The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 271 Discussing the Uses of Xiaoci

Chapter 271 Discussing the Uses of Xiaoci
What are puppets good for? !

If you take this question to random people on the street to ask, then everyone’s answer is completely different, so I won’t list them here. After all, anyone who understands naturally understands, and those who don’t understand can go to Du Niang.

In Shen Mo, the usefulness of dolls can be roughly divided into the following points.

First, Liu Xiaoci, the little thunderbolt, belongs to a combat unit. Her thunder power and special effects skills have good combat power and fault tolerance, whether it is dealing with ghosts or dealing with very rare special situations.

Male and female are indistinguishable, ahem, let's not talk about this for now.

The power of thunder, the killer of ghosts, the power of it is needless to say.

Exorcising ghosts is a highly extensible skill. If Liu Xiaoci catches a few powerful ghosts, her combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

The entanglement of tendrils, the necessary auxiliary skills, coupled with her harmless appearance to humans and animals, can completely catch people by surprise, and at critical moments, it can have the effect of a jedi counter-kill.

Run away, tsk tsk, run away if you can't beat it, the exclusive skill of saving your life.In some cases, it is also possible to detect the enemy's situation and collect intelligence, which is a match of magic.

Therefore, the arrival of Liu Xiaoci has greatly enriched Silence's combat capabilities and improved the efficiency of subjugating demons and demons.

Second, such an alluring, well-behaved doll, who is obedient to Shen Mo, is the most perfect partner in the world except that she can't have children. Not to mention that she can help Shen Mo take care of her life. It is also an excellent enjoyment to dangle in front of people every day.

Therefore, Shen Mo decided to release Liu Xiaoci to act as the front desk of Laifu Woodcarving Shop in his spare time, as a waiter, as a nanny, as a cleaner, as a cook, as well as... Anyway, let Xiaoci serve as a doll if he can. There is no such thing as fatigue, as long as Shen Mo injects spiritual energy into her body, she will be a perpetual motion machine capable of working at full power for 23 hours.

Someone asked here, why is it 23 hours, isn't there 24 hours in a day?The remaining one hour is of course when Shen Mo needs her most, rubbing shoulders and pounding for Shen Mo, relaxing her body and mind.

Ever since Shen Shen joined the work, he has not slept soundly and dreamed beautifully, and even eats to goblins, ghosts and dogs. If things go on like this, normal people will be perverted.

It's different now, with such a doll who is as beautiful as a flower and a jade, he feels that his sleep will be better in the future, his dreams will be beautiful, and his food will be good.

Humans, after all, are sensory animals, and the value of appearance is justice. This sentence is not adulterated at all.

Thirdly, the big sister of the puppet, Xiao Ci is Shen Mo’s first puppet work, she is the first, but she will definitely not be the last. With the completion of the job transfer task of Mo Mo, the activation of the puppeteer career panel, Theoretically, as long as Shen Mo has enough materials on hand, he can create new dolls without interruption. As the number of dolls increases, a big sister will naturally need to stand up and manage them.

Such a arduous task can only be handed over to Xiaoci for the time being. After all, the first is always the first, and people will only remember the first, and will never remember the second.

For example, the world's first peak is Mount Everest, so where is the world's second peak?Don't know!This is an ironclad fact.

The above three points are temporarily thought up by Shen Mo, and if there are new uses for Liu Xiaoci in the future, he will naturally add them.

Someone here must stand up and ask if Liu Xiaoci can warm the bed.

Dirty, obscene, hooligan, shameless... Of course Liu Xiaoci can warm the bed, but silence will definitely not let Liu Xiaoci warm the bed for him.

Why?Because no matter how realistic the doll is, she is still a doll after all, and the bottom line cannot be crossed.This is not only because silence is necessary, but also because the author has a strong desire to survive.Funny manually~~
After deciding on Liu Xiaoci's future use, Shen Mo officially started the communication between master and servant with Liu Xiaoci.


"Yes, Master."

"Don't call me master, this name is not fashionable in this age, you are the same as Nan Nan, just call me boss."

"Okay, master. Then Xiaoci will call you the boss from now on."

Nodding silently, he continued to ask, "Xiaoci, your memory and cognition..."

Xiao Charity replied understandingly, "Xiao Ci's memory originally belonged to the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost, but after the system modification, it has taken on a new look. Except for basic common sense knowledge, personal emotions are all blank. At the same time, my core is branded With the imprint of the boss's spiritual consciousness, theoretically, I will have the same wisdom and way of thinking as you."

Silent suddenly, really have a system in hand, no worries about getting things done.This service is really thoughtful, completely solving the hidden dangers of Yin Yang Lei Shagui.

With a certain idea, he tried to communicate with the imprint of the divine consciousness in Xiaoci's body with his own spiritual consciousness. He only heard a buzzing sound, and entered a very wonderful visual sense.

Mo Mo actually saw himself through Xiao Ci's eyes, and he was looking at Xiao Ci again.

This feeling like an incarnation outside the body made Silent's cognition confused for a moment, but he quickly recovered. After a while of familiarity, he gradually got used to this feeling, and his intuition told him that if this ability Used in battle, it would be an extremely powerful and terrifying ability.

The incarnation of the puppet.

Imagine yourself controlling thousands of puppets, it is like a god punishing a god, and the Buddha blocks and retreats the Buddha, which is so strong that it does not make sense.

Of course, this was just a silent imagining of the future. After only a moment of manipulating his mind, his mental power was exhausted, his head was buzzing, and he almost fainted on the spot. According to this rhythm, he could only continue to strengthen his mental power. Only then can he display his imagination, which is an unattainable dream.

Snapped!The moment Shen Mo withdrew his consciousness, he almost fainted, but fortunately, Xiaoci had quick eyes and quick hands, helped him up, and said with great concern, "Boss, you have worked hard, I will serve you to rest, this is my No mistake, I should tell you that mind control is an ability that consumes a lot of mental energy, and with your current strength, I don't recommend you to use it."

Coughing twice in silence, how can we let Xiaoci look down on us, a man of seven feet, "It's okay, it's a trivial matter, isn't it just exhausting mental power!"

Silence let out a low growl, and muttered to the rhubarb wood carving on the desk, "God, come out and let me pat the dog's head."

Wang!Wang!Wang!After a few barks, Goudan's demon soul landed at Shen Mo's feet, and stroked Goudan's dog's head with ease, Mo Mo's mental strength gradually recovered, and his energy became more and more full.

Seeing this, Xiao Ci opened her mouth in surprise. It was the first time she had seen such manipulation. It was so amazing and interesting.

Could this be the legendary self-propelled blue recovery device?Still a dog version.


It is worthy of applying my way of thinking, this idea is exactly the same as mine, it is like meeting a bosom friend.

Just when Shen Mo's mental strength recovered, the rolling gate downstairs was knocked again and again. It was obvious that someone was coming, and it was urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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