The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 188 The cubs of Tongtianliu

Chapter 188 The cubs of Tongtianliu


Mo Mo raised the ax and fell, every time he swung the tree that blocked the way, in just four to five minutes, there was a large piece of fallen wood behind him, this efficiency is more than ten times stronger than the bald head, Like a human-shaped logging machine, it is unstoppable and powerful.

Even Da Fei behind her was secretly surprised. She didn't expect Shen Mo to be so fierce, and her heart was beating so hard!

But no matter how fierce, powerful, and mighty Silence is, the trees he cut down are just a drop in the sky in the labyrinth of the Tongtian Tree. Compared with the densely packed sea of ​​trees, there is no ripple or splash at all, which is even more impressive. What is desperate is that the old tree that was cut down by Silence actually grows again at a speed visible to the naked eye under the urging of the evil spirit, and it can be restored to its original state in a moment.

The fruits of Shen Mo's painstaking efforts were easily resolved by Tongtian Liu. It is obviously unscientific to want to kill a way out.

"Little brother, you can't cut it down like this. Under the urging of the willows, they grow faster than you cut them down."

Dafei also saw this, and reminded Shen Mo in time, fearing that he would waste his energy in vain and be consumed to death by the Tongtianshu maze.

Shen Mo flicked his wrist, stopped his movements, stood solemnly on the spot, turned around and looked at the new tree that had grown up behind him, his brows were furrowed, and he fell into deep thought.

"This method really doesn't work, so what should I do? Ling'er has a lot of breasts now, so she can't delay any longer."

Silence secretly calculated, pondering a new solution.But just as he was meditating, there were bursts of strange noises in the sea of ​​trees, as if something was rubbing against each other crazily, which was puzzling.

Dafei's demon sense was keen, and she discovered the cause of the abnormal noise first, and immediately reminded her, "Little brother, be careful, there are many little demons rushing over."

As soon as Da Fei's words fell, countless treant goblins rushed out from the sea of ​​trees. Although they were only as tall as the silent calf, their swiftness was not weaker than that of an adult cheetah or lion. If you look at it, you will find that it looks very similar to the baby Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy. If it weren't for their sharp tree thorn arms, Silence would almost believe it.

It stands to reason that with so many Groot babies appearing on the stage, it should have been a happy and happy time, but Silence and Duffy were not happy at all, because these Groot babies came to kill them .

These Groot babies are all willow cubs, and they are fierce.

As the saying goes, more ants kill statues, no matter how strong the silence is, they will not be able to teach such a large number of Groot babies. If they are surrounded by these little guys, they will probably be beaten to death by them.

Shen Mo realized the seriousness of the problem, picked up three middle-level talismans and slapped them on his body, and flicked his wrist, the phantom battle ax disappeared. Just when Da Fei thought Shen Mo would give up resistance, he hugged Da Fei in his arms.

"Huh? What are you doing..."

Shouted silently, "Don't talk, hold me tight."

Mo Mo's feet continued to click, and the whole person burst out from the spot like a sharp arrow. The original 29 points of agility skyrocketed to 57 points under the double increase of the lightning talisman and the devil's contract buff.

call!The wind is blowing under Silence's feet, like a martial arts master in a martial arts novel, performing peerless lightness kung fu, stepping on the densely packed Groot baby on the ground, swimming freely as if entering a mirror sea and ice lake.

Da Fei hugged Silence tightly. At this moment, she chose to trust the man in her arms unconditionally. Sometimes, a responsible man will give a woman a sense of dependence, and the vixen is no exception.

Da Fei has come to believe that as long as she is silent by her side, she will not suffer.

Silence did not disappoint Dafei, and he saw a milky white holy light ignited on his body. It did not come from the holy light of weapon blessing, but from the blessed holy light of Goddess of Luck's woolen suit.

[Inheritance: Lady Luck's Set]'s set skill [Goddess of Luck's Favor]

When this attribute is activated, the user will obtain the European Emperor attribute in the next 1 minute.Cooldown: 168 hours
The European Emperor attribute is triggered!
Lucky value +999
Lucky: 999+ [blessing from the goddess of luck, making you the luckiest person in the world]

Silence's mind became clear for a while, as if everything had become so simple and clear, he no longer needed to think about how to escape from the Tongtianshu maze, because the direction he chose was destined to be the exit of the maze.

The emperor of Europe appeared on the stage, and the chieftains worshiped.

There is no need for any explanation, for this 1 minute, he is the king.

