The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 341 Resurrection, Uncle Lame

Chapter 341 Resurrection, Uncle Lame
"Sun! Taiyin!"

"The dead will return to the world from hell and gain the great power of Anubis, the god of death."

Silently chanting the incantations of the Black Sutra of the Undead, although the sound was not loud, it resounded through the entire stone room, and suddenly gusts of wind blew up in the stone room, which was originally calm and windless, making people shudder, and chills behind them, and at the same time , From the feet of Silence and Evelyn, Taos of Yin Qi rose up, crazily gathered towards the Black Book of the Dead, formed a certain link with a certain mysterious operation method, and injected them all into Imerton's mummy.

At the moment when the most yin energy was injected into the mummy, which was originally dry-stirred, it suddenly let out a roar from hell. At this moment, the soul imprisoned in the mummy for 3000 years was awakened, and received the power from Anubi, the god of death. His divine power.

hum!The sky outside the stone chamber darkened in an instant, and countless locusts rose from the horizon covering the sky and covering the sun, and rushed into Hamna Tower unstoppably, as if they were welcoming Imerton's resurrection in their way.

Ten plagues!Plague of locusts!Manifest!

Adbes outside the Hamna Tower frowned and showed embarrassment. He knew that Imerton had been resurrected, but he was very happy in his heart because the curse that had imprisoned the descendants of the Pharaoh for 3000 years was finally lifted.

As long as Imerton is eliminated, their pharaohs will once again stand in the sight of the world, and there is a great possibility to rekindle the glory of the pharaohs.

"Imorton has been resurrected and we are ready to rebury him!"

Adesby said so, but he didn't order his subordinates to rush into Hamna Tower directly, because he knew that Imerton's ability in Hamna Tower was too powerful, and he had to find a suitable opportunity to eliminate Imerton .

Or...Adesby murmured secretly, he couldn't help thinking of the silent figure in his mind, "Can he bury Imerton?"

hum!Silence's spiritual sense issued an extremely dangerous warning, and Imerton's roar surrounded his ears, shaking his eardrums. If ordinary people, they would have been unable to take care of themselves under Imerton's power, but for Silence , He was stunned for only [-] second, and he responded in time according to the plan.

Devil's Hand!

The dark, abyss-like demonic energy instantly condensed on Shen Mo's chest, and turned into a ferocious giant hand, which grabbed Imerton in the sarcophagus fiercely. Before the other party recovered from the joy of rebirth, the power of the demon It is to bind it tightly, and the power of the black as ink, like the poison of the tarsus, continuously penetrates into Imerton's body, restraining his mana from the death god Anubis.

Forehead? !Imerton's soul let out a stunned sound in the mummy. The situation in front of him was far from what he had imagined. Originally, in his opinion, when he was reborn, he would be an unrivaled king. Standing in the world, and standing at the top of the pyramid of the world's top power.

But the actual situation is that just when he was about to look at the world again, he already felt full of malice from this strange world.

The weird energy that invaded his body was more evil and powerful than the divine power that Anubis bestowed on him, and trapped his already fragile body in the sarcophagus, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free The bondage of this force.

Emerton's empty eyes looked towards the source of the evil power with all his strength, and his soul vaguely felt the existence of silence, which was a kind of energy aggregate he had never seen before, or a person he had never seen before. The gods who have passed.

He was plotted against!
Imerton instantly understood his situation, but he had no way to do it. Who made him in an extremely weak state at this moment, and he couldn't even use one-tenth of the supernatural power bestowed on him by Anubis, the god of death. Only by killing all the people cursed with viscera Gu and sucking them clean, can he reach the peak of divine power.

Now? !He is just a younger brother, the flesh of a chopping board who is slaughtered.

Silence saw that Imerton was imprisoned in the sarcophagus by his own devil's hand, and immediately took out the uncle's body from Tongtian Demon Realm, and recited the secret resurrection spell again.

Different from Imerton's resurrection, Uncle Lame's resurrection ceremony is more complicated and cumbersome, especially in the step of soul sacrifice, which is many times more complicated than Imerton's.

"Sun! Taiyin!"

The curse was revived, and the dark wind reignited.

The cipher text passed into Imerton's ears. As the guardian of the dead Anubis, the former god of death, he could naturally hear that someone was using his soul to resurrect others.

If this happened in the past, the person who dared to blaspheme his soul would have died without a burial, but now Imerton, who has been reduced to a chopping board, can only watch helplessly. Wen continued to erode his body.

