Chapter 343


Silently coughed twice, muddling away the sensitive issue.

Low key!Low key!
Low-key is king.To show off is to lose.

"Brother, just tell me if you can crack the formula of these pills."

Uncle Lame replied solemnly, "I'll have to let Zihui see it for myself before I can make a conclusion. However, based on my understanding of her, half of these pills can be deciphered by her."

As Uncle Lai said, he picked up a small porcelain bottle, which contained Zhuyan Pill. He peeled off the cork and sniffed gently, "This should be the elixir of Zhuyan."

hiss!Shen Mo took a breath, Uncle Lame could even smell this, didn't it mean that he himself has no knowledge of elixir?This smell can tell the nature of the pill, which is something that a person without insight can do?

Uncle Lame really hides his secrets, even more low-key than silence.

"Zihui was very obsessed with the elixir for beauty for a while, and the whole Niutoushan was filled with this fragrance. Naturally, I can't forget it."

In silence, it suddenly dawned on me that it wasn't Uncle Lame Niu's pen, but Yu Zihui who once made a pill similar to Zhuyan Pill.

"So, did Yuzihui come up with Zhuyan Pill?"

Uncle Lame shook his head, "No, after killing the 340th and second rabbit, Zihui gave up the research and development of Zhuyan Pill. Because Niutoushan has a radius of hundreds of miles, it is really impossible to catch a rabbit."

There was no answer for a moment of silence. Sure enough, the road of research and development is full of hardships and ups and downs, as well as blood, tears and sand. Please mourn for three seconds of silence for those little rabbits who are dedicated to research and development.

Uncle Lame picked up another porcelain bottle, peeled off the cork, and sniffed it again.

"Can you still guess what kind of elixir this is?"

Uncle Lame shook his head, "No way! It smells strong! I've never smelled it before, it looks like sunken rotten eggs."

"This is the best medicine for golden sores, and it has miraculous effects in healing wounds."

"It's no wonder the smell, the external application generally doesn't smell good."


Uncle Lame sniffed a few more pills, except for the Zhuyan Pill that he had guessed before, the rest of the pills were unknown.

It seems that the solution to the formula of the elixir can only be obtained after seeing Yu Zihui.


Shen Mo rubbed his hands, changed the subject, and said to Uncle Lame, "Brother, we will arrive at Niutoushan in a while. Just to be on the safe side, I have to make you wrong for a while."

The grievance mentioned by Shen Mo naturally refers to letting Uncle Lai sleep in the ice coffin. The purpose is of course to deceive others, so that outsiders will not know that Uncle Lame has been resurrected. After contacting Yu Zihui in Niutoushan, he will use the elixir to continue his life plan.

Uncle Lame nodded. This was a plan that the two of them had agreed on long ago, so naturally there was no question of whether they were wronged or not.

Uncle Lame stood up, lay down in the ice coffin, and then said solemnly, "Lie down, put it back together. Don't open the ice coffin, I'm afraid of the cold because of my age."

Silence is a bit embarrassing. If the ice coffin is not opened and someone with a heart can see it, it may arouse suspicion.

Although the people here are all colleagues from the Super Bureau, after a closer look, they are all outsiders. If they know that the lame uncle is not dead, and it spreads to the Super Bureau, it will not be a matter of minutes. With the current speed of information dissemination, in the Sending a message in the group can make the whole city know about it.

At that time, if Ma Shisan finds out, the silent, happy, free and beautiful life should end early? !
Uncle Lame saw the worry of silence, and he suggested again, "If someone asks, you can say that I was most afraid of the cold when I was alive, and you can't let me freeze after death."

Shen Mo couldn't help but give a thumbs up, Jiang is really old and hot, Uncle Lame is really rich in experience, so he will follow Uncle Lame's plan.

Ever since, Shen Mo used this excuse to successfully fool the logistics colleagues of Super Bureau, until they carried Uncle Lame's ice coffin to the foot of Niutou Mountain, and after Mo Mo watched everyone leave, Uncle Lame crawled out of the ice coffin.

"Have they gone away?!"

"Go away! Brother, you can come out now!"

"Hey! I'm exhausted from this pretending to be dead. I don't even need to take a breath. From now on, don't ask me for this kind of pretending to be dead."

Shen Mo smiled awkwardly, "I'm afraid you will only pretend this once in your life!"

"No! You can continue pretending!"


Lame Uncle: "???"

The two immediately turned around and saw a woman standing behind them at some point. This woman was dressed in a white dress like a veil, and she seemed to be in the mist. She was in her early twenties. , except for a head of shoulder-length black hair, her whole body is as white as snow, and her face is exquisitely beautiful, but there is a trace of blood missing in her skin, making her look extremely pale.

