The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 358 Money is really a big problem

Chapter 358 Money is really a big problem

uh-huh? !
Why is Kawajiri Matsuko still standing outside the door? !
Perceived by silent eyes, Kawajiri Matsuko outside the door faced the door of Room 665, her immature face was full of firmness and determination, as if she had made an extremely important decision.

On the other hand, silently, he put on a pair of flip-flops and watched Songzi's every move through the cat's eyes.

In the bottom of Shen Mo's heart, he didn't know that Matsuko Kawajiri had become obsessed with the pleasure of weapon blessing, so he couldn't understand why Matsuko still stood outside his door.

Ever since, the two were separated by a door, one was puzzled, and the other was apprehensive in courtship.

Boom boom boom!
Songzi summoned up great courage and knocked on the door of Silence again, waiting anxiously for Silence's response.

Shen Mo blinked his eyes, and was even curious. He sensed again and again with the power of his mind and eyes, but he didn't find any evil on Song Zi. In other words, the other party's search for him was entirely out of subjective will.

So, what does she want to do?
Thank yourself, thank you for saving your life?
It's unlikely, because Matsuko Kawajiri didn't know about the bad ghost, and only Shen Mo and Nannan knew about it. Therefore, the inference that Matsuko thanked him for this is untenable.

So, she wants to continue apologizing for the misunderstanding just now?
It shouldn't be!The silence was all in vain, and it was a loss. What's the point of coming to apologize again? The most sensible way is to continue to work at her front desk and completely forget about it. What should I do?

At this time, taking the initiative to seek silence, isn't it just looking for trifles!

Why!Silence let out a long sigh, the women in the island country are really hard to understand, this is the cultural difference!
Creaking, the door opened, Shen Mo stared at Kawajiri Matsuko with surprised eyes.

"Miss Songzi, is there anything else you can do?"

Songzi's breathing became extremely chaotic as the door opened, and her little heart almost rushed out of her chest like a deer. She bit her lower lip hard, then took a deep breath, and bent ninety degrees , Said: "Shen Jun, please associate with me!"


Waterfark? !
what's the situation?What's going on with her meow? !

Following the princess incident, Mo Mo encountered a free incident again. The difference is that last time it was free with a smile, and this time it was free with a drop. In short, it was free for her.

Why?what is this?
Shen Mo touched his cheek subconsciously. Could it be that the rapid level up recently has invisibly increased his handsome temperament, and has made him acquire 100% free-for-all skills? !

After taking a closer look at the skill panel and confirming that he didn't acquire such an alternative skill, Mo Mo's head grew bigger.

So why?Why do I encounter such cheap things for free everywhere I go?

Are good men suffering from such troubles?

A series of questions arose in Shen Mo's heart, he shook his head helplessly, and refused decisively.

"Miss Songzi, this is the second time we have met... No, to be precise, it should be the first time we have met. You just want to associate with someone you don't know?"

"No! It's not like that, Shen Jun, don't get me wrong. I'm not a casual woman. I don't have any experience in love before, but I know what sitting love is. The two times I saw you, every time I have a feeling of being in love... so, please give me a chance to fall in love with you!"

ha? !What is the feeling of being in love?After living silently for so long, I really don't know what it means to be in love.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized that the feeling of love that Matsuko Kawajiri said could be the joyful feeling when blessing blessings with weapons! ?

hum!Silence ignited the blessing of weapons and attacked Kawajiri Matsuko's body again.

Huh? !Songzi only felt the feeling of being in love rose again in her heart, which was the reason why she was obsessed with it.

Looking at Songzi's obsessed appearance, Shen Mo can conclude that Songzi mistook the pleasure of weapon blessing for the feeling of being in love.

This is definitely a misunderstanding!

"Miss Songzi, listen to me, this is definitely a beautiful misunderstanding."

Um?Why do I feel like I just said this sentence.No matter, this kind of thing has to be explained clearly.

"The feeling of love you understand is not the real feeling of love, it's just a kind of..." Silence didn't know what words to use to describe the effect of weapon blessing.

"No! You don't need to explain it to me!" Song Zi said, taking a step forward, approaching Shen Mo's body, covering his lips with slender fingers, "You just need to accept my..."

"Huh?! Did we come at the wrong time?"

Xu Zhangxun's voice sounded at the elevator entrance, and there were two people standing beside him, one was A Kai and the other was Chen Xue. A Kai stared enviously at Silence with eyes that men could understand, while Chen Xue stared at Shen Mo with a complicated expression. Kawajiri Matsuko, there was a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Ever since Shen Mo helped Chen Xue catch the evil Teddy last time, Chen Xue has been very curious about Shen Mo's true identity. As soon as she heard that Mo Mo would participate in this jewelry exchange conference, she begged Uncle Xu to take her with her. Coming here with Akai, I originally wanted to have a deeper understanding with Shen Mo.

That's good. As soon as we met, I saw Shen Mo entangled with an island woman. Looking at her clothes, she was still a waiter at the front desk of the Intercontinental Hotel in Yokohama.

In such a situation, whoever puts it on will label Silence with a stinky hooligan and a stinky label.

