The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 236 You Pretend to Compete, I Pay the Bill

Chapter 236 You Pretend to Compete, I Pay the Bill

Pay in silence?

What's happening here?How dare Hua Yingjun lie silent?
Shen Mo shook his head, even if Hua Yingjun had the heart, he didn't have the guts.So, what did Hua Yingjun mean just now?

The answer will be revealed soon.I saw Hua Yingjun smiling towards Shen Mo, whispering in his ear, "Brother, this party is held in your name."

Silently whispered, "And then?"

"Brother, pretend to be a fool, and I'll pay the bill."

Mo Mo suddenly realized that this was the case.Yingjun is indeed an old fritter who has been in the second-generation circle, and he has handled this matter properly, so he doesn't let Mo Mo worry about it.

"Well done!" Silence patted Hua Yingjun's shoulder in satisfaction, walked towards the dance floor, and gave an impromptu speech, "Everyone will not get drunk tonight, have fun, have fun."


Exciting screams and cheers sounded from all around again, and the atmosphere of the whole party was ignited to the peak, and everyone began to revel to their heart's content.

On the other hand, Silence, he staggered away from Hua Yingjun, silently avoided the noisy crowd, and went straight to the table with dishes. He was not interested in singing and dancing, nor was he interested in handsome men and beautiful women. The only thing that could interest him at the moment was Those gluttonous feasts, crisp and delicious cold dishes, tempting hot dishes, and delicious meat dishes...
Silence's stomach was already hungry and thirsty.

He doesn't care about his identity and status. In his opinion, can identity and status be enough to eat? No.Does it smell meaty?No!What does it matter?The sky is big, the earth is big, and the food is the biggest.

The lucky cat on the silent waist shook, Nan Nan manifested a demon body, and the dog eggs also floated out from the rhubarb wood carving in his arms. One person, one dog and one demon, faced the dazzling array of delicacies, and began to attack the city crazily.

The eight-pound Boston lobster dipped in the sauce was silently swallowed, the exquisite desserts disappeared and appeared in Nan Nan's belly without ordinary people noticing, all kinds of meat were swept away by the ghost of Goudan , it seems that something has been pulled away, and when it is eaten again, it becomes tasteless, like chewing wax.

They fully demonstrated the momentum of the vicious tiger descending the mountain, transferring all the edible things in front of them into their stomachs, which is simply terrifying in the foodie world.

Silence's action is so high-profile, it naturally attracts the attention of those who care about it. The head of the Sisters of Modu, Jingjing, came to Mo Mo's side first. Status, she chose to put on a look of admiration and posturing, and the eldest sister Fan Chu chatted, "Master Shen is really huge! It is said that the prime minister can pull a boat in his belly, and your belly is as big as it used to be."

Mo Mo rolled her eyes, the position where she was standing coincidentally blocked Goudan from eating, Goudan was baring her teeth with a wicked face, as if he was about to bite her.

"You blocked my dog." Silence's kind reminder had another meaning in the other party's eyes.

Jingyan frowned and looked behind her. It was Hua Yingjun who was bullying the wheat. She paused in her heart. Is Hua Yingjun just a dog in Shen Mo's heart!horrible!Madness!But I can also understand that Hua Yingjun, who is a fool and rich in money, really looks a little like him.

Jingjing smirked, "Your dog sings really well."


What's the meaning?Goudan didn't sing, besides, you, an ordinary person, can't hear or see Goudan at all.

With doubts, Shen Mo cast a careful glance, and instantly understood that Jingjing had misunderstood himself, treating Hua Yingjun as a dog!
hey-hey!Silently sneered, although he has been berating and ordering Hua Yingjun, he regards Yingjun as his own from the bottom of his heart, and asking him to do more things is to temper his temperament and wear off his Peepee attributes, all for him Well, definitely not meant to treat him like a dog.

Jingjing's words perfectly exposed her improper views and impure thoughts.Standing beside such a woman not only blocked Goudan from eating, but also affected Silence's appetite.


