Chapter 315 28 people
People are fickle, regardless of men and women.

They will always adjust their plans at any time according to their own interests, even if the adjusted plan is a slap in the face compared to the previous one.

Of course, there are still some people who stick to their bottom line, such as the Mauritius Dodo Group present.

Silent eyes swept over everyone, confirming the number of people who wanted to re-enter the underground palace.

First of all, there are six people in Chaoju, including Shen Mo and Wang Meng's people.

Then came the S.H.I.E.L.D. team led by Xin Yingwang. Except for Kevin Spike, who had been killed and never went to the underground palace, there were four people in total.

The Sakura Team where Yamamoto Hashi Ichinami was in sent the most people, a total of ten people. It's a pity that among the ten people, only five of them are capable, and the rest are soy saucers.

Finally, there are the coquettish Serpentines of Russia. They are all women, including the leader, a total of 6 people.

In total, there were as many as 26 people in the second batch of people going down to the underground palace.

Why does Shen Mo count the number of people? Naturally, he is worried that there will be people who are planning to sneak into the team. Just like the previous task reminder, the number of people who went to the underground palace for the first time was obviously 36 people, but except for Shen Mo, everyone thought it was 34 people. , the reason for which makes people shudder, and it is extremely frightening to think about it.

hum!The silent spiritual sense swept over the crowd again, and after confirming that the number of people entering the underground palace this time was 26, he continued.

"Since everyone has made a decision, it's not too late. Let's go down to the underground palace now and rescue the trapped people."

Everyone responded to Shen Mo's call one after another, and Yan Ran looked forward to seeing Mo Mo.

These transcendental beings from different countries and different organizations fell under the silent silver prestige so quickly?
Mo Mo knew in his heart that the reason why these people were more obedient to his words was because the unknown fear under the underground palace forced them to move closer to Mo Mo. When they went down the underground palace and encountered real danger, they would definitely be the first Push out the silence and use it as your own shield.

This is the human nature of Chiguoguo, which is more and more exposed between life and death. Because of this, the ancients kept praising and praising those with noble morals, because they did what humans could not, overcome their most primitive desires, Adhere to the moral bottom line of the reason why human beings are human.

Ever since, Shen Mo, who knew everyone in his heart, rushed to the entrance of the underground palace under the leadership of Xiao Hei.

The entrance of the so-called underground palace is in the deepest part of Wangshe City. It used to be the palace hall of Mojie Kingdom, but now it has been reduced to a pile of rubble and ruins. brilliant.

The reason why the underground palace was discovered was that a tourist from China wanted to write "Ding Jinghao came here for a visit" on a huge stone pillar, but "unintentionally" broke off the stone carving of the dragon's head on the huge stone pillar, causing the ground to collapse , exposing the entrance of the underground palace.

Therefore, sometimes bad things are not necessarily good things, and good things are not necessarily bad things.

But seriously, remember not to scribble or mess around during your travels. Once an accident occurs, it is not just a matter of money, and some places will face jail time.

The crowd soon came to the entrance of the underground palace, which was closed to tourists because of the underground palace, and it was late at night, so no one else would come to Wangshe City except them.

Mo Mo stood outside the entrance of the underground palace, and first took a closer look under the moonlight.

The broken boulders can vaguely see the prosperity of Mojie Kingdom in those days. After years of weathering and rain erosion, the outline of the exquisite stone patterns can no longer be seen clearly. The only thing that can attract silent attention is the giant dragon stone pillar that collapsed at the entrance of the underground palace. .

"This is the second dragon group in Tianlong Babu!"

Ichinami Yamamoto stepped forward and said that his knowledge and experience are the deepest among those present. Although he was born in the Sakura group of the island country, he is a well-educated old hooligan who is not only proficient in kendo, but also proficient in Buddhist and Taoist allusions .

Shen Mo nodded slightly. In his impression, Tianlong Babu is just a TV series, but in fact, Tianlong Babu is another name for Buddhism and Taoism Babu Tianlong, representing the eight types of Dharma protectors, namely Tianlong and Erlong. , three yakshas, ​​four gandharvas, five asuras, six garudas, seven kinnaras, and eight mahurakas.

The dragons carved on this collapsed dragon stone pillar are the dragons among the eight dragons.

Ichinami Yamamoto continued, "If I'm not mistaken, there are other stone sculptures of the other seven types of gods nearby."

