The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 210 Qian You Are So Beautiful

Chapter 210 Qian You Are So Beautiful
Silence on the beam slept soundly all night, Yan Chixia also had a good dream, only Ning Caichen was tossing and turning on the floor excitedly, unable to fall asleep, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart, It's just a teacher, so why are you so excited?

The next day, at dawn, Shen Mo opened his eyes, jumped off the beam, and saw Ning Caichen with two panda eyes at a glance. He really didn't sleep all night.

"Brother Shen, you're awake," Ning Caichen said, taking out a sack from his arms and unwrapping it. Inside were three steamed buns that were hard enough to crack walnuts. Take out the biggest one and hand it to Shen Mo, "Your breakfast, just soak it in water."

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, but he still took the thick-faced steamed bun and held it in his hand. With his grip strength twice that of ordinary people, he couldn't crush the steamed bun in his hand. One can imagine how hard the steamed bun is.

"Young master Ning, you are really a tough dish!"

Ning Caichen smirked, hearing the voice behind the silent words, "I'm sorry, the only dry food I can take out to eat."

Shen Mo shook his head helplessly, and returned the thick noodle buns to Ning Caichen, "You wait, leave the food to me."

Silence jumped up, rushed out of Lanruo Temple, and soon found a pomegranate tree outside the size of an arm. Looking at the immature pomegranate tree, he directly took it out from his personal warehouse [Title: Ruthless] Lumberjack], after wearing it successfully, activate the special effect skill: Catalysis.

His spiritual power slowly entered the pomegranate tree with the palm of his hand, and the pomegranate tree with the thickness of an arm grew crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, it grew to the thickness of being surrounded by one person. The plump red pomegranate exudes a refreshing pulp aroma.

Ning Caichen upstairs looked at the scene in front of him, and was stunned in place for a while. This miraculous method is like a fairy coming down to earth, and he can actually control the growth of plants. If it falls in the countryside, the villagers will no longer have to worry about it. I can't get enough to eat.

Shen Mo used the catalytic special effect skill for the first time. Looking at the fruitful red pomegranates, he picked one off and peeled it off, revealing the pink and juicy ruby-like flesh particles. Throw a few into his mouth, hiss!Producing body fluids to quench thirst, eliminating internal heat and reducing inflammation, it is really a good baby for quick hydration.

Shen Mo greeted Ning Caichen upstairs, "Why are you still standing there? Come down and pick some for breakfast."

Ning Caichen nodded repeatedly, trotted out from Lanruo Temple, climbed up the pomegranate tree like a bear climbing a tree, knocked down the pomegranates, and filled the sacks to the brim, some for breakfast and some for dry food.

Do you think silence is enough? !

It doesn't exist, his breakfast can't be so simple.

I saw Shen Mo displaying his catalytic skills again. This time, he locked the catalytic target on a creeper. The creeper, which was already densely spread in a large area, began to grow wildly and spread around at an even more terrifying speed under his catalysis. Lan Ruo The woods near the temple are all devouring feeling.

Could it be that Shen Mo is frantically trying to eat creepers?Although the rhizome of this vine can be used as medicine, there is really no way to eat other parts directly.

Whoosh!The crazily wriggling vines twisted and twisted, spreading around like countless tentacles, and soon the purpose of silence was revealed. I saw countless vines wrapping several furry hares, pheasants and the like, and they were neatly placed on the ground. In front of silence.

Ning Caichen, who was holding a pomegranate bag in his arms, stared straight at his eyes. Even Yan Chixia, who had just woken up, couldn't help but look sideways at him. Looking at the neatly arranged small animals on the ground, their three views were severely hit. , This is really the first time I have seen someone hunt like this, and what is even more cruel is that they directly took all the small animals in a pot, and none of them fell.

From Shen Mo's point of view, the whole family must be neat and tidy. Besides, there are not many small animals here. They linger on the territory of the thousand-year-old tree demon. Of the three people's daily appetite, Shen Mo alone can eat [-]% of it.

This time, Shen Mo did not greet Ning Caichen, but called Yan Chixia and asked him to deal with the prey. Strictly speaking, Yan Chixia is not a Taoist priest, so there is no taboo on food. In his opinion, this meal Even if the feast is practiced for tonight's big battle.

So, Yan Chixia dealt with the game, silently lit the fire, and after a few hours of busy work, they decided to go to Guobei County to have a good meal.


