doll, which kills two birds with one stone.

Ding!Collection complete.Full Soul 1/1.

Mo Mo once again set his sights on the sub-professional transfer task. Of the three job transfer tasks, he has only the second one left to complete. He only needs to collect 8 more soul fragments to complete the job transfer task and step into the Puppet Control Mission. teacher's career.

Um!Thinking about it is a little bit of expectation.

What kind of doll will it be if it inherits the power of thunder and lightning from the Yin Yang Thunder Ghost?

Miss Cannon?Brother Hammer?Or an androgynous puppet like Yin Yang Lei Shagui?
Tut tut!It's better to wait until the sub-professional change task is completed before making a decision.

After experiencing the Thunder Ghost incident, nothing special happened on the plane. If I had to mention it, it would be Da Fei sitting in front of Shen Mo. After she sat back in her seat, she would turn around every now and then. , looked at Shen Mo with great interest, those eyes full of charm, like a violent wild beast that chooses to eat people, wants to see through Silence, and then swallow it whole.

Ling'er, who was sitting next to Shen Mo, noticed Da Fei's strange eyes. She returned her contemptuous and threatening eyes to Da Fei, but was ignored by the other party, as if saying, little ghost, how can you take good care of your mere ghost body? What about this little brother?How about you reluctantly give up and give up this little brother to your sister?My sister must love him more than you.

A ghost and a ghost started a war without gunpowder invisibly. If it weren't for Lei Shagui's disturbance, Da Fei's demon spirit would be greatly damaged, and Ling'er would also be burned by the power of thunder. The two would have to be on the plane. It is impossible to fight.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the plane arrived at Yizhou Airport. Following the reminder of the flight attendants, Shen Mo woke up from his doze. Looking at Ling'er, she looked like she was about to fight.

Silence is really dumbfounded, when did they get together?

Although Shen Mo's first impression of Da Fei was not good, but Da Fei helped him block the fatal shot at the critical moment, and slightly changed Shen Mo's view of her. She is also a super-official person, so there is no need to make the relationship so rigid , Maybe Silence will use the relationship with the thirteen groups in the future, the thirteen groups full of monsters must be a very interesting group!

So Mo Mo stood up as a peacemaker, trying to pull Da Fei and Ling'er away, but just as he got up and took a few steps forward, before he could speak, Da Fei and Ling'er yelled at him in unison.

"Don't worry about my (sister) affairs!"

Silence just came to his lips and was beaten back, looking very embarrassed, female ghosts and female goblins are indeed magical animals, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, let them go!
Mo Mo bypassed a demon and a ghost, and came to the round and bald side, until now he has not woken up, Mo Mo pouted indifferently, originally planned to wake him up after the plane arrived, and asked about Yin Yang Lei Sha Gui , now that the Yin-Yang Lei Shagui is absorbed as a complete soul, his role is much smaller, but even so, Silence still has to interrogate him for something.

Ever since, Shen Mo set up his bald body and dragged his fat body to prepare to leave the plane. Although the flight attendants looked at Shen Mo with weird eyes, they were busy reporting the high-altitude storm to the company, so they selectively Ignored the silent and mellow baldness.

As soon as Shen Mo got off the plane, Da Fei and Ling'er followed one after another. The problem between them was still unresolved, but it seemed that neither of them was willing to stay too far away from Shen Mo, scrambling to keep up Silent footsteps.

Silence is a bit funny. I took the initiative to persuade them not to want to, but I ignored them but accidentally asked them to put down their fighting for a while. Female ghosts and female fairies are really a kind of magical little novelty.

Shen Mo came to an empty corner with Yuan Roubald, threw him against the wall with a snort, and squatted down to pat him awake.

"Baldy, wake up, don't pretend to be dead."

Yuanrunbald was woken up by patting, and when he saw Silence, he would yell curses, his language was extremely vicious, his tone was extremely tyrannical, and he did not have the consciousness of a prisoner at all.

"Don't be delusional, I won't tell you anything, I'm a useless person now, but I'm not afraid, because our leader will definitely avenge me, if you take her things, she will never let you go of."

Round and bald cursed viciously, spitting stars flying all over the sky, and the eardrums buzzed in shocking silence, very uncomfortable.

"What is your leader?"

"Our leader is nothing. You can't imagine how powerful she is. She will definitely come to you for revenge and get back what belongs to her."

Yuanrunbald bit this point to death, and was no longer willing to reveal any core information. For Mo Mo, who had no interrogation experience, he was really helpless when he met such a master who was not afraid of death.

Even with the ability to activate the Investigator's Ring, no substantial useful information can be obtained from the round and bald body, only that he is called Lin Liucong, and he practices the magic technique of refining ghosts and exorcising ghosts.

Just when Shen Mo couldn't do what he wanted, Da Fei stood up behind him and said to Shen Mo in a charming tone.

"Little brother, I'd better leave the interrogation to my sister. My sister's method is very useful to deal with these stinky men."

After Dafei finished speaking, she approached Lin Liucong slowly with enchanting steps. The charm exuded by her gestures made Lin Liucong, a fat man with high paraplegia below the neck, unable to bear it. His eyes gradually became blurred, and the corners of his mouth began to drip.

"Little fat man, sister, I am very curious about you from the bottom of my heart."

Lin Liucong's paralyzed body trembled strangely, and then murmured with hollow eyes, "Sister, Xiao Congcong is also very curious about you!"

"Then sister wants to know something, would you like to tell her?"

Just as Lin Liucong was about to shake his head, he saw Dafei's red demonic aura flashing, turning into a cloud of red mist and being inhaled into Lin Liucong's nasal cavity. The next moment, he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I am willing. Xiao Congcong will tell you whatever my sister asks." For my sister, as long as my sister is happy..."

"Then I'll ask you an answer!"

"it is good."


Not long after, Lin Liucong passed out with a demented face, and Da Fei had extracted all the useful information from him.

"Little brother, you heard it too. He is from the Tianyi Sect's ghost-controlling envoy. This time he was ordered by the leader Mo Shaluo to go to Pingding Mountain in Xiaoxing'an Mountains to refine the Yin-Yang Lei Shagui. Mo Shaluo of the Tianyi Sect is really not easy to mess with." Lord, they are entrenched in Shuchuan, they are a group of villains who are not bound by the super bureau and can do whatever they want. We moved her people and took her things, and things are a little difficult to handle."

Silently sneered, "Da Fei, do you think I'm easy to mess with?"

Da Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then she showed a meaningful smile, "With my little brother's words, my sister can rest assured."

Puff!I saw Dafei's slender hand across Lin Liucong's neck, and a red light flashed, killing him. At the same time, the demon fire ignited, destroying Lin Liucong's body and soul without leaving a trace.

"Now you and I are both grasshoppers on a boat and the little tail on an airplane. Leave it to my sister to deal with it. When Mo Shaluo's people come to the door, don't let my sister down!"

Shen Mo smiled and said nothing, temporarily separated from Da Fei, she went to deal with the aftermath, lest the people of Tianyi Sect would soon track them down, and Mo Mo took Linger to her hometown Shangtongtian Village.

At the same time, a place in Shuchuan LSYZ Zhizhou.

"Report to Jiaozhu! Little Six's Gu worm is dead!"

"The younger brother went to do things for me, now something happened, there must be an explanation. Cai Die, you take my Six Suns Gu and go to Yizhou to check."

"Yes, Jiaozhu!"

(End of this chapter)

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