Shen Mo raised her head and met her gaze, inexplicably surprised in her heart, only felt that this woman was elegant and beautiful, although her expression was cold and indifferent, if she looked sick, her temperament was as beautiful as a fairy falling into the mortal world, without a trace of human fireworks.

How could there be such a peerless woman in the world!

who is she? !Why does it appear at the foot of Niutou Mountain, and why does it talk to Silence and Lame Uncle.

"Why? Don't you pretend?" The woman said coldly again, with a little resentment in her brows, and a little hesitation.

"Zihui?! Haha, why did you come down?!" Lame Uncle shook the back of his head in embarrassment, like a big kid who did something wrong, not to mention how embarrassing it was.

Zihui? !Caviar!
She is the girl adopted by the lame uncle, Yuzihui? !Yuzihui, the sage of alchemy!
etc!Mo Mo suddenly recalled Uncle Lai's memory. Regarding Yu Zihui's life experience, Uncle Lai rescued her from the stomach of a female corpse. No wonder she was in poor health since she was a child. Dao, I am afraid that the jade will disappear long ago, and there will be one less extraordinary woman in this world.

Shen Mo was a little dazed, until Yu Zihui's cold eyes fell on him, and then he pulled Shen Mo back from his trance.

"and who are you?!"

That's the right question to ask!
Shen Mo immediately became interested, and wanted to report his family name, but Uncle Lame preempted him and said, "He is the Shen Mo I mentioned to you."

Silent and helpless, lame uncle!Don't you even give me a chance to introduce yourself?Why do I faintly smell the scent of the Nursing Mad Demon?Is this the foul smell you give off?
Shen Mo originally wanted to complain, but Yu Zihui's next words made Shen Mo confused and suspicious of life.

"He is the husband you chose for me?!"

Silence: "Huh?!"

etc!Did I hear something wrong just now?husband!What husband? !Who chose a husband for whom?

When did the lame uncle promise me to Yuzihui? !Have you ever asked my opinion on such an important matter?Did you mention it to me once?

Shen Mo squinted his eyes and stared at Uncle Lame, as if he wanted to see Uncle Lame thoroughly. Even after reading the flashbacks of Uncle Lame, Shen Mo felt that he didn't know Uncle Lame well.


Uncle Lame coughed twice in embarrassment, "Zihui! Alternatives! Alternatives! It's all about you!"

I go!Listening silently, he became more and more panicked. Isn't this uncle a nurse madman who is trying to find a husband for Yu Zihui and is in a hurry to marry his adopted daughter? !
Why is this?

An idea flashed in Shen Mo's head, and he immediately thought of the reason. As I said before, Yu Zihui's life is not long. Even if she has the elixir to extend her life, the days she can live will be many years shorter than ordinary people.

That's why Uncle Lame is so anxious to find a good husband for Yuzihui. His purpose is the same as letting Yuzihui be the head of Niutoushan. He just wants Yuzihui to experience as many hardships as possible in his limited life. good.

Uncle Lame is really a good adoptive father with a lot of hard work!

But... this is not an excuse and reason for sacrificing the lifelong happiness of Silence, right? !For such a big event as marriage, Shen Mo must have a say!

Although Yu Zihui has a peerless appearance and temperament, but... but it must be an excellent thing to marry.

She is pretty, knows how to make alchemy, and is the head of Niutoushan Mountain. No matter who marries her, she can transform herself into a real dragon by climbing up the clouds!
Lame uncle!My silence meant to refuse this marriage, but if you insist on letting me do it, I have no choice but to do it when I should.

drink bah!Uncle Lame spat silently, as if he had figured out what Silent was thinking.

"Amo, don't think too much! I've been looking for a husband for Zihui for several years. She has met eighty people, if not a hundred. You are still an unknown."

"Hmph!" Yu Zihui snorted coldly, as if complaining about Uncle Lame's talkativeness.

"Uncle! Thirteenth sister said that you died on duty, so I waited for you at the foot of this mountain for a day and a night. It is great that you are safe and sound, but why did Thirteenth sister lie to... The blind date forced me to go on a blind date and get married... As I said, I will never marry in this life."

"What are you talking about! If you don't marry in this life, do you want to stay in Niutoushan and refine the elixir for the rest of your life?"

"So what about practicing, anyway, I haven't practiced for a few years."


The conversation between Uncle Lame and Yu Zihui, before five sentences were spoken, was full of gunpowder. Although they seemed to be arguing, it is not difficult to see from the silence that has always been insightful, that the father and daughter of them He is expressing his affection to the other party in another very special way.

One is forcing the other to get married, wanting to give the other a complete life.

One is unwilling to leave Niutoushan, and wants to spend more time with each other in his limited life.

What a touching father-daughter relationship!Silence is a little embarrassed to start!

Why!Let their father and daughter go!Don't meddle in their affairs.