The divine power just borrowed from Anubis, the god of death, is constantly passing and dying as the ceremony proceeds.

Anubis, the god of death, is very satisfied with this upcoming sacrifice, because Imerton's 3000-year-old soul is definitely more valuable than the poor uncle's soul.

But the problem soon came.

Anubis, the god of death, suddenly found that he couldn't find the soul of the lame uncle in hell, as if the lame uncle didn't exist at all, but the other party's body was actually placed on the sacrifice altar.

What's happening here? !

Could it be that the person who presides over the sacrifice and is about to be resurrected at this moment is not a creature of this world at all, and their spirit and soul do not have the imprint of this world at all.

Just when Anubis, the god of death, was surprised, a scarlet-white halo ignited on Shen Mo's body, and a soul broke through the layers of space barriers in the dark, using silence as a bridge, and the consciousness of Anubis, the god of death connected together.

In an instant, Anubis, the god of death, found the poor uncle's soul.

A small method from the system brought the soul of the lame uncle from the real world into the mirror world, and covered up the unknowable truth, and handed it over to Anubis, the god of death.

found it? !Although Anubis, the god of death, was astonished, he ignored the strangeness of this matter in the dark, and once again devoted his mind to the sacrifice in front of him.

Uncle Lame's soul has been found, and the ceremony will naturally proceed smoothly.

hum!I saw a balance manifested in front of Anubis, the god of death. He placed the soul of the lame uncle on it, and with one move with one hand, he took Imerton's soul into his hand and placed it on the other end of the scale. .

As the two souls were placed on the left and right sides of the scale, the originally balanced balance began to tilt. Not surprisingly, Imerton's soul was far more important than the lame uncle's soul, and the balance tipped towards Imerton's side.

Ho ho!Anubis, the god of death, let out a joyful thought, obviously very satisfied with this transaction.

He snapped at Imerton's soul, swallowed it, and flung Uncle Lame's soul at Uncle Lame's body.

Under Shen Mo's spiritual perception, he naturally couldn't find the balance of Anubis, the god of death, but he could see the changes in Uncle Lame's body.

I saw the most yin energy entering Uncle Lame's body, like spring rain nourishing all things, reuniting Uncle Lame's soul and body.

At the same time, there are many more memories in Silence's mind, and these are all memories from the depths of Uncle Lame's soul.

Originally, Silence could not perceive these memories. Perhaps Uncle Lame's soul came to this world through Silence as a bridge, which gave Silence the opportunity and possibility to read Uncle Lame's memory.

In a trance, a young man went down the mountain in the dark. He walked through the rugged mountain road and came to a farmhouse at the foot of the mountain. He climbed up the low wall and happened to see a woman undressing and washing herself in the house. ···The young man looked a little bewildered, and he didn't notice that there was a Taoist staring at him angrily behind him... Papa!A stick as thick as an arm fell hard on the boy's leg, directly interrupting it... howling and tears instantly became the main theme of this memory...of course, there is also the lingering picture of the farmhouse.

Silently, this is what Uncle Lame said, [Fleeing down the mountain overnight, ran into a widow in the village, and was broken by the master. 】

hum!memory jump.

A young man with lame legs was practicing Taoism in the deep mountains. Talismans and talismans were scattered around, and wild bird skeletons were mixed among them, and a few jugs of good wine were clearly visible... Uncle Lai once said, The essence of Taoism lies in the fact that there must be good wine as well as meat... The picture is flying, and the young lame uncle with a bruised nose and a swollen face is facing the wall and thinking about his mistakes, chanting the moral scriptures to the skeletons.

Hey? !Uncle Lame's good wine and good meat character has been developed early!

hum!Memory flies!

Uncle Lame is middle-aged. He stands alone on the top of Niutou Mountain. In front of him is a lonely grave. In the tomb book [Tomb of the Teacher], he holds a wine gourd in one hand and roast chicken in the other. Pair wine with meat, and wine for meat... ·Eating and eating, but already burst into tears...Because, from now on, no one will teach him a lesson or scold him for eating wine and meat...The person who beat and scolded him for half his life, go away up.

Another night!
The middle-aged lame uncle appeared on the top of a mass burial grave. He raised his palm and rolled up a new grave. Inside the grave was the corpse of a red-fruited woman wrapped in horse leather. The belly of the female corpse was round and round. In an instant, he turned into a fierce ghost, and slaughtered all the people who were contaminated by karma... Uncle Lame stood on the grave for a night, until it was light, he bowed three times to the female corpse, broke the corpse to take the fetus, with a trace of vitality The baby girl walked away with an inexhaustible raging fire behind her.

