The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 292 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Sword Cultivator

Chapter 292 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Sword Cultivator
Got it!
Mo Mo secretly rejoiced, he held a khaki storage bag in his hand, this is the storage bag Mo Mo found from Xiu Sanbai's bodyguard.

He looked around and saw that the people who repaired Sanbai did not catch up, so he hid in a hidden corner and began to check the contents of the storage bag.

hum!The detection skill was activated, and information about the storage bag appeared in Silence's mind.

[Low-level storage bag, this is a low-level storage bag with rough workmanship. It can only store objects the size of three buckets of rice. 】

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, how big is an object the size of three buckets of rice? !He estimated that one catty of rice is about 12.5 catties, and three buckets of rice is 37.5 catties.

Based on the size of a 10-jin bag of rice in the supermarket, that is, less than four bags of rice, and there is only one cubic meter of space.

Mo Mo felt a little lost in his heart. Even if a cubic meter of space is full, it is impossible to put down many good things.

After Shen Mo put his hand into the storage bag and groped for a while, he took out the contents one by one.

【Ding!Find low-level spirit stones*5, 1 spirit stone can be exchanged for 100 points of spirit energy. 】

【Ding!Discovered the first-class gold sore medicine*4, this medicine has a miraculous effect on wounds, and it can heal the wound in a short time just by applying it to the wound. 】

【Ding!Discover the picture of a garden full of spring scenery*1, this is an illustrated book that records infinite spring scenery, and it is a treasured version that every man dreams of. 】

【Ding!I found the girl's apron*1, a girl's apron exuding a faint fragrance. Judging from the lingering fragrance on it, her owner must be a peerless beauty. 】


He was speechless, and at the same time, he was unable to complain about the bodyguard, because the bodyguard was not only poor, but also a pervert.

The low-level spirit stone and the high-grade gold sore medicine are acceptable to Silence, and the latter two things have completely refreshed the three views of Silence. I didn’t expect there to be such a scum in the world of sword repair. Silence stole... Bah, took his storage The bag is simply eliminating harm for the people.

After despising the bodyguard named Xiao Er, Shen Mo put the map of the garden and the girl's apron into the storage bag, and then opened the porcelain bottle containing the top-grade gold sore medicine. Inside was a yellowish-brown plaster with a faint smell of bitter almonds , He first made a small cut on the forearm with his fingers, then poured out a little ointment and spread it evenly on the wound.

Huh! ?A cool feeling was transmitted from the wound to Shen Mo's whole body, and the wound on his forearm healed in the next moment.

Mo Mo was secretly surprised, the effect of this golden sore medicine was not much better than the slow healing effect of Level 1, but in terms of value, the effect of this high-grade golden sore medicine was even better, because it was a medicine and could be mass-produced.

Silence's business mind told himself that if he could get the formula of the top-grade gold sore medicine and bring this medicine to the real world, once it was sold in batches, selling the medicine alone would be enough to make Silence the rich.

Pooh!Shen Mo dispelled this idea, now is not the time to let go of his ideals, he still has more important things to do.

Shen Mo picked up a low-level spirit stone, and the light blue spirit stone shone with a blue halo in his palm, as if he wanted to print his palm into light blue, and perceive the spirit energy in it through spiritual sense, that is a An extremely peaceful and upright aura, as long as Shen Mo uses his mental power to mobilize it, he can absorb the aura into his body and use it as an aura value to upgrade his level and skills.

Shen Mo was not in a hurry to absorb the spiritual energy in the spirit stones, because he still took these spirit stones to enter the first-line cliff. Only after entering the first-line cliff, would he have the opportunity to comprehend the way of the sword and unlock the secret of Falling Dragon Valley.

Shen Mo carried a spirit stone, used his mimicry ability to change his appearance, and immediately walked towards the entrance of the first-line cliff.

Because there are too many sword cultivators who want to enter the first-line cliff, there are seven entrances to the first-line cliff, and there are 14 people in each.

Silently patted the lucky cat on his waist and muttered in a low voice, "Nannan, which one should I enter?!"

hum!Lucky Cat trembled slightly, and responded through mental strength, "The third one from the left is the two female monks."

Silently looked sideways, the two female monks with long swords on their backs were handsome in appearance, exuding a faint sword aura in their gestures, one could tell at a glance that their swordsmanship was not shallow, if they were compared with Yan Chixia In comparison, Shen Mo felt that they could beat ten Yan Chixias.

Compared with other entranced sword cultivators, no one is a match for these two female sword cultivators.Such a powerful female sword cultivator, why did Nan Nan choose them silently?
Although Mo Mo was surprised in his heart, he still chose to believe in Nan Nan unconditionally. After all, luck is something that can be predicted.

Ever since, Mo Mo went straight to the two female sword cultivators with her storage bag in her pocket.

"Stop! Where do you come from as a swordsman?!" One of the younger female swordsmen with a rather mature temperament stopped Mo Mo first, her sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her sharp eyes looked straight up and down Mo Mo, asked sharply.

Mo Mo had already prepared his speech, he imitated the tone of the previous few people, and slowly revealed his identity, "I am a disciple of Mu Jianmen, and I went to the first line of cliffs to practice according to the usual practice, and comprehended the supreme sword. "

"Wooden Sword Sect?!" The female swordsman cast a glance at the wooden sword behind Silence, but said relentlessly, "The death rate of your Wooden Sword Sect entering the first-line cliff is so high, how dare you enter the first-line cliff? Are you not afraid of death?"

Mo Mo wrote, "It's okay to die in the morning and evening! For the sake of the supreme swordsmanship, why not die in the next."

"Hehe, that sounds good." The female swordsman sneered, and looked down at the silent storage bag, "Take out the contents and let's check."


This is not appropriate!This is absolutely inappropriate!

Silence knows what is in the storage bag. If he takes out the contents in front of the two female sword cultivators, he will definitely be beaten to death as a hooligan. Even if he is not beaten to death, the two The contempt of the female sword cultivator is inevitable after all.

Silence is not willing to take the blame for Xiu Sanbai's bodyguards and bear the shameless and despicable infamy.

"Why do you want to check my storage bag? Didn't the people in front of you check it?"

The female sword cultivator sneered, "Because you will definitely die on the first line of cliffs this time, instead of taking advantage of the sword cultivators inside, you might as well give your treasures to my sisters, and we will help you and send you Go off the beaten track, so you're much less likely to get killed."

Shen Mo frowned, and he heard a lot of useful information from the female sword cultivator's words. First of all, the first line of cliffs is not a peaceful place, and it is full of killing and plundering. It seems that all sword cultivators have acquiesced to this matter.

Furthermore, to enter the first-line cliff is to pass through the teleportation circle, and the teleportation point of the magic circle can be controlled. As long as Mo Mo bribes the two female sword cultivators in front of them, they can teleport Mo Mo to an inaccessible place, so that Mo Mo can Avoid a multitude of dangers.

This is a very tempting deal, and Silence is a little moved.

But here comes the question, can the contents of the storage bag be used as a bargaining chip in this transaction?
Relying on the map of the garden and the girl's bellyband, can Silence please the two female monks in front of me?
(End of this chapter)

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