Shen Mo poured strength into his legs, locked in one direction, held Da Fei in his arms, and flew into the sky.Only afterimages were left behind, and the bewildered Groot babies, they couldn't keep up with the speed of silence, and even those old trees became confused and unaware at this moment, and the thousand-year-old willows in the back mountain were even more disturbed. She was surprised, she suddenly lost control of the old trees, those old trees seemed to be possessed by demons, they ignored her call at all, and even rejected the urging of the evil spirit, how could this be possible?Have these old trees rebelled?How could they have problems at such a critical moment?
1 minute is very short, and it is definitely not long, but for Mo Mo, 1 minute can do a lot of things, such as escaping the maze of the Babel tree, which is completely achievable.

Crash!Shen Mo and Da Fei rushed out of a dense old tree with a bang, landed firmly on the ground, turned around and looked, the maze had been left behind, and the road ahead could vaguely see the flames of the villagers of Shangtongtian Flashing, they didn't spend too much time in the maze.

"We came out?" Da Fei was a little unbelievable. Just now, the maze of the two was broken out so easily by Silence. What kind of operation is this?How did he do that?
"Little brother, how did you get out of the maze?"

Shen Mo replied solemnly, "It's actually very simple, just take a gamble, look in one direction, and charge is enough."

Duffy: "???"

I believe you ghost, you are a very bad man, if you can get out so easily, the thousand-year-old willow will be in vain for a thousand years.

Facing Da Fei's questioning eyes, he kept silent and did not explain. There is no need to explain the matter of Ou Huang, Ou is right.

"Let's go, let's catch up with them and meet the thousand-year-old willow in person for a while." Silently said, he put down Da Fei in his arms, and motioned her to follow his footsteps, but before he took two steps, a voice came out from behind. Panting.

"Hey! I've sprained my ankle, can you carry her on your back?" Da Fei was half lying on the ground, clutching her ankle with a soft and weak appearance, which was very pitiful.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, secretly thinking that when the vixen still twisted his feet, you must have twisted your IQ!
Or, have you just been addicted to hugging?Still want to be hugged and run?
snort!Shen Mo snorted coldly, he is not a porter, how could he have so much strength to carry the vixen all over the map, and he still needs to save his strength to compete with the millennium celestial willow.

So Shen Mo replied coldly, "Sorry, you are too fat to hold."

Duffy: "???"

Are you kidding me?When you picked me up and walked like flying, don't you say I'm fat?This man doesn't have a single word of truth out of his mouth, so just say whether you want to hug him or not.

"If you don't want to hug, don't hug. Either you keep up by yourself, or you wait here for Baby Groot to come out. They will definitely love you."

Dafei's face changed, and she thought of the densely packed baby Groot behind her back, and her back felt chills. What she was most afraid of was this kind of little thing. One is called cute, two are called fun, and more than three will make people crazy... ··Countless ones are rushing towards us, it is simply a disaster.

call!Dafei immediately got up from the ground as if nothing happened, wiped off the dust on her body, and stared at Silence with resentment.

"Yo, isn't your foot all right?" Mo Mo added.

"Hmph, can't you just get better?" Da Fei said, ignoring the silence, and walked past him angrily.

Hey, woman!Sometimes you just can't get used to it.The more you get used to her, the more she will act like a demon, but if you don't get used to her, she will become normal instead.

Silence and Dafei sent out again, speeding up their pace to keep up with the villagers of Shangtongtian Village. Soon, they turned over a mountain, lay down a river, and finally came to the back mountain where the evil spirit was the strongest. The denseness of the forest is completely different. Within a hundred meters, there is no grass growing, only an old willow tree with a crooked neck is rooted in the ground alone.

She is the Millennium Tongtian Willow, an old willow tree with a crooked neck.

Shen Mo and Da Fei didn't deliberately hide their aura and figure, because the Millennium Tongtianliu had discovered them a long time ago, and they couldn't hide it. Instead of wasting energy on hiding their aura, it's better to think about the next plan.

Standing on a boulder halfway up the mountain, Mo Mo leaned over and looked at the densely packed villagers of Shangtongtian Village at the foot of the mountain. They knelt neatly on the ground, kowtowed to a willow tree with a crooked neck in the center, and chanted The prayers with a strong dialect seem to be words of praise such as "God willow blesses, God willows reach the sky".

Mo Mo exhausted her eyesight and quickly found Ling'er in the crowd. She was in a daze at the moment, without the spirituality she had before, and she stood dumbly behind her mother Sun Yue'e, obviously controlled by some kind of method to enslave ghosts.