Silently stunned, he knew that the baby girl was called Yuzihui.

It was Uncle Lame who forcibly snatched her back from Hades' book of life and death.

Another night!
In the wild forest, Uncle Lame yelled at him sharply, and taught the essence of the method of shrinking the ground to an inch to Silence very severely. His appearance was like an imitation of Uncle Lame's strict teacher back then... Severe words, but kind.Ruthless, but kind.

Silence is like watching a slideshow, reading through Uncle Lame’s memory. Although there are a lot of Taoist secret spells in it, they can only get the meaning, not the method, which is helpful for the cultivation of Silence. But it needs more comprehension and smelting.

As for Shen Mo, his greatest benefit is that he has become the person who understands Lame Uncle best in the world, even Uncle Lame himself does not understand him silently.

He is a highly respected senior. Although he was bohemian and ignorant when he was young, but when he reached middle age, he carried the banner of Niutoushan, eliminated evil and promoted good, and acted in the world.

He is a strict and kind-hearted elder, although his words are often harsh, but he has kindness in his heart, he only asks to teach the younger generation, and to do the kindness of peaches and plums.

Ok? !

There was a surprise in Uncle Lame's throat. Obviously, he was about to wake up.

Mo Mo frowned, and immediately recovered from the memory flashback, and immediately raised the Tongtian Demon Realm, and once again took Uncle Lame into it.

The reason Silence did this was naturally to hide the secrets of his mirror world. If Uncle Lame knew what kind of golden fingers he had, it would definitely not work.

No matter how good Uncle Lame is to silence, he cannot tell the other party about this matter.

After the resurrected lame uncle was settled properly, he silently glanced at his aura value.

Level: Level 12 (Aura 23150/8000)

23150? !
That's right, that's all. During the time when Shen Mo entered the mirror world, he has been buying medium spirit stones, and the remaining 16 spirit stones have all been absorbed and transformed into spiritual energy values.

Resurrecting Uncle Lame consumes 1000 aura points, while silence still has 23150 aura left.

At the same time, Silence also received a new task notification sound.

[Nightmare Mission: City of Death.mission completed. 】

[Mission Description: Resurrect and bury Emerton.During task reward calculation, please pay attention to check. 】

[It is detected that the clergyman has special props, the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra, whether to consume 20000 aura points to bring them out of the mirror world. 】

【yes?no? 】

Just thinking about it for a moment in silence is to make a decision.

【no! 】

He does not plan to bring the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra out of the mirror world.

Why? !Because these two scriptures bring out the mirror world, if Mo Mo wants to use them again, he must become the god of death Anubis or the sun god Ra, and become their servant in the human world, how can Mo Mo be entrusted to others? , become someone else's dog ears.

Even if you put a knife on Shen Mo's neck, he would not choose to live in such a humble way.

Silence refused to take the two scriptures out of the mirror world, and before he left this world, he set his sights on Evelyn.

After witnessing the resurrection of Imerton, Shen Mo's transformation into a human being, and the resurrection of the lame uncle, Evelyn's three views have been reshaped. Now she completely believes in Shen Mo's words, and realizes that this world does exist that she cannot The mystical power of understanding.

Evelyn was only stunned for a few seconds before being replaced by excitement. Facing the unknown power, instead of panicking, she was very curious and eager to learn about it.

This did not exist in the original plot at all. Perhaps the appearance of Silence changed Evelyn's three views and gave her the potential to become the guardian of the contemporary undead.

"Evelyn!" Silently read the other party's name, and then handed over the Black Book of the Dead and the Golden Book of the Sun to the other party, "I have completed my task, and then, they belong to you."

Evelyn was overjoyed at first, but panicked, "Shen, what do you mean... are you leaving?"

Nodded silently, "There is always a banquet in the world, it is time to say goodbye. These two scriptures are my gift to you. Remember, use them wisely, they are a double-edged sword, although they can give you Power, but it can also hurt you."

Evelyn's mind was no longer on the scriptures, she was affectionate, and stared at Silence reluctantly, "Can you not leave...or stay longer...we still have a lot of ancient Egyptian history that we haven't discussed yet. …You haven’t learned all of Ancient Egyptian yet… We can continue to study these two books…”

Evelyn was still thinking about it, and when she looked at Silence again, there was no one there.

Only the two scriptures in her hand and her silent heart were left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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