The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 273 Snake Essence Disease

Chapter 273 Snake Essence Disease

Sure enough, it's you!

After reading Zhao Lei's message silently, he immediately concluded that he was the culprit of Boss You's recent misfortune.

It has been said since ancient times that snakes have spirits for three years, and ghosts do not find unfavorable people.

Since the snake has a spirit, it knows kindness and hatred, and understands good and evil.Zhao Lei likes to eat snakes. There is nothing wrong with that. In China, any animal with its back turned to the sky is likely to be eaten by people, but if you eat it, at least you have a bottom line.Killing 321 young snakes and taking 458 eggs, is this something humans can do? !It's frenzied and outrageous, and he deserves this retribution.

Mo Mo shouted sharply, "Snakes have spirits, and resentment has heads. Do you want me to elaborate on what you did?"

Zhao Lei's face was startled, and he immediately remembered the snake nest that day and the feast of thousands of snakes. He was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly explained to Boss You, "Boss, it's just a nest of snake cubs. We eat them and make tooth sacrifices. It can be imagined that they are causing trouble. I can't blame me for this... can't blame me!"

"So it's really you." Boss You's face was gloomy, "Zhao Lei, Zhao Lei, I'm not mean to you, you've made me miserable."

"I didn't expect..." Zhao Lei wanted to explain, but Shen Mo grabbed his wrist and tore off his sleeve, only to see a dense layer of snake scales growing on his arm, which was very terrifying.

hiss!Boss You took a few steps back subconsciously, staring at Zhao Lei in horror, for fear of being infected by him, "What kind of disease is this?"

Shen Mo said very seriously, "Theoretically, it should be called snake spirit disease!"

"Snake spirit disease?!" Boss You was very embarrassed. Although he didn't read much, he knew the term "snake spirit disease" on the Internet. What he didn't expect was that such a strange disease really existed these days.

From this point of view, Zhao Lei must have eaten snake meat to be infected with this strange disease.

hiss!Boss You gasped. According to what Zhao Lei said, almost all the workers on the construction site had eaten snake meat the day the snake pit was discovered. Does that mean that all the workers on the construction site in the north of the city had this strange disease? !
If one person suffers, he can still use money to solve it. If a group of people have an accident, even his rich and self-willed boss can't cover it.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Boss You begged Shen Mo, "Master Shen, since you can see this disease, then you must have a way to cure it, right?"

Zhao Lei suddenly realized, turned his head immediately, and knelt down in front of Shen Mo with a thud. He knelt down to ask for the possibility of survival, and Shen Mo naturally deserved this kneeling.

Putting on airs in silence, he said slowly, "I do have a cure for this disease, but..."

Zhao Lei was overwhelmed with surprise, and hurriedly asked, "Just what? If Master has any difficulties, Boss You and I will definitely help you solve them."

Why!Silence looked at the ceiling at 45 degrees, as if you could see the deep sky through the ceiling.

"The cycle of karma and retribution is not good. The sins you have committed should have been retribution on you. If I am a bystander, if I intervene, how can I be worthy of the lives of nearly a thousand snakes."

Forehead? !Boss You and Zhao Lei looked at each other, they didn't expect Shen Mo to be such a benevolent and righteous person, all the benevolence and righteousness went to the snake.

However, Boss You is an old Jianghu after all, and he quickly understood the overtones of the silence.

Say one thousand, say ten thousand.The meaning of silence is to say [this is your sin, I am not related to you, why should I help you? 】

Boss You was heartbroken, this matter related to his own worth and life, he had to stand at the front and carry this big banner.

"Three houses!" Boss You stretched out his middle finger, ring finger and index finger, making a gesture of three.

"One building!" Silent Lion opened his mouth, mercilessly. His solid wood coffee table and teacups, as well as his temper, are probably worth several houses.

Boss You's face darkened, but his heart was overjoyed. He was not afraid of Shen Mo's opening up, but he was afraid that Mo Mo would not ask for anything. As long as he opened his mouth, it meant that the matter could be discussed.

"One building is too much. Our house builders don't earn money. They earn hard money. Give us a way to survive. Five sets, will it work?" Boss You began to sell miserably.

"One building only has 48 floors, and the first floor has only four suites. Although there are [-] in total, after throwing away the side room with the back of the sun, I went to the Fengshui-oriented room, and then went to the uncomfortable room at the beginning and the end. After all, how many sets are left?!"

Boss You smiled awkwardly, brother, there is nothing wrong with what you said, why don't I give you a few boutique houses, and we don't want to make those that you despise.

Shaking her head silently, "Red flowers are accompanied by green leaves. If there are only flowers but no leaves, how can it be a time when the world is at ease."

"The master's skills are as high as the sky, and his ventriloquism is so outstanding, don't embarrass me anymore, ten sets, at most ten sets, no more."

After a moment of silence, he raised his hand and pointed out the door, "Picture an auspicious number, twelve sets. Okay, stay. No, please be wise."

Boss You frowned, hesitating, and Zhao Lei, who was on the side, was afraid that Boss You would refuse, so he quickly said, "Boss, ten sets, you give ten sets, and I will pay for the other two sets."

Um! ?Only then did Boss You remember that there was this swindler around him, and he grabbed Zhao Lei by the collar, "Two sets?! You can't make a big deal about this. You have earned a lot of money by following me for so many years. Now Just exchange money for your life! You pay six, I pay six. Let's get over this hurdle."

Although Boss You is careless and behaves vulgarly, but his character is acceptable, and he has some brotherhood towards Zhao Lei. This proposal is also an act of kindness and righteousness.

Zhao Lei hesitated for a moment, looking at the snake scales on his arms, he had no choice but to obey Boss You.

If you lose your money, you can make more money, but if you lose your life, you will lose everything.

In the end, at the price of twelve units in the north of the city, they asked Shen Mo to help them solve the disaster at the construction site in the north of the city.

Is this price high?For the average common man, this is an extremely high price tag.Because ordinary people are busy with one house in a lifetime, and twelve houses, that is the work of twelve lifetimes.

But for Boss You, who is engaged in real estate, twelve sets are simply a drop in the bucket. As long as he passes this hurdle, let alone twelve sets, there will be twenty sets, thirty sets... a hundred sets are a matter of minutes.

Mo Mo and the two have set a good price, and they are not afraid of their regrets afterwards. After all, in the face of real strength, all conspiracies and tricks are death.

"You wait for me outside, and I will go get my magic weapon."

After Shen Mo finished speaking, he went straight to the second floor. He put the dog egg on the desk and Nan Nan who was playing League of Legends on his body, and took out ten sets of intermediate-level talismans from the desk drawer for emergencies.

After going downstairs, he told Xiaoci to stay in the shop to take care of the business, and he took Goudan and Nan Nan to Boss You's car alone.

Of course, in order to increase Boss You's trust in him, Shen Mo cured Zhao Lei's snake spirit first.

With just one purification skill, the snake venom in Zhao Lei's body was completely removed.

Before Zhao Lei could be happy, Shen Mo told him that the snake venom had been in his body for a long time. Although it was cured now, it had damaged his vitality, and ten years of life would be the least.

If Zhao Lei wants to live a few more years in the future, just do it for himself.

Without saying a word all the way, the three of them hurried to the construction site in the north of the city, where there were still a group of workers and a big stall waiting for Shen Mo to clean up.

(End of this chapter)

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