Shen Mo and Da Fei looked at each other and discussed.

"Little brother, what should we do next?"

"As you said, adapt to circumstances."

Da Fei was taken aback, "Little brother, I said that adapting to the situation was just to tease you, but now that the matter is critical, we can't adapt to the situation. We have to figure out a way to deal with it. We should go directly to save Ling'er sister, and then negotiate with Tongtianliu. Or Negotiate with Tongtianliu first, and then save Linger's sister. The villagers in Shangtongtian Village have been bewitched by Tongtianliu, whether we will get rid of it or not. This is all determined."

Silently and awkwardly, when he was in Lin's house, he proposed to make a decision before making a move, but Da Fei denied it, saying that he had to adapt to the situation.Now Shen Mo wants to adapt to the situation, but is pointed out that he must make a decision before acting.

Why is there such a big gap between women's way of thinking and men's thinking?

Shen Mo didn't continue to refute Da Fei, arguing with a woman is a very unwise choice, and the vixen is no exception. He scanned the entire battlefield with his eyes and began to plan again in his heart.

It was a very clear thing that the villagers of Shangtongtian Village wanted to sacrifice Ling'er's soul to Tongtianliu.But according to the mission prompt, what Mo Mo needs to do is to find out the secret of Tongtianliu, which means that Tongtianliu still hides some unknown secrets. This secret is the focus of the mission and a necessary condition for saving Ling'er.

You don't even know what your enemy wants to do, how can you win a battle that is unfair and has a huge disparity in strength?

Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. This is the wisdom of the ancients, and it is also a very practical strategy.

hum!Mo Mo didn't say anything else, and threw the investigative skills at the Millennium Tongtianliu, his mind buzzed, his eardrums trembled, and the information about Tongtianliu was revealed.

Name: Liu Piaopiao
Race: Tongtianliu (Millennium Daoxing)

[Hint: A thousand-year practice does not mean that he has cultivated for a thousand years, but that his cultivation strength has reached the level of a thousand-year practice. 】

Introduction: ? ? ? [The difference in mental power is so great that it cannot be detected. 】

ability:? ? ? [The difference in mental power is so great that it cannot be detected. 】

[Warning: This is a willow that has practiced for thousands of years, and her power is beyond your imagination. 】

Shen Mo rubbed his swollen head. This was the first time he was backlashed by his investigative skills. When the detective's mental power far exceeds his goal, he may encounter the situation of mental backlash. Fortunately, Shen Mo can also detect to some useful information.

Liu Piaopiao? !Is this her name?Do you get it for yourself, or is there an epic story?
Shen Mo was calculating in his heart, and said with Da Fei beside him, "I have already figured out a way to deal with her."

Dafei was suspicious, so quickly came up with a plan to deal with the Millennium Tongtianliu?Speak up and listen to it, and let my sister help you see if it is reliable.

Shen Shen shook his head, "If you say it, it won't work. Let's go down and meet Miss Liu for a while."

Dafei was even more suspicious, Miss Liu?Could it be that thousand-year-old willow reaching to the sky, how do you know that his surname is Liu?You rubbed your head just now, wouldn't you have made friends with Tongtianliu already!
snort? !You little brother is a bad person, how many things are you hiding from your sister.

Shen Mo didn't explain any more, he wanted to save Ling'er, and Da Fei wanted to recruit Tong Tianliu to join the Super Bureau. Having said so much, they should at least have a good chat with the protagonist, because she must be a crooked girl with a story. neck willow.

Crash!Tongtianliu seems to have heard the silent words, the willow branches dance with the wind, and the yellow brilliance of the torches is printed in the middle of the night, which is very beautiful, but also looks a little sad and lonely.

Sun Yuee, who is the link between Tongtianliu and the villagers, immediately noticed the abnormality of Shenliu. She immediately danced and listened, trying to sense the consciousness of Shenliu, but Shenliu did not respond to her, but used the root system to squirm the ground to grow from the villagers. There is a passage in the middle that can accommodate two people, extending directly from Shen Mo's feet to the tree of Shenliu.

Shen Mo looked at the dirt road under his feet, smiled and said nothing, he knew that she heard what he said, and understood what he meant.

Next is the negotiation time between Shen Mo and Tong Tian Liu, if they agree, they will close, and if they cannot agree, they will do it.

Although Mo Mo can't do Tong Tian Liu, he doesn't panic, because there is no need to panic in a life of death, on the contrary, he becomes more and more curious about Liu Piaopiao's story.

(End of this chapter)

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