Unexpectedly, Shen Mo was such a person!
Mo Mo saw the three of Xu Zhangxun, the stone hanging from his chest was finally able to be put down, not only did you come at the right time, it was such a coincidence that you came.

"Come, come! I've been waiting for you for a long time, come to the house quickly...Miss Songzi, we will talk about things later, I know, you are a good girl, but I am not a good person... So, bye bye."

Silence pushed Kawajiri Matsuko out of the door, and greeted Xu Zhangxun and the three into the guest room. As the door closed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Matsuko Kawajiri stood outside the door in disappointment. She wanted to knock on the door again, but she knew it was not appropriate at this moment.

But she did not give up, on the contrary, she strengthened her heart even more. The three consecutive blessings of weapons made Song Zi become more and more unable to stop.

"Brother Shen, you are so chic!" Xu Zhangxun said with a smile in the old city, he has seen such things a lot.

"Hey! Old Xu, don't talk nonsense, things are not what you imagined."

"Don't explain, I understand! I understand!"

I understand you hammer, your eyes don't seem to understand, you clearly see me as a beast with hormones running amok!

"Brother Shen...wrong, Uncle Shen?" Akai was very confused, his father and Shen Mo were called brothers, so that he didn't even know what to call Mo Mo.

"Akai, we have different opinions. You call me Dad, and you call him Brother."

Akai: "..."


This old Xu is really good at playing.As expected of an old Jianghu, Shen Mo suddenly realized that he was far behind him.

"The name doesn't really matter, and the misunderstanding doesn't matter. The important thing is this auction." Mo Mo didn't want to waste energy on unimportant things, he chose to go straight to the point.

"Yes, brother Shen is right." Xu Zhangxun's eyes lit up, "Did you bring the goods?"

Pay attention to the wording, make it look like we are selling white dung, my thing is much more valuable than white dung.

hum!Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and a Zhuyan Pill 2.0 prepared in advance appeared in his palm, and the jade porcelain vase looked extremely dazzling with the blush from the Zhuyan Pill, like a red elf dancing in the porcelain vase.

This is Zhuyan Dan!The elixir that can make people not age for 40 years!

Xu Zhangxun widened his eyes, staring at Zhuyan Pill obsessively, with indescribable amazement in his heart, with this Zhuyan Pill, their Dafu Jewelry will bloom abnormally in this jewelry exhibition, and they will be crowned the top jeweler in the jewelry industry in an instant Don’t tell me about the peerless jewels, our Dafuku’s future aim is that the most peerless jewels are ageless looks.

"Hmph! What's in it can really make you look younger for 40 years?"

Chen Xue's voice sounded, with a trace of resentment, she was not targeting the effect of Zhuyan Pill, but complaining about the complicated relationship between Shen Mo and the waiter just now.

Facing Chen Xue's questioning, Mo Mo was not only not angry, but very happy.

Why?Because finally a normal woman appeared beside Shen Mo.

The women that Shen Mo met these days are all ruthless characters who are given for nothing if they don't agree with each other!So silent that I began to doubt life.

Now Chen Xue's appearance and questioning fully prove that the problem is not with Shen Mo, but with those women. That's right, they must be too unreserved, that's why they give up for nothing when they disagree, which adds to the burden of Shen Mo. A lot of trouble.

"Chen Xue, you asked a good question!" Mo Mo unscrewed the stopper of the jade bottle and poured Zhuyan Pill 2.0 into the palm of his hand, "I'll let you see its effect."

Shen Mo dragged his palm close to his mouth, and blew a puff of fairy air on Xu Zhangxun, only to see the red dust turned into a blush and rushed towards Xu Zhangxun, circling and converging on his face, and following his skin pores, as well as his mouth and nose. into his body.

It smells so good!Xu Zhangxun exclaimed, as the blush dissipated, his face changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The corners of his eyes that were originally wrinkled became elastic, and the rough skin caused by years of mining became smooth, delicate and shiny. As if ten years younger.

hiss!Chen Xue and Akai's eyes widened in disbelief. After seeing the miraculous effect of Zhuyan Pill, they had to choose to believe in the real effect of the pill.

However, Xu Zhangxun's youthful appearance only lasted about ten minutes before returning to his original appearance. After all, Zhuyan Pill only keeps his face youthful, and restoring youth is just a side effect of Danchen, and it will not last long.

Only after taking Zhuyan Dan 2.0, can one not only restore a certain amount of youth, but also lock in a 40-year-old appearance.

"This is really amazing! Brother Shen, with this treasure, we will definitely be able to dominate this jewelry exhibition."

Shen Mo smiled low-key, "I don't care about being the best, what I care about is whether I can get money."

"Oh! Brother Shen, is money a problem?! Money is not a problem at all!"

"The cost of this elixir is 1000 million."

The three of Xu Zhangxun were stunned and froze on the spot.

"Money is really a big problem. Our primary goal is to make money!"

As for Shen Mo saying that the cost of 12 grains of 1000 million is the cost of one grain of 1000 million, hey, as a middleman, Shen Mo can't let Mo Mo get some commission? !
(End of this chapter)

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