The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 279 Curiosity killed the cat

Chapter 279 Curiosity killed the cat

Why did Nan Nan comment on Silence so much?
Because she witnessed the whole process of silently lobbying Liu Ruyan and rejecting Hua Yingjun. The conspiracy and intertwined interests made Nan Nan, who was originally pure as snow, see the scheming and tricks of the adult world. It's really complicated!

For Nan Nan, there is nothing bad about it, which made Nan Nan grow up a lot and learn a lot.

Back to Shen Mo and Hua Yingjun.

Hua Yingjun followed behind Shen Mo, and entered the store one after the other, "Xiaoci, let's get to know each other again, this is your new colleague Hua Yingjun."

Xiaoci smiled knowingly, her way of thinking made her understand the idea of ​​silence very well, she nodded slightly to express her understanding.

Lao Huang smiled and said nothing. Through this period of contact and the old wine yesterday, he had a better impression of Hua Shuai. He felt that although this young man was a bit skinny, his mind was not bad It is a good seedling that can be trained.For Hua Yingjun to stay in Laifu Woodcarving Shop, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for his future growth.

After explaining his new identity, Shen Mo asked Xiaoci, "After I leave, will there be any new guests?"

Xiaoci replied, "There are some, but most of them are here to watch the fun. They walk around the store a few times, take pictures, and leave without even asking the price. Occasionally, there are a few who are bold and curious. Strong, when I asked the price of the woodcarving, I was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and I didn't say anything."

Nodding silently, this is exactly the same as he expected. This is the case in the woodcarving industry. It has not been opened for three years, and it has been eaten for three years. It is enough for ordinary people to eat for a lifetime.

Looking at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock at noon. Shen Mo, who had just acquired twelve properties, was in a particularly good mood. He suggested, "It's noon soon, how about having a meal together?"

"Okay! The boss treats you, and I will pay for it!" Hua Yingjun was the first to stand up and raised his hands in agreement. During this period of time, he almost doubted his life when he ate takeout. , that is of course excellent.

"You don't need to spend so much money. I'll cook some dishes for you in the store. You can come over and eat later. The restaurant outside is not as tasty as homemade food." Lao Huang picked up his teacup, drank it down, and said Then I got up and prepared to go to the opposite Eight Immortals bun shop to set down the chef's spoon.

"Brother Huang, you have been busy all morning. Let's take a rest. Let's go out to eat together. I know a newly opened hot pot restaurant is good. Let's try something new." Strangled to death in the cradle, he repeatedly suggested, and winked at Xiao Ci at the side, begging for foreign aid.

Xiaoci smiled slightly. As a puppet, she doesn't need to eat, she only needs to be infused with silent aura to act, "I don't care, you go and eat, I'll stay and watch the store."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, there were only a few people in the room, and they still couldn't eat a piece. In this case, then adopt the principle of proximity and choose Lao Huang, "Old Huang, we will go to your shop in a while."

"Okay!" Lao Huang got the order, as if he had won the lottery, and went to the opposite side happily, "Come over at noon, I will show you my skills, and I will tell you that besides making steamed buns, I am also good at Sichuan cuisine. Absolutely."

Lao Huang hadn't finished speaking, and before he walked out of the store, he ran into a young man wearing a cat-face headdress. He was in his twenties, fair and ordinary, but as soon as he appeared on the stage, he immediately attracted people's attention. catch everyone's eyes.

Because the cat-face headdress is very unusual, with a few black words [curiosity killed the cat] written on it, such a dress will be extremely unusual wherever it is placed.

Instead of staggering his body, Lao Huang cast a glance at him, patted the corner of his clothes unhappily, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and left without saying anything.

The young man also took a look at Lao Huang. He wanted to keep up with Lao Huang, but saw the ghostly spirit in the Eight Immortals bun shop, curled his lips boredly, abandoned Lao Huang, turned around, and walked straight into Fumu Carving Shop.

The young man acted as if there was no one in the shop, ignoring the gazes of Shen Mo and others, walked back and forth in the shop, looked at it carefully, picked up each wood carving for a long time, and put it back in its original place boredly, mouthing He was still muttering, "Hmph, isn't it just a pile of rotten wood? How can it be sold for a sky-high price of [-] million? Those people are really out of their minds."

Hey! ?Not only does this person dress up differently, but his mouth is also broken.

Mo Mo, Xiao Ci, and Hua Yingjun exchanged glances, with Hua Yingjun guarding the door and Mo Mo standing in the middle, Xiao Ci stepped out of the bar and walked straight to the young man.

"Hello, may I help you?" Xiao Ci asked very politely, smiling with her beautiful eyes.

The young man shuddered and murmured in a panic, "You can see me too?!"

Xiaoci smiled and said, "Not only can I see you, everyone here can see you too."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then turned his eyes to Shen Mo and Hua Yingjun. The two of them stared at him straightly, like a hungry tiger staring at food, very haunted.

The young man realized that the situation was not good, and he wanted to escape, but was stopped by Xiao Ci, "Sir, you haven't answered my question yet? This is very rude."

The young man's face was gloomy, showing his death, and he replied viciously, "Get out of the way, I want to go out, it's not fun here at all."

"Fun?!" Shen Mo raised his palm, a milky white halo emerged, and sneered, "I'm open for business, who will tell you if it's fun or not, but you, a lost kid, actually broke into my shop Well, I think it's kind of fun."

Is it fun?When a sheep enters the tiger's mouth, the sheep will not find it amusing, only the tiger will find it amusing.

hum!Without waiting for the young man to answer, Silence shot out a weapon blessing, which landed on the opponent, immediately dissipating his ghostly aura and turning him into a spirit body, but even if the young man turned into aura, he still wore a cat-face headgear and wrote a letter [Curious] kill the cat]

Shen Mo was very surprised. He didn't know what the origin of this headdress was, and why it was able to ignore the attack of the weapon blessing and firmly put it on the young man's head.

So, he threw out his investigative skills, wanting to find out the origin of this brat.

【Ding!If you find a curious ghost, it can be used as a complete soul income. 】

[Curious ghosts, people who accidentally died because of their strong curiosity, their inner curiosity made them stay in the world and turned into a very different kind of ghost. This ghost has a cat hat that killed the cat because of its curiosity. Everything can be curious, likes to pester people, often makes troubles, and will bring bad luck to those who are pestered. 】

Silently, it turned out that this is a curious ghost that brings bad luck to people. No wonder Lao Huang would pat his clothes with disgust when he met him, and he didn't forget to spit on the other person's face.

This kind of ghost is not as useful as Ling'er or Goudan, and bringing him will bring bad luck to himself.

Tsk tsk, silently shook his head, curiosity is good, but it can kill cats, I hope you will not be so curious in your next life.

hum!The power of purification was activated, and Mo Mo helped the curious ghost to save himself. Sending him to the King of Hades and letting him go to Huo Huo Difu was better than staying by Shen Mo's side, Huo Huo Mo Mo wanted to come.

After solving the curious ghost, Mo Mo and Xiao Ci stayed in the store for a while, and then heard Lao Huang yelling, asking them to eat at the opposite side.

So, a few people concealed the door of the Laifu Wood Carving Shop, and went to the Eight Immortals Steamed Bun Shop for lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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