The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 352 I'm Not Your Food

Chapter 352 I'm Not Your Food
As the saying goes, no animal dares to make mistakes in China, as long as its meat is delicious, it will definitely be eaten to extinction.

And the body of Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, is a big octopus. In China, the practice of a big octopus is out of date.

What octopus balls, takoyaki, stir-fried, steamed, fried, can be described as a variety of tricks, one way to eat a day.

So, don't bother with it at all.As long as it dares to come, it dares to eat. It doubts Zhang Sheng.

Silence follows the spirit of Ah Q, despises the enemy mentally, and attaches great importance to the enemy in action. When his mental strength is restored to the best state, he puts his luggage into the Yin Yang Eight Diagrams sword bag, and goes straight to the 17 decks.

Standing on the deck, passing silently through the crowd, looking at these ordinary people who are still immersed in the joy of travel, it can be described as complicated.

If he was also an ordinary person, would he be so happy and at ease?Although this is a false proposition, the happiness of ordinary people is indeed within easy reach.

Silently sighed, his eyes fell to the distant horizon. According to his inference, it is impossible for Kraken, the North Sea giant monster, to charge from the west or north. There is a [-]% chance that it will kill from the east, because the west and north are close to the land. It is not suitable for its survival, only to the east is the endless Pacific Ocean, which is a paradise for the North Sea monster Kraken, and it is also the easiest place to collect souls.

Therefore, Shen Mo locked his eyes firmly on the east, and opened the power of his mind and projected it to the cold blue sea water. Originally, the power of Shen Mo's mind could only detect within a radius of 300 meters, but Shen Mo found that as long as he condensed the power of his mind At one point, he was able to detect a target that was nearly a thousand meters away in a straight line. Such a distance was not worth mentioning in the boundless sea, but it was obviously enough to detect the arrival of the North Sea giant monster.

Time passed, when the deck lights on the 17th floor were turned on, and the sun sank below the horizon, Silence still did not find the Kraken, the North Sea giant monster, and did not find anything unusual on the Princess.

In such a long time, Silence Tuofeng bought dinner once, licked dog eggs four times to restore energy, and went to the toilet three times, but he still couldn't wait for the enemy.

Could it be that Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, was afraid of the mouths of Chinese foodies and diverted halfway?

No, if there is an accident with Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, the system will definitely notify Shen Mo at the first time, but Shen Mo has not received any news. Obviously, the giant monster of the North Sea is still on the way, and the other party will definitely be there The Princess collided with Silence before reaching the island nation of Fukuoka.

That being said, waiting is not an option!

Mo Mo looked down at the sluggish Goudan in his arms, after four times of mental strength, the Goudan could no longer be pushed down, it needed to rest.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to stop the infinite mind, and chose to activate the power of the mind every 5 minutes to check the traces of the North Sea giant Kraken.This approach not only leaves a lot of rest time for Goudan, but also reduces the burden on Silence's mental strength.

Mo Mo chooses a table with no one and a good view, leans on the chair leaning on the chair, with deep and far-sighted eyes, like a meditating wise man, or like a dormant ancient beast.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

A light voice interrupted Shen Mo's mind-eye inspection this time. After confirming that the North Sea giant monster hadn't come yet, he withdrew his ability and looked at the speaker.

She is a very delicate girl, wearing slightly wide silver-rimmed glasses under airy bangs, well-dressed and slightly conservative, with a high temperament, giving people the feeling of being immersed in silver books for many years, silent and keen observation, seeing The girl is holding a book in her hand, the title of which is "My Overbearing CEO Boyfriend"

The silence is clear, it is obvious that this is a girl who has just started her love, is full of fantasies about love, and is bound by China's 5000-year-old ethics.

She longs for the beautiful love that falls in love at first sight, but subconsciously feels that girls should be reserved and reserved.

Come to think of it, when she made a request to Shen Mo, she had already broken through several layers of shackles mentally!

"of course can!"

Silence did not reject the girl, because a man with a gentlemanly demeanor should not extinguish the girl's fantasy of a beautiful encounter in love.

A gleam of joy flashed across the girl's face, but she quickly returned to shyness. She stupidly moved the chair opposite Shen Mo, sat down and put the book in her hand on the table and opened it, pretending to be reading, but actually she was using Out of the corner of his eye, he kept looking at Silence.

who is he?Why is he here?Where is he going again?
The girl was thinking about these complicated and meaningless questions, and her eyes were already attracted by the mysterious aura about Shen Mo.

What Mo Mo doesn't know is that since he ate the flesh and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon, his original ordinary appearance has undergone fundamental changes. It has caused many women who have just opened their hearts to fall in love for a lifetime.

dragon!Natural silver!Dragon eaters naturally have a powerful ability to attract the opposite sex.

"Is there something on my face?"

Asked silently and curiously, who didn't understand the true meaning of the dragon.

The girl apologized repeatedly like a frightened bird.

"No, no... I just want to see more... just by chance..."

Silently and gracefully smiled, the girl was momentarily distracted by her graceful appearance.

The girl thought, "Mom! I'm in love! It's the kind of love you see for life."

The girl summoned up the greatest courage in her life, and said repeatedly, "Hello, please...come and date me!"


Ours?Is it just a smile? !

What's happening here?Love comes too suddenly like a tornado?

Mo Mo was really puzzled, he didn't know how he provoked the girl in front of him, and he was going to suffer such harm from her.

Is it because catching ghosts is no longer good, or the task rewards are no longer fat, and you insist on falling in love and ruining yourself?

"Sorry! I'm not your type!"

The power of Shen Mo's mind swept across the girl, and politely rejected the girl, because the girl's basic quality is simply the bottom of the ghosts, monsters, and dolls that Shen Mo knows, and innocent and ignorant people like this Little girl, you should let her know the cruelty and reality of society, the so-called beautiful love in TV dramas are deceitful and unrealistic, credulous will definitely suffer, or eat other things.

" will you know that you are not my type if you don't try it."

The girl argued hard, as if arousing the only remaining self-esteem and stubbornness in her heart.

Silence chuckled, and his eyes swept over the girl again, this is called the second sweep.

"Sorry, I'm really not your type."

Shen Mo turned his head away, and plunged into the cold blue water with the power of his mind and eyes. It was okay if he didn't pierce. After a pierce, he suddenly found a 30-meter-high monster prowling the seabed, and protruded countless thick tentacles, attached to it. The bottom of the Princess cruise ship.

it's coming!The Kraken Kraken is finally here!
"Do you really hate me that much?" The girl continued to struggle.

Silence is not in the mood to continue chatting with her, only to see that his brows were tightly frowned, and the dragon god's reverse scale armor was put on instantly, and his temperament suddenly became extremely fierce.

Under the girl's unbelievable gaze, Shen Mo jumped into the icy sea water.


Woo!Would you rather jump into the sea than accept my love?Am I really that bad?
The girl's view of love fell apart in an instant.

Shen Mo didn't know how many people he had hurt invisibly, he only knew that the next one would be a life-and-death battle against the clock.

(End of this chapter)

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