Concise and concise, a single word, made Jingyan stunned on the spot, pretending to pick up a plate of bacon at a loss, and fled in despair.I still didn't forget to curse in my heart, "Why are you arrogant? If it wasn't for the money, sister wouldn't serve you stinky men, dirty, vulgar, and full of stench."

Jingyan put the bacon into his mouth, chewed it hard, and retched the next moment, because the piece of meat was licked by a dog egg, and the essence of it had already been swallowed, and it was eaten again, like chewing wax.

Frustrated eyes, you think it's over? !No, the offensive from the Sisters of Modu has just begun. Yiyi saw that Jingyan was defeated, and Xiaoniaoyiren jumped to Mo Mo's side. This time, it was her time to go.

But this unlucky child accidentally stepped on Nan Nan's little feet, which made Nan Nan very unhappy.

I saw Nannan's little hand move, and the talent skill [Fuyun Prosperity] was activated, and all the luck in Yiyi's body was "borrowed" in an instant.

Yiyi pretended to be pleasant, picked up a glass of milk, took a sip, and was about to use the excuse of "Your milk is so delicious" to talk to Shen Mo, but as soon as the milk drank, her face changed drastically, and her face turned ashen.

puff!cough cough!

Yiyi coughed again and again, the milk splashed out like a fountain, and she actually choked on the milk.

"I..." Yiyi was just about to explain, when she just jumped over, her ankles softened, and the heels of her high-heeled shoes snapped, causing her to fall over on a crooked body, and disappeared from the silent sight like a panicked rabbit.

Silence was secretly surprised, how terrible it is to be haunted by bad luck, you can choke on drinking milk, sprain your feet when you lift them up, trip over when you walk, and roll down the slope when you trip, and whoever breaks down the slope glass shards.

hiss!Just thinking about it makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts. Zashiki Doji Nannan is so horrible that he can't be provoked, can't be provoked.

The other members of the Modu Sisters, although they didn't know what happened just now, but two members of the group were frustrated one after another and failed to win Silence, and subconsciously made other people dare not approach to disturb Silence. Thinking carefully, at the moment, I am thinking about how to win Mo Mo, a potential stock. Once I get it, I will not worry about food and clothing in the future, and I will be an exquisite upper-class woman lying down.

But just as they were planning how to break the silence, the music in the entire box stopped abruptly, all the lights went out, and everything fell into darkness and dead silence.

Shen Mo frowned, and the spiritual sense sent an extremely dangerous warning in an instant, and the surrounding darkness was not ordinary darkness.

Silent eyesight has already been able to see at night, but at this moment, the darkness he is facing is as gloomy as an abyss, as if living creatures with magical powers have enveloped the entire box.

Mo Mo didn't dare to take it too seriously, and immediately drew out the phantom battle axe, blessed with weapons, fully alert, protecting Goudan and Nan Nan, facing the darkness of this unknown abyss.

Continuous screams sounded from the darkness, as if something extremely terrifying was wandering in the darkness, hunting those ordinary people who were powerless.

The tip of Silent's nose twitched, and he could already smell a strong smell of blood, which meant that there had been casualties, and it was imperative to repel the darkness.

drink!Silence let out a loud shout, and took out the master wood carving in his arms, triggering the special effects of subduing demons and demons, exorcising evil and avoiding evil.

The unknown darkness was not affected at all, and even swallowed the holy light blessed by the weapon, and the brilliance of the master woodcarving dissipated and fell back into Shen Mo's hands.

Shen Mo frowned, looking powerless in the face of such an unknown force.

But this darkness didn't last long. When it slowly faded away, the scene in front of me shocked the silence!
hiss!Even Shen Mo, who had seen the big world, couldn't help but gasped. He looked at the members of the Sisters of the Modu in disbelief, and remained silent.

The five members of the Modu Sisters all lost their most proud capital.

(End of this chapter)

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