The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 277 Self-knowledge

Chapter 277 Self-knowledge
"That's really a good suggestion."

Mo Mo likes Boss You's suggestion very much. The incense view on the first floor is really not grand enough, so let's connect the two floors up and down to the rooftop, and have a grand incense view.

Boss You was overjoyed, but before he could be happy, he only heard Shen Mo continue talking.

"Then take my twelve sets and take two floors and eight sets, and connect it to the roof to build the incense temple!"

Boss You was stunned. Is this the rhythm of holding his attention and still not giving him soup?This is not kind!
"Master Shen, this is inappropriate for you!"

Um? !Silence's eyes were fixed, and an invisible coercion erupted, and Boss You was silenced immediately without anger.

Boss You couldn't help breaking out in a layer of cold sweat. The feeling of being stared at by wild animals made his legs tremble uncontrollably. Only then did he realize how childish his behavior was just now. and overreaching.

The so-called, there is a specialization in the art industry, and crossing a line is like crossing a mountain. In Shen Mo's line of work, strength is king. If you don't have strength, you still want to share a share with me? !Who gave you the courage?
Boss You's eyes were blinded by the momentary benefits, and he didn't realize that he was taking food from a tiger's mouth. At this moment, he was awakened by the silent coercion, and he realized how ignorant and ignorant he was.

This world is no longer the same. The wealth, power, and power he once thought are not worth mentioning in the eyes of people like Shen Mo. These people will eventually go upstream and gradually become the current mainstream and high-ranking people. These people at this moment are exactly the same as him who just started his career 20 years ago. They are all doing the most basic accumulation of wealth, and they are still using methods ten times and a hundred times faster than him.

Why!Boss You let out a long sigh. He felt how small and fragile he was under the frenzy of the times. Perhaps, he should put down the current road and try to take a train of the new era through the relationship of silence. If he has Word of opportunity.This is the intuition of the superiors, how to protect themselves under the frenzy of the great era, and continue to keep the position of the superiors.

"I'm sorry!" Boss You suppressed the mania in his heart and became extremely humble, "Master Shen, don't blame me, I was abrupt and said something that shouldn't be said, so let's go, the construction design of Xianghuo Temple, and the construction after completion Decoration design, as well as field security... I will fund and arrange everything, so you can rest assured."

Mo Mo nodded, acquiescing to Boss You's suggestion, he had to pay a little price for his abruptness, of course, this price was also a stepping stone for him to try to board the big ship Mo Mo.

After the conversation, Shen Mo took Liu Ruyan back to the Laifu Wood Carving Shop. He didn't let Boss You or Zhao Lei drive to see him off, because Shen Mo wanted to take a walk with Liu Ruyan in the north of the city alone and enjoy the rare leisure time.

As mentioned before, Shen Mo's life is fast-paced, especially in Yancheng, a city with a slow pace of life. He experiences more things every day than ordinary people experience in a month or even a year.

This requires not only a strong body to resist, but also a tough mental strength to support, so the occasional leisure is particularly valuable.

Walking in the small woods in the north of the city, Liu Ruyan followed behind him gracefully, Nannan and Goudaner happily played in the grass, everything seemed so beautiful and comfortable.

"This is really a good time." Liu Ruyan said truthfully, "The slave family has experienced a lot, but the present is the most surprising to me. Its changes are too fast, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as changing with each passing day. The people here are always smiling, and although there are many deficiencies, I can feel that everything is moving in a good direction."

Silence nodded in response, "Yes! Life always develops in a good direction, and people's pursuit of happiness is the same no matter what age they are in. In the past 300 years, have you met any special people?"

Liu Ruyan recalled, "Of course I did. 200 years ago, the Nu family met a monk. He originally wanted to accept the Nu family, but he wanted to keep good deeds in the Nu family, so he let the Nu family go. The family's practice method has benefited the slave family a lot."

"anything else?"

"100 years ago, the slave family fell in love with a son. He was a high school graduate and returned to his hometown to be an official. However, in troubled times, he was displaced and died in a foreign country. The slave family wanted to help him, but he refused. He said, The son does not talk about strange powers and gods, and the help of evil spirits is the coccyx of a scholar. If you can do it, you will not be able to do it, and it is an insult to gentleness."

Shen Mo chuckled, "Times are not as good as in the past. In the current era, there are not many scholars like this."

"That's right. Young Master is obviously not a scholar." Liu Ruyan was still brooding over Shen Mo's profiting from her.

Shen Mo laughed at himself, "I am not a scholar, I am just an ordinary person who wants to live a better life in this world. I have some skills, but they are not great skills. I have limited abilities and a weak sense of responsibility. Just live."

Liu Ruyan's smile became more meaningful, "My lord, you are not a small person, your ability is stronger than most of the people I have seen, so why should you be so self-effacing?"

Shen Mo couldn't help but think of the scene when he was rubbed against the ground by Ma Shisan. He thought he was a bull in the sky before, but now it seems that he is just a frog at the bottom of a well, watching the sky from a well. The world can still maintain a general direction under the recovery of spiritual energy Harmony and ease, that means there are countless existences like silence, or more powerful than silence, blocking those unknown injuries for ordinary people.

It's just that they are relatively low-key, not as flamboyant as Shen Mo.

He has always said that he has a good score, but now it seems that he should be a little better.

After all, the power hidden in the super game alone is not as unbearable as he imagined. Ma Shisan is just a seriously injured little lolita, and the leader of group 21 can rub him on the ground. There are twenty groups, who can keep there are no top figures hidden far beyond his imagination.

Why!There are people outside people, and buildings outside buildings.Being low-key is indeed king.

He remembered what Ma Shisan had said before, "They won't have to hide in the dark before long." This sentence was very meaningful. Mo Mo realized that the super game would be revealed to ordinary people at a certain time, and With the exposure of the super bureau, everything will be supervised by public opinion and the world.

Therefore, silence must be silent before that era comes, and save a lot of assets for yourself.This is what he has been doing all the time, and it is also the self-knowledge in his subconscious when he came into this world.

Sneaking in the dark, he can naturally use tyrannical means to obtain huge profits.If the super bureau is exposed and known to the world, all gray and white areas will be bound by rules, and the space for him to freely control will be reduced.

After all, this day will come, I only hope that before it comes, Silence has already stood at the peak of the pyramid, free from the constraints of general rules.

All the way without talking, Mo Mo and Liu Ruyan returned to the Laifu Wood Carving Shop. As soon as they entered the shop, they saw Hua Yingjun talking and laughing around Xiao Ci, looking like they were talking freely.

Oh hoo? !Hua Yingjun, what do you want to do to the silent puppet? !

And Lao Huang looked like someone who came here, sitting on the coffee table and drinking tea silently, pretending he didn't see anything.

"Boss, you are back. This funny Mr. Hua said he is your friend."

Nodding silently, "He is not only funny, but also very talented. Isn't he versatile Hua Yingjun."

(End of this chapter)

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