Soon, everyone found other stone sculptures nearby. These eight stone sculptures tightly surrounded the dilapidated hall, sealing off all directions.

"This is obviously a sealing enchantment. It is definitely not easy for the eight dragons to seal the evil spirits."

Yamamoto Hashi's face was heavy, he could see so many ways just from the stone pillars, which shows how important knowledge is.

And Shen Mo nodded secretly, even if he didn't know the allusion, his spiritual sense was sending him an extremely disturbing warning, as if there was an ancient giant beast dormant under the underground palace, waiting for the ignorant people who broke into its territory.

so what?The people present are all extraordinary people, how can they be so frightened by such a little power that they dare not enter the palace?
That is impossible!I saw Shen Mo waved his arms and said to the people behind him, "Everyone, don't panic, the soldiers are coming to cover the water and the soil, we..."

Before Silence finished speaking, an extremely evil aura erupted suddenly from under the underground palace, uncontrollable like the Yellow River bursting its embankment.

Roar!A phantom of a giant beast as black as ink suddenly rushed out from the entrance of the underground palace, let out a roar that shook the sky, and rushed straight into the sky.

Everyone retreated in shock, staring at the giant beast in mid-air with full vigilance.

Silence stood there staring at the giant beast in a daze.

Is silence frightened silly?No, it doesn't.Instead of being frightened, he felt that the giant beast looked more and more familiar and closer.

Shen Mo was stunned, not sure that we would have such emotions.Could it be that he encounters too many evil spirits every day, and some kind of psychological change has unconsciously occurred?
Can't!Mo Mo feels that his three views are quite normal!At least there is no problem with the concept of mate selection, and we don't like this kind of giant beast.

So what does this palpitation mean?
hum!A flash of inspiration flashed in Silence's mind, and he instantly remembered why he had feelings for giant beasts.

Because he has really seen this giant beast, where has he seen it?
Lame uncle!

Uncle Lame once showed Mo Mo a photo of the gate of Niutou Mountain, and there was a photo in which there was a stone statue of a giant beast, which was exactly the same as the phantom of the giant beast in front of him.

Uncle Lame called it the mythical beast of Niutoushan - Kui Niu.

Kui Niu, also known as Thunder Beast, is shaped like a cow, with one foot, no horns on its head, and is blue in color. When it enters the water, there will be wind and rain, and when it roars, there will be thunder and lightning, accompanied by light like the sun and the moon.

Uncle Lame once said that the stone statue of Kui Niu had been at the gate of Niutou Mountain since he entered the mountain when he was a child.

Uncle Lame was fond of playing when he was a child. He once broke off the stone horns of Kui Niu to play with. After being discovered by his master, he was hung from a willow tree in the back mountain and beat for two days and two nights.

Therefore, Uncle Lame has a deep memory of this Kui Niu, and when he narrates to Shen Mo, he also has a strong sense of memory. Of course, these memories are all childhood horror memories.

Silence was stunned, how could there be a phantom of Kui Niu under the underground palace?Could this be a signal from Uncle Lame?
its not right!Uncle Lai once said that the stone statue of Kui Niu is just an ordinary stone statue. Apart from commemorative significance, it has no substantial value for the Taoist priests of Niutou Mountain. Secret method, it is impossible to summon the phantom of Kui Niu.

Then what is this Kui Niu phantom?It just happened to collide with the mythical animal that protects the mountain of Niutoushan. In fact, the one sealed under the underground palace is Kui Niu?
Countless questions arose in Shen Mo's heart. After all, this cow came so strangely, there must be something hidden in it.

hum!Shen Mo activates the investigative skills, wanting to find out the information about Kui Niu phantom.

But it is a pity that this phantom is affected by the strange energy and becomes undetectable. Silence cannot answer the inner doubts through the detection skills.

In desperation, he had no choice but to set his sights on Yamamoto Hashi Ichinami. Although this little islander is not tall, short-sighted, and ordinary in strength, he has a lot of knowledge in his mind. Perhaps, he can see What's the clue?

Before Shen Mo asked, Agent Xin Yingwang of S.H.I.E.L.D. stepped forward and asked.

"Mr. Yilang, do you know the origin of this monster?"

Ichinami Hashimoto replied in English, "Ms. Xinying Wang, my name is Izumi Yamamoto, you can call me Mr. Ichinami Hashimoto or Mr. Yamamoto, please correct your name."

