The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 184 Triggering side quests

Chapter 184 Triggering side quests
"Cross this mountain again, and we're there!"

Linger's eyes are full of anticipation and hope. She hasn't been back to her hometown for four years. Although she is a little unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, as everyone gets closer and closer to Shangtongtian Village, Linger's vague memory gradually becomes clearer. Xiang Momo pointed to the hill in front of him, and told what his hometown looked like in his memory.

Nodding silently, as a listener quietly, sometimes communication between people does not require too much words, just quietly listening to people tell the past, recalling with her, nostalgic together, is enough .

"Xiao Mo, look at this flower!" Ling'er pointed to the stunning little flower on the roadside, and said excitedly, "I was 12 years old, and my mother used it to weave a small flower crown for me, and I carried the small flower crown in the field. Strolling in the garden, stepping on the soft field soil that has just rained, and bathing in the refreshing grass fragrance after the rain... That was my beautiful childhood that passed away."

Nodding silently, he could imagine that beautiful picture, Linger at that time must be very cute, very simple, very loli.

"Xiao Mo, look at the grass again!" Ling'er picked a five-petal toothed grass and recalled, "I was 16 years old that year, and I was hurt by a wild boar going down the mountain. The juice was applied on the wound. At that time, I remembered that the wound was very painful, but my father told me, [Child, although tears are useful, but it can’t solve all problems, you must be strong] Are you surprised? Dad finished speaking, My legs really don't hurt much anymore!"

Smiling silently, the father's lessons will really affect the child's life. According to Ling'er, her father is a good father with connotations.

"Xiao Mo, look at that running little gray rabbit, that's..."

"Shh! Don't be that! There are people in front, many people!" Da Fei interrupted Ling'er's memory, staring at the depths of the old forest warily. Get close to them, "They are hostile, they are not kind, be careful!"

Shen Mo frowned, opened his spiritual sense, and also sensed the aura of a group of strangers, and the aura of this group of people is somewhat different from the aura of strangers outside, their aura is very strong, and the weakest of them are stronger than ordinary people outside a lot of.

Shen Mo's heart sank, and the villagers of Shangtongtian Village were indeed affected by the Tongtian Willow to undergo some changes!I don't know if this change is good or bad.

Silence looked at Linger. He was not worried about the strength of those villagers, but worried about Linger being hurt and hit. This silly girl has suffered too much suffering in life. What she needs now is happiness, and it can only be happiness.


Following the sounds of chaotic footsteps and leaves rubbing against each other from the old forest in front of him, Mo Mo soon saw a group of plainly dressed, bandit-faced villagers coming aggressively with all kinds of farming tools, some of them Holding hoes, some with shovels, some with plows, and some with sickles... All kinds of farming tools have now become weapons in the hands of villagers.

At the same time, Shen Mo clearly noticed some changes in the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, as if the villagers were exuding strong hostility towards them.

"Outsiders, get out of our village!" The village chief Lin Chongjiu saw Shen Mo, and before he could report his intention, he yelled sharply. posture.

The villagers who followed were also murderous, and they treated Shen Mo and Da Fei like enemies with bloody feuds.

Mo Mo secretly thought in his heart, he went to Shangtongtian Village to help Ling'er find his parents but his wish. As for such a bitter and hateful hostility to him?These villagers have definitely been brainwashed by Tongtianliu. They are definitely not the three good villagers with simple folk customs, but the unscrupulous people from poor mountains and rivers.

Hey, why do people always want to harm me?I don't even have the country of the Qing Dynasty, so what do you want from me?What else do I have?
Even when the two sides were in a stalemate, Ling'er in ghost form couldn't help trembling and sobbing, her eyes were filled with tears, and she whispered in a choked voice, "Father, mother... Ling'er is back home!"

Shen Mo listened carefully. According to the words, there must be Ling'er's parents in the village. Who could they be?As the saying goes, a son is like a father, and a daughter is like a mother. There is no woman who looks like Linger!

"Huh?! Linger!?" Sun Yuee stood beside Lin Chongjiu, staring at Linger in the form of a ghost with shocked eyes. She has awakened spiritual consciousness and has the ability to see through ghosts. This kind of person was generally called a witch in ancient times.

"Old woman, what are you talking about? The spirit baby has been dead for four years. This girl is very demonic. How can she be a spirit child?" Lin Chongjiu looked at Dafei who was full of monsters, and shook his head repeatedly. How could he have anything to do with his daughter Lingwaer, who had been dead for many years?To put it another way, he was not romantic when he was young, and there would never be a bloody plot of an orphan girl looking for her father.

Sun Yue'e ignored Lin Chongjiu's doubts. She stared at Ling'er's ghost closely, and choked up, "Is that you, Linger? Why don't you go home to see your mother?"

Linger's ghost tears flowed wildly, and the emotions that had been suppressed for four years erupted at this moment. She revealed her figure for ordinary people to see, and then flew into Sun Yue'e's arms, crying like a child in her 20s.

"It's really... Linger!" Lin Chongjiu's eyes widened. When he saw Linger, his expression was extremely complicated, including surprise, shock, bewilderment, and hope... But all of this Lin Chongjiu's emotions were all suppressed, and in other words, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back, your mother misses you day and night."

The surrounding villagers also put down their weapons, and they naturally recognized Ling'er, so they were also happy that the three members of Lao Lin's family were reunited.

But Shen Mo didn't think so. Could it be that this is Dzogchen?
impossible!Shen Mo stared at the villagers of Shangtongtian Village, sizing up their reactions, and felt more and more strange. How could ordinary villagers be so calm when they saw Linger's ghost body? The reactions of Linger's parents were also very different. I know there are ghosts in this world.

The villagers of Shangtongtian Village definitely have a deeper connection with Tongtian Liu, and they are definitely not simply enslaved by Tongtian Liu.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and he became more and more curious about what kind of tricks they had with Tong Tian Liu.

Discovery side mission: Millennium Tongtianliu

[Shangtongtian Village has a thousand-year Tongtian willow, please find out the secret of Tongtian willow. 】

[Task Reward: Unknown (after the task is completed, the reward will be issued according to the participation of the clergy)]

Did you receive it?


Silently, it suddenly dawned on him that the truth of the matter was as he had speculated, there must be something wrong with this willow and the villagers.

He must accept this task!

"I choose yes!"

Ding!The task is completed.

Warning: The strength of the millennium Tongtianliu is unknown, and it is extremely hostile to outsiders. Please be careful with the clergy.

(End of this chapter)

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