The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 254 Fly!silence

Chapter 254 Fly!silence
Flying is the infinite longing for the sky hidden deep in human genes.

In ancient times, there was Chang'e flying to the moon with kryptonite, but today there is a silent mimetic flying to the sky.

With the joint efforts of Shen Mo and Nan Nan, the propeller above the head has achieved the most perfect aerodynamic design and requirements, and the lift it generates is enough to bring Silence into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"Let's spin and fly!"

Silently shouted, using the second word, but it reached the excitement and excitement in his heart. I saw him urging the propeller above his head with all his attention. The blades began to rotate slowly with the rotation of the bearing, and the airflow rose like an invisible big hand. Like lifting him up.

Silence flies!He can really fly!
Although the flight of silence is weaker than the flight of Yujian, but this is the flight of silent touching women, and the meaning is far greater than the result.

More importantly, Silence can use its power to safely cross the death beach and escape the swarm of soul-thirsty insects, which is enough to reflect the value of the propeller and the meaning of creating it.

On the beach full of death breath, a humanoid self-propelled aircraft passed by rapidly, approaching the gap that represented the starting point of life.

Silence looked down at the unknown bones at the foot, and the soul-thirsty worms wriggling faintly under the beach. I was very grateful in my heart. There are always more solutions than difficulties. This sentence is not false at all. As long as you are willing to use your brain, no matter how difficult the predicament is, you can find it. solution.

You see, isn't Silence about to cross the beach of death safely?
Before the words fell, a sudden change occurred!
A slap in the face is always faster than a falg.

I saw that the originally dead beach began to make a rustling sound, and the sound came from the ground, and it became more and more intense.

Immediately, the beach representing death squirmed and converged at a speed visible to the naked eye, twisting and entangled behind Shen Mo into a pitch-black abyss-like tentacle.

Silence was stunned, and when he took a closer look, the pitch-black tentacles were nothing but composed of countless soul-thirsty insects. It seemed to possess spiritual intelligence, wading across the sand in a hurry, and twisted like a spirit snake to push toward Silence.

it's coming!Here they come!They are walking with enchanting steps, twisting their strange postures, and coming with a murderous look.

Mo Mo didn't dare to be careless, he didn't exclaim like in the novel, after seeing the sudden change, he had already mustered all his strength, and fled forward desperately, not even giving himself the chance to look back , There is only one thought in his heart, that is, the sooner he reaches the gap in life, the sooner he can get rid of the threat of death.

Silence had a lot of power in his heart, and he knew that it would be better to keep silent and run wildly with his head bowed rather than stand still in shock, or spray out a few words of "holding", "not good", and "running away".

Spin!flight!run away!
Silently meditating in his heart, the rotating propeller hummed, the strong vibration force and air pressure change made his brain swell and his eardrums buzzed, and as he accelerated to escape, this feeling became more and more intense, which was like adding insult to injury .

Why!After all, Silence is not an airplane. No matter how perfect the hasty design is, there will be problems and flaws due to uncontrollable factors.

His body simply couldn't bear such a huge vibration force and air pressure change.

But they can't stop Mo Mo's determination to escape. How can his desire for life be defeated by such setbacks? !

Purify!Slow healing!

The two divine skills were activated at the same time, which suddenly relieved Shen Mo's physical discomfort. At the same time, the ground-shrinking talisman burst into a dazzling red light, which turned into countless sparks in his hands, and the talisman power was infused and circulated in the body.

The next moment, Shen Humanoid Self-Propelled Aircraft Mo disappeared in place, and appeared hundreds of feet away in an instant, avoiding a fatal impact from the soul-thirsty insect's tentacles.

Shen kept silent, and continued to use his ability to escape forward.

Soul-thirsty swarm: "???"

They froze in place as if they were intelligent, unable to understand why the duck that was about to be acquired would disappear and appear in another place.

But it was only a moment of surprise, and they twisted their tentacles again, strangling towards Silence.

Mo Mo didn't look back at all. With his spiritual perception, he could already clearly perceive the location of the soul-thirsty swarm. He only needed to focus on escaping.

Silent kicked his legs into the air, pouring in the power of the devil, and immediately condensed into two devil hands. The palms of the palms were open, and they grabbed the skeleton of an unknown creature on the beach, poured the power of the evil devil, and slammed it behind him. Soul-thirsty bug swarm, in order to block the approaching speed of the bug swarm.

Boom!The bones collided with the insects, and after only a second of stagnation, they were devoured to the point where there was not even a scum left. They may have mistakenly thought it was food, or they may be hungry, or they may want to change their tastes. Enough to launch the Shrinking Inch Talisman again.

hum!Infused with rune power, the figure disappeared.

Silence was getting closer and closer to the gap in life, and his heart did not feel happy or relaxed because of it, but became more calm and dignified.

Because according to the general routine of the Gou System, the closer it is to the end, the more unexpected the danger will be.

hum!Sure enough, Silence did not guess wrong.Not far ahead, that is, between the gap between silence and life, a dark tentacle squirmed again.

A new swarm of soul-thirsty insects appeared, blocking the gap between silence and life.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, this is the lair of soul-thirsty insects, he naturally thought that there were more than one group of soul-thirsty insects, and he was even prepared to be besieged by countless groups.

Therefore, the oncoming swarm of soul-thirsty insects did not make Shen Mo panic, but aroused his ferocity even more.

sharp!cold!fearless!Dazzling light shone in Silence's eyes, his hands changed to mimic, and countless tentacles twisted, stirring up the phantom battle ax exuding pink brilliance.

[Goddess of Luck's Favor] activate, enter the body of the European Emperor for 1 minute!

Puff!With an ax in the air, the pink brilliance shines, 100% triggers the passive skill of the Phantom Battle Ax [Summon the Lord-level Minotaur] A ferocious minotaur came through the air. The restraint, acting as a meat shield, was thrown fiercely at the soul-thirsty swarm.

Tau!Use Savage Rush!

The lord-level minotaur was stunned for a moment, it was 100% loyal to silence, and carried out the order of silence, with the help of the acceleration of the power of the devil, it swung the huge ax in its hand, and rushed towards the soul-thirsty insect swarm fiercely.

boom!The powerful impact instantly pushed the swarm out of a huge hole, and the gap in life could be clearly seen through the hole.

Silence's eyes flickered, and he ordered the bullhead again, bullhead!Crazy output against the swarm!

The tauren standing in the air swung the huge ax in his hand, and slashed at the broken swarm frantically, preventing them from agglomerating again.

And Shen Mo took advantage of this gap, shrunk the ground into an inch talisman and crushed, the crimson light on Shen Mo's body manifested, disappeared in place, and the next moment, it fell into the gap of life.

Crash!Mo Mo's ears are light, and he can clearly hear the melodious sound of water flowing in the cracks of life. It is obvious that there is water here, and there is still a lot of it.

And when Mo Mo looked intently, he actually saw a waterway bursting from bottom to top, as if it went straight to the sky and submerged into a dark and deep underground cave.

This is the gap of life, the fountain of life flowing in the water channel, and it is the only exit that can leave the underground world with silence.

Mo Mo didn't hesitate at all, took a deep breath, jumped into the water channel, and followed the icy water flow, into the dark and deep cave.

(End of this chapter)

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