Xinyingwang was taken aback. She had heard before that the islanders are a nation that likes to correct other people’s mistakes, especially in the small details of life. The faces of the quarrel were red.

Because they think that correcting other people's mistakes is helping them resolve embarrassment and solve problems.

Xin Yingwang did not expect that at such a critical moment, Yamamoto Hashi Ichinami was still so meticulous, it was simply incomprehensible.

But in order to keep the overall situation in mind, Xin Yingwang said again, "Mr. Yamamoto, do you know the origin of this monster?"

Yamamoto Hashi replied solemnly, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

Everyone: "???"

If you don’t know, just say you don’t know!And let Xinyingwang ask you twice, how boring are you, are you so bored?

Ignoring everyone's contemptuous gazes, Yamamoto Ichinami said solemnly, "I've never seen this kind of monster, but I'm sure it must be extraordinary, because the evil spirits that can drive the power of thunder are all extremely powerful existences. "

nonsense!The people present complained again, even if they were not sure, they could see the strength of this monster. Do you still need to emphasize it?

The crux of the problem is, how should everyone avoid the phantom of this monster and enter the underground palace?
Just when everyone was at a loss, the silent Shen Mo slowly stood up. He already knew that the matter of Kui Niu could not be counted on Yamamoto Bridge, and this matter could only be resolved by him.

I saw Shen Mo slowly walking towards the phantom of the Kui Niu above the underground palace, then with a flick of his wrist, he revealed a pink phantom battle axe, the blade of the ax crossed, and a milky white weapon blessing was attached.

clatter!Energy poured into his feet, Mo Mo rushed towards the phantom of Kui Niu in mid-air like a cheetah, his battle ax pierced through the void, and slashed fiercely on the phantom of Kui Niu.

Tear!The phantom of Kui Niu was instantly split in half by the battle axe, and there was a mournful cry in mid-air, which turned into strange energy and dissipated into nothingness.

Kui Niu, who originally looked mighty, was directly disintegrated by Shen Mo's blow.

Such a result made Shen Mo a little surprised. He was going to stick a few middle-level talismans just now, and when the first attack failed, he launched a second assault. The silver gun wax head used in China.

Before Silence could make a move, it fell down.

But the people present didn't know the situation of Shen Mo and Kui Niu. They only thought that Mo Mo's strength was so terrifying that such a powerful monster could be killed with one blow. Changing the battle axe, the method of cutting the blade in the air is shocked, and I have lost the mind to study it carefully.

"Mr. Mo Mo's strength is really extraordinary!" Izumi Yamamotohashi was still the first one to stand up and flatter Mo Mo, he has always been good at such things.

Xin Yingwang stared blankly at the phantom battle ax in Shen Mo's hands. What she was thinking was if what Shen Mo took out was not a battle ax but a small nuclear bomb, would everyone present have to be buried with him? !

Therefore, it is necessary to put pressure on the joint organization as soon as possible, so that they can pass and issue the international regulations on the convention of restricting and restricting the abilities of extraordinary people as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the incident of the transcendent beings going berserk will definitely be staged on the stage of reality, and it will give the supernatural organizations of all countries a big ear.

It is necessary to mention one more point here. Although SHIELD is located in the United States and has a close cooperative relationship with the US authorities, in essence, they are special organizations that serve all mankind. Therefore, their The pattern is huge, even an ordinary agent like Xin Yingwang has a lot of foresight.

Silence ignored the flattery of the crowd, he thought carefully about the feeling when he just cut through the phantom of Kui Niu, he always felt strange in his heart, he couldn't say it out, but it was always in his heart.

For a while, he couldn't get the answer, so he could only hang this question in his heart, turned around and looked at the stone ladder leading to the underground palace, and muttered to himself, all the answers are actually under the underground palace, as long as he walks down bravely, It will definitely solve all the doubts in my heart.

"Let's go! Let's go to the underground palace!"

Mo Mo said slowly, leading the crowd straight down to the underground palace, stepping on the solid stone ladder, using the fluorescent stick and cold flame light specially used for exploration, they gradually disappeared at the entrance of the underground palace.

【Ding!You have entered the evil burial of Buddha!The number of people entering this time is 28 people. 】


28 people?Why are there two more people?play?

(End of this chapter)

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