What about the wild game?Those game meats didn't have all kinds of condiments, and they were so unpalatable that they exploded on the spot. After silently killing a hare, he strongly suggested going to Guobei County to have a good meal. Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen also raised their hands in favor.

So, what kind of wild game barbecue, what is the original flavor... Dutamiao is a lie, there are not enough seasonings, and perfect cooking tools, the wild game is really hard to swallow, don't believe in the novel Like in the TV series, people are in the wilderness, and they actually cook barbecue that is more delicious than a barbecue restaurant, it is all a lie.

Gathering in the county seat of Guobei County.

The silence of the three people going back and forth resounded through the entire assembly like thunder on a sunny day. Everyone looked them up and down with unbelievable eyes, because no one in Guobei County had ever seen someone who stayed at Lanruo Temple for a night Those who are safe and sound, their fear of Lanruo Temple spread to the three silent people.

For the three of Mo Mo, the biggest convenience is that they don’t need money to eat, and the roads for shopping are very wide. If you are timid, your legs will tremble when you see them. With this power, the three of Mo Mo spent happily in Guobei County. All day long, I didn't return to Lanruo Temple until it was getting dark.

The three of them rested for a while at Lanruo Temple, settled down with Ning Caichen, and Shen Mo and Yan Chixia rushed to the northern grove of Guobei County, fully armed.

As the clock rang at midnight, Shen Shen and Yan Chixia had already arrived at the grove for a long time, with the chilly wind blowing, Yan Chixia cautiously scanned the surroundings.

"Shen Xiaoyou, it's already the third watch, why haven't you seen that female ghost yet?"

Shen Mo's heart also began to feel a little nervous. The time has come, but Nie Xiaoqian is not seen. Could it be that she is really untrustworthy?It shouldn't be, if Nie Xiaoqian lied to them, they have already fallen into the trap of the tree demon grandma, why is there nothing wrong at this moment.

Just when Shen Mo and Yan Chixia were at a loss, there was a strange wave of ghost energy coming from the tree hole of an old willow tree. Shen Mo's keen spiritual sense immediately noticed the strange movement, and when he took a closer look, he saw A graceful figure floated out from the tree hole. She was wearing a light blue silk gown with blue silk and heavy makeup. Different from Nie Xiaoqian's cold and indifferent, this ghost looked even more charming and enchanting.

who is she?Where is Nie Xiaoqian ghost?
The female ghost in Tsing Yi soon found Shen Mo and Yan Chixia, she landed lightly, and said anxiously, "The two are people who have an appointment with Sister Qian'er."

Shen Mo and Yan Chixia looked at each other and nodded, "It's us, you?"

"I'm Xiaoqing."

The female ghost in Tsing Yi revealed her identity and murmured anxiously, "Sister Qian'er has been tied up by grandma, and she will be given to the old Heishan demon tonight. She can't escape the demon world, so I specially asked me to come out and take you into the demon world."

Shen Mo and Yan Chixia frowned, looking at the female ghost in front of them, wondering whether they should trust each other.

Mo Mo hesitated for a moment, and muttered in a low voice, "This is the end of the matter, let's play it by ear!"

Yan Chixia nodded, pinched the formula, and was ready to strike at any time.The two followed Xiaoqing one by one.

Dryad Demon Realm.

"Qian, you are so beautiful."

The voice of the dryad's grandmother was neither male nor female, and she stroked Xiaoqian's body with great interest.

"If it wasn't for the old demon from Montenegro asking for you by name, how could grandma be willing to give you to that old demon?"

Nie Xiaoqian's face was gloomy. By now, she was no longer willing to pretend to be in front of the tree demon, ignoring the tree demon's grandma as if she was thousands of miles away from the demon.

"Huh?!" Sensing Nie Xiaoqian's attitude, the tree demon's grandma immediately burst into flames, grabbed her, and shouted angrily, "Well, Nie Xiaoqian, grandma has loved you for so many years. Face, hehe, let me tell you the truth, if grandma was not injured by those two stinky Taoist priests last night, grandma would not be in a hurry to send you to the old demon of Montenegro in exchange for some elixir for healing. You are in the hands of grandma The best tool, grandma hasn't played enough yet!"

"Hey!" Nie Xiaoqian sneered, "Unfortunately, it's only tonight."

hiss!bold!The tree demon grandma said that she was about to whip out countless tentacles to whip Nie Xiaoqian, but just as he made the move, he raised his eyebrows and exclaimed, "How did my demon world break into the living?!"

(End of this chapter)

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