The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 217 Isn't it delicious?

Chapter 217 Isn't it delicious?
The Montenegrin old demon was a little confused about the situation. He clearly felt the decaying smell of the underworld in the air, as well as the sinister aura of ghost generals and soldiers, but he couldn't see even a single soldier in front of him, or The ghost servant's half ghost's head, and even the figure of the tree demon can't be seen...
Wait, the black mountain old demon took a deep breath, and immediately locked the debris on the ground. These residues are filled with the dry smell of the tree demon. Based on his countless experience in reading monsters, it is definitely a tree demon. Undoubtedly the original.

Dryad dead? !It actually died in its own demon world, who killed it?

The old Black Mountain demon set his eyes on the thousand-year-old Tongtian Willow, looked up and down with his dark eyes that were as deep as a black hole, and soon found that with his own cultivation, he couldn't see through this demon willow.Because this demon willow looks like a monster but not a monster, and it looks like a human but not a human. What exactly is it?
The black mountain old demon is powerful, but he has been able to survive from that era until now, mainly because he is very decisive, knows how to protect himself wisely, survives with care, and acts cautiously. A certain fear and distance.

The Black Mountain old demon originally thought that when he came to the world, the ghost servants and Yin soldiers had already captured the tree demon and the man with the sword, and he only needed to move his fingers to stab and kill the enemies who played with and wounded him.

But the fact is that after he came to the human world, everything was different from what he expected. The tree demon was dead, the ghost servants and soldiers were missing, and a willow with no trace appeared.

All of this made the black mountain old demon's prudent demon nature infinitely magnified. He gave up killing, suppressed the anger in his heart, and manifested the demon body. He wanted to find out the current situation and ask the origin of the demon willow. He must not provoke Those big bosses who can't afford it.


Shen Mo and Yan Chixia only felt that the ground under their roots and feet began to vibrate crazily, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake shook crazily from various planes, causing Yan Chixia's internal organs to suffer a lot of internal injuries in an instant. Although there are no internal organs in the willow form, most of his root system has been shattered, and the whole trunk is like a sapling in a storm, crumbling and may fall to the ground at any time.

As the vibration subsided, under the perception of Shen Mo and Yan Chixia, the ground began to bulge, and a huge hill was gathered in the blink of an eye. The hill had a vague humanoid shape, and the sharp-edged outer contour appeared ferocious and terrifying. It is the old demon of Black Mountain, a real boss who can do whatever he wants, entrenched in the underworld city of vain death.

"Wow haha!"

The black mountain old demon uttered a loud roar, which made Yan Chixia's eardrums buzz, and the silence of the willow in the state was also affected. The dense willow branches swayed with the vibration, and the emerald green branches and leaves fell off like money.

In Shen Mo's eyes, the performance of the old Black Mountain demon is very similar to the appearance of the second big demon king in middle school. Shen Mo told himself rationally that the old Black Mountain demon must have his purpose in such a pretentious way. As expected, the old Black Mountain demon will soon have new action.

"This king is the demon king of Black Mountain in the city of the dead in the underworld, commanding tens of thousands of yin soldiers, with monstrous power, and even the king of Yama has to be courteous when he sees this king... that demon willow, where are you from? The monster? Dare to go to the king's land to manifest the demon body?"

After listening to the questioning of the Heishan old demon silently, he suddenly realized that the old Heishan demon's performance in the second class was to report himself to his family and ask them about their details.

Different from ghosts attacking Yin soldiers, the old demon of Montenegro has experienced the era of big bosses flying all over the sky. He has always been very predictable when he meets enemies who cannot see through his heels.

Shen Mo didn't know that his mimicry ability made the old black mountain demon extremely afraid of him, but he could vaguely realize that the next answer determined his life and death with Yan Chixia.

How should Shen Mo answer the question of the Montenegrin old demon, who is he?where is he from?Where are you going?
Tut tut!The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and there was an immature thought in his heart.

Crashing, Tongtianliu's demon body trembled, its mimicry ability faded, and it returned to a silent humanoid appearance.

"Bold black mountain old demon, I am the Dharma protector under the seat of the Great Sun Tathagata, the good god willow. How could you, the little demon king, be able to intervene this time and retreat quickly."

Mo Mo spoke clearly and clearly, and he thought that his acting skills were online, so he was not at all false to the old Montenegro demon.

But he was wrong, and his mistake was that he shouldn't quit the mimicry ability, because with the retreat of the mimicry ability, the silent non-human and non-demon aura disappeared, and the human aura was completely exposed to the consciousness of the old black mountain demon.

The black mountain old demon looked at Shen Mo again with his deep eyes, and he directly ignored Shen Mo's completely irrelevant lies, locked on his human breath, couldn't help but sneered, and shouted loudly.

"Ant, you lied to me!"


Mo Mo was stunned, his acting skills were very online, why did he reveal his secrets?
"Your aura is clearly that of the human race, and you dare to take it..." the old black mountain demon immediately stopped talking, and then changed the subject and shouted, "Anyway, you should die!"

The hill vibrated, and a huge rock smashed hard at Shen Mo. In his eyes, this boulder seemed to fall slowly like a snail, but no matter how Shen Mo escaped, even if he tried his best, he used the ground shrinking charm, This boulder followed closely above his head, and it got closer and closer, and the pressure became stronger and stronger, until the terrifying pressure was all on the ruler, and he could clearly feel the heavy pressure from the boulder, He was so pressed that he didn't even have the strength to move a single finger.


Silent at the last thought, he finally understood why he revealed himself, because he exposed the human breath, he should not break away from the mimicry ability, and should continue to remain mysterious, so as to threaten the Montenegrin old demon.

But it was too late, he had already died tragically under the boulder of the old black mountain demon. With his current strength, even the old black mountain demon couldn't catch a single move.

【Ding!Priests die!Enter the state of the soul! 】

[It is detected that the priest's personal warehouse contains resurrection coins*1, whether to use the resurrection coins and resurrect immediately? 】

【yes?no? 】

Silence did not hesitate, and decisively chose no!Who the hell wants to be resurrected in place, what's the matter?Do you still think the stone of the Montenegrin old demon is not hard enough?Do you still think that the Montenegrin old demon did not crush thoroughly enough?Keep the resurrection coin and use it later, isn't it fragrant?

Do I have to find the guilt and suffer by myself, and be killed by the Montenegrin old demon for the second time?

As Shen Mo refused to use the resurrection coin, a new prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding!The clergyman dies, the follow-up side task is over, and it is detected that the clergyman has the reward contract authority of the devil. Privilege 1: Immunity to death penalty in the mirror world (1 time) whether to use it? 】

Nodding silently, this privilege is naturally to be used, so why not save it for the New Year?

hum!With a burst of buzzing, the feeling of threatening the soul disappeared, replaced by a sense of peace and ease.

[Nightmare-level mission: Dryad Grandma.The main mission is completed. 】

[Sub-task: Thousand-year-old demon.mission completed. 】

[Follow-up branch task: Montenegro old demon.The mission was not triggered, and the priest died. 】

[The task reward will be calculated soon, please wait later! 】

(End of this chapter)

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