After talking silently, he interrupted the online show "Fight of War" between Uncle Lame and Uncle Yuzihui, and briefly described the whole story. There was nothing to hide from her.

After 10 minutes, Yu Zihui understood why Lame Uncle concealed the news of his resurrection from Ma Shisan. The reason for all this was because Shen Mo wanted to keep a low profile and hide his ability.

Ability or potion that can bring people back to life? !This really needs to be hidden. A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Yu Zihui naturally understands this truth.

And the lame uncle who has benefited from this incident also has the responsibility and obligation to help Shen Mo resist the subsequent impact of this incident.

At the same time, as the only relative of Uncle Lame, Yu Zihui is also willing to help Shen Mo overcome this matter from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay! Just as you say!"

Yu Zihui replied still coldly, but there was a trace of tenderness in her eyes unconsciously, "For your sake of saving Uncle Lame, Uncle Lame and I will definitely help you, and you can solve the matter of the pill formula, please rest assured. Just give it to me, and I will do my best to help you get what you want."

Yuzihui didn't talk much to Shen Mo, she was a strange woman who was not good at speaking, except for communicating with Lame Uncle and Ma Shisan, no one else could arouse her interest in talking with him.

He nodded silently, he was not a Momo person, and immediately took out all kinds of pills from the Eight Diagrams Yin-Yang sword pouch, except some for his own consumption, and handed over the rest to Yu Zihui, hoping that she could use these pills to obtain alchemy Prescription for making pills.

As long as he has a prescription and knows how to make it, Mo Mo still has to worry about new pills? !Worry about not being able to build an indestructible drug sales empire.

There will be bread, there will be milk, as long as you work hard, you will have everything.

After handing the elixir to Yuzihui, Mo Mo didn't rush back to Yancheng, but visited Niutoushan with Uncle Lame. As for Yuzihui, he naturally plunged into the elixir to study the newly obtained elixir.

Let's talk about Uncle Lame's Niutou Mountain. The reason why it is called Niutou Mountain is because it looks like a bull's head from a distance, with two peaks on one mountain, like a stubborn bull's head crawling on the ground.

The mountain that usually entertains pilgrims and handles all kinds of mundane affairs is Zuofeng. Most of the Taoist priests of Niutou Mountain live in Zuofeng, while Yuzihui and Laishu are only in the right peak.

Coupled with the fact that Uncle Lame is out on missions all year round, Yuzihui is the only one in Youfeng on weekdays.Therefore, the matter of Uncle Lame's resurrection will not spread from the mouths of Niutoushan and others.

As long as Uncle Lame doesn't show his figure on the right peak, Shen Mo will have enough time to be carefree outside and enjoy the leisurely holiday time.

When Ma Shisan found out that Uncle Lame was not dead and sought out Shen Mo to settle the score, Mo Mo was confident that he would definitely have the strength to challenge Ma Shisan on the spot, and he would have the strength to press the opponent to the ground and rub madly.

After visiting the scenery on the right peak of Niutou Mountain, the lame uncle took out the good wine that had been preserved for many years from under the bed in his bedroom, the old daughter Hong.

"Amo, I drunk a father and daughter at the foot of the mountain. The old father dug it out from home and gave it to me. I usually don't want to drink it. I always take it out to satisfy my greed. Today! My brother and I will drink it drink up."

Mo Mo is not a person who likes to drink, but if there is a good wine in front of him, he will naturally not refuse it.

But just as the two were drinking wine, there was a loud noise from the right peak, as if the whole mountain trembled.

Mo Mo paused in his heart, and couldn't help but look in the direction of the loud noise. If he remembered correctly, it was the pharmacy where Yu Zihui entered.

not good!The fryer is on!

Shen Mo was not only worried about her elixir, but also Yu Zihui's life safety. If this little girl died because of the fryer, Mo Mo would not have a second Black Book of the Dead to revive her.

Looking at Uncle Lame's reaction again, he calmly picked up his wine glass, filled a glass of Nurhong for himself, and said very calmly, "Amo, it's nothing, it's just an explosion, don't make a fuss, let's continue drinking !"


What a heart!The movement just now was so loud, it might kill someone!Why are you still in the mood to drink?

Uncle Lame continued, "Don't be nervous, this kind of thing happens a lot in Youfeng, and I've already seen it. Don't worry, with Zihui's ability, she won't be killed. Come on, let's go!"


Having said all this, I still have to continue drinking, but my silent thoughts are completely on Yu Zihui's side, for fear that there will be another accident with her.

This is not a joke, maybe it will really kill people.

Could it be that this is the legendary medicine elixir, Yuzihui?

Shen Mo began to regret giving all his elixir to the other party.

How can this make people feel at ease, it is simply a gamble!

(End of this chapter)

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