Chapter 287
Why is it a ratio of cattle? !

Mo Mo felt that the decorator must have had a grudge against the boss, otherwise he would never have used so many taboos on the decoration of Hao Zailai Hotel.

Counting carefully, there are still many small details in the room that are designed to be extremely anti-human, which naturally has a great impact on the hotel business.

As for the grievances and resentments between the decorator and the boss, he didn't have much thought to ask. He is now focusing on Liu Ming's case.

Shen Mo read the dossier of deceitful events, and looked for clues by comparing the situation around him. Room 401 had been cleaned, and no dirty things could be found with the naked eye. Therefore, he directly used his spiritual perception to scan every detail of the room.

There was nothing unusual about the bed, even though Liu Ming died on this bed.

There is nothing weird in the bathroom, except for the faint smell of disinfectant, I really can't find even a little useful thing.

Shen Mo went to the window again, opened the window, and searched around, but still found nothing.

"Your grandson called you again!"

Just when he was at a loss, there was a rush of middle-second phone calls, and Silence frowned, because the ringtone was not his, but came from under the bed, the bed on which Liu Ming died.

Mo Mo had a flash of inspiration, and immediately remembered something. He quickly flipped through the case files, and suddenly found that Liu Ming's mobile phone could not be found in all the evidence photos.

This is a very unreasonable situation.

The current era is an era of highly developed information. Everyone will have their own mobile phone. Just like everyone's ID card, it carries countless secrets and ties.

From this point of view, Liu Ming's mobile phone is the key to unraveling this trick. However, why did Dui Niu and others discover this mobile phone? It was only when Shen Mo came to Room 401 that the mobile phone rang suddenly.

coincide?Or another plan.

Mo Mo didn't care so much, stepped forward, and found Liu Ming's cell phone from under the bed. The screen of the cell phone was still on at the moment, and the call note showed [Little Baby].

Mo Mo hesitated a little, not knowing whether to answer the call or not.Shen Mo didn't know who the little baby here was referring to. If this little baby was Liu Ming's relative, then Shen Mo had to report the funeral.

Obviously silent is unwilling to take on this heavy work.

Ever since, Shen Mo waited until the other party hung up the phone, and immediately prepared to check the information in the phone.

Of course, the mobile phone requires fingerprint verification or a password, which is obviously difficult for Silence.

clap clap clap!
Silently patted the beckoning cat on his waist, calling out Zashiki Doji Nannan inside.

"Nannan, help me unlock the code."

Nan Nan pouted and muttered, the boss has become more and more perverted recently, actually wanting to check other people's mobile phones.

Silently explained, "This is of great help to solve the tricky things. I personally don't want to check other people's privacy, and I don't recommend you to check other people's privacy. After all, a mobile phone is like a time bomb. Maybe it will happen that time." exploded."

Nan Nan didn't understand the meaning of silence, but she still unlocked the phone's password, only to see that Nan Nan fumbled six times on the phone screen casually, and the phone lock came in response, revealing a very networked "beauty" posing shoot.

Judging from Shen Mo's personal experience, this photo has gone through beautification, filters, face-lifting, and all false things. Whether the real owner of the photo is a man or a woman is unclear.

Is this woman Liu Ming's baby, or Liu Ming's online dating partner, or they are the same person.Wait, the use of "they" here is obviously not rigorous enough, maybe it is "they".

Tucao is back to Tucao, the phone still has to continue to look at it, just when Mo Mo wants to check the phone album, Weixin on the phone suddenly pops up a new message.

【Ding!You have a new message. 】

Shen Mo subconsciously clicked on the message, and saw that the message on the Weixin interface was the message from [Little Baby].

[Little baby: Brother, are you dating online?Oh my loli! 】


Why does this tone have a sense of sight of a big man who is digging his feet? Can a loli really speak like this?I don't think so!
Just when Shen Mo questioned the identity of the little baby, another message came.

[Little baby: Little brother, meeting is fate, I want to watch the meteor shower with you! 】


Let me be a hammer, the earliest meteor shower is the Leonids meteor shower ten years later, and after ten years, Lori has become an aunt, and you still want to cheat me for ten years.

Wait, Shen Mo frowned, realizing that the tone of the little baby's voice was getting weirder and weirder.First of all, this is Liu Ming's cell phone, and the person who was marked as a baby by Liu Ming obviously has a close relationship with him.

But at this moment, what the little baby said was just like a stranger meeting for the first time, which is very unscientific!

Could it be that the little baby on the opposite side knew that it was not Liu Ming who was holding the phone at the moment, but someone else.

Silence's back felt cold, and his spiritual sense scanned the phone, and immediately found a faint ghost aura condensed in the phone. More specifically, the ghost aura was condensed in the software app Weixin.

Mo Mo suddenly realized that all the doubts were cleared in his heart, and there was only one truth, and the little baby was the murderer of Liu Ming.

Its way of harming people is to use the Weixin APP on the mobile phone to pretend to be a little girl with a loli sound, cast a wide net, catch more fish, deceive the innocent little brother, or lure them to a very sinister place. Hotel, and then kill the target through this mobile phone.

After clearing his mind, Mo Mo thought about how to find the evil thing claiming to be a little baby through the mobile phone in his hand.

First of all, there is no network cable on the mobile phone, Shen Mo has no way to use the posture of crawling the network cable to find the murderer along the network cable, he must find a way to find it.

As the saying goes, if the mountain cannot come, I will come.

Since Silence can't get over it, then trick the other party over, wait on the sidelines, and beat it to catch the turtle.

With this plan, Shen Mo sat down on the bed in Room 401.

Um? !Shen Mo realized that something was wrong, how could he sit on the bed, this is disrespectful to classmate Liu Ming, he should sit on the chair by the window!
When he sat down silently, he tapped on the Jiugong grid on his mobile phone and replied to the little baby's message.

[Wen Daoming (Liu Ming's Wei letter name): May I ask who you are, this is the phone I picked up. 】

Shen Mo pretended to be ignorant, his purpose was to pretend to be an innocent little brother and trick Miss Luo Liyin who was opposite to him.

[Little baby: Ah, I am your little baby!Didn't you promise to come and play with me?Where are you? 】

Silently sneered, before he could use his tricks of flirting with girls, the other party got straight to the point impatiently.

What a greedy hungry ghost!

[Wen Daoming: I'm on my way, where are you, send me your location and room number.I'll go find you right away, okay? 】

[Little Baby: I hate it!They are in Room 401 of Xidelong Hotel, come here quickly! 】

Shen Mo raised his brows, he was searched for him thousands of times in the crowd, and it took no time to find him, so easy to find the location of the evil thing, watch me pass by in a while, suck your soul, peel your soul, and put you away as Doll material.

(End of this chapter)

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