Chapter 410
"Brother, why is Ma Shisan here again?"

Silently hung up Ma Shisan's call, Hua Yingjun at the side looked sad. In his life trajectory, anything that has anything to do with Ma Shisan is definitely not a good thing, and this time may be more or less ominous.

"Why, are you so afraid of seeing her?"

Silently teasing the embarrassing Hua Yingjun, his eyes fell on the exit of the airport, looking for Ma Shisan.

"It's not that I'm afraid of her. How can I be afraid of a little loli, I'm just worried that she will come to trouble you again, brother. Last time, she raped you wantonly on the ground."

Before Hua Yingjun could finish his words, a little loli rushed out of the exit of the airport. Although she tried her best to make herself look more mature, she still couldn't conceal her loli essence.

At this moment, Ma Shisan was full of resentment, like a century-old grieving ghost, she locked her eyes on Shen Mo, she wanted to vent all the resentment she had suffered in the past few days on Shen Mo, and let her know who is the boss of Group 21.

Ma Shisan's desire to possess and conquer is fully displayed at this moment.

boom!I saw Ma Shisan's feet connecting points, the powerful explosive force transformed into kinetic energy and blasted her thin body out, and the immature fist pierced the air, as if people could see sparks flying, and gradually grew bigger in the silent eyes.

hey-hey!It's really in line with Ma Shisan's style and temper to start working immediately after meeting!
However, the current silence is not the same as before. He has become stronger, but he is not bald.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth was raised, and one hand was slowly raised under Ma Shisan's gaze, making his heart tremble.

How dare Shen Mo fight back? How dare she fight back? !Since Ma Shisan became the group leader of Group 21, no one has dared to attack her. She has always bullied others, and no one has ever dared to bully her.

The bastard Mo Mo not only lied to her, but also had the guts to fight her.

Ma Shisan originally wanted to teach Shen Mo a lesson, let him know who is the real boss, but now it seems that just a lesson is not enough, and Shen Mo must pay a little more, such as breaking an arm, breaking a leg, etc. .

With this in mind, Ma Shisan's fist strength increased a bit, and he almost used up [-]% of his skill to urge this punch.

However, at the moment when Ma Shisan's fist was about to hit Shen Mo's cheek, Mo Mo's slowly raised hand exploded, instantly stopping Ma Shisan's attack, and tightly clenched her small fist in the palm of her hand.

What? !Ma Shisan was extremely astonished, staring at his fist in disbelief but was stopped by silence, his eyes filled with puzzlement, hesitant...
The silent movement didn't stop because of this, I saw him flicking his arm, Ma Shisan in mid-air was like a kite with a broken string, drew an arc trajectory, and threw it heavily on the ground, the huge impact made her five internal organs All six internal organs trembled, the shock in my mind was even worse, and my thinking was almost short-circuited.

How did this happen, what happened?who I am?Where am I?What am I doing again?
The torture from the soul could not help Ma Shisan to turn the tide of the battle. She could only watch silently straddling her body, forcing a hand to press her little head hard, pressing it on the cold concrete floor, crazy. The ground starts rubbing, rubbing...
Pain and a huge sense of shame rose from Ma Shisan's mind. She wanted to resist, but her silent palm was as indestructible as steel clamps, and she didn't give a chance to resist at all.She wanted to break free, but found that the possibility of breaking free was almost zero.

Some time ago, Ma Shisan taught Shen Mo a lesson like a younger brother, but now, Mo Mo has become so strong that she can't touch it.

That's not true, before Shen Mo was only a younger brother at level 8, but now he is a big brother at level 15, just the increase in attributes has made Mo Mo's four-dimensional attributes surpass Ma Shisan, plus the attributes of dragon blood and flesh Amplification, calamity, domineering, and battle axe's attribute increase... Even if Silence doesn't use intermediate talismans, it has become Ma Shisan's out-of-reach goal.

"Silence you... bastard..."

Ma Shisan cursed fiercely on his lips, but he was already a little scared in his heart.

Shen Mo didn't let go immediately, but joked seriously, "Master Ma Qun, it's so cold on the ground, what are you doing lying on the ground!? Do you want me to help you up?"

Ma Shisan was unwilling, "If you have the ability to let me go, I will definitely make you look good."

"I've always been a good-looking person."

Shen Shen shrugged, "Since you want me to let go, then I will let go."

Silence's hand was loosened as expected, but the wait for Ma Shisan was not over. A mysterious formation rose from the ground, and Ma Shisan felt a burst of buoyancy out of thin air. She was like an astronaut falling into space. Floating in a controlled manner, even with a huge strength of ten thousand catties, there is no point of focus, and all combat power cannot be exerted by [-]%.

Formation—Ascension to Heaven Formation!

The skillful use of the Ascension Formation allowed Ma Shisan, the Eternal Violence Rooster, to truly experience what is called her meow's despair.

"Silence, put me down." Ma Shisan struggled in mid-air, and his shouts attracted the sideways glances of passers-by.

"Hey, look, there is someone flying up there."

"Really choking. Are they doing magic tricks?"

"I want to make a booming sound, this video will definitely go viral."

"Didn't you notice that this little loli is really cute, and the way she pretends to be mature is really delicious."

"Hey! Isn't the person next to the little Lolita the Liu Bodhisattva from the Laifu Wood Carving Shop? Could it be that she is slaying demons again? Such a cute Lolita is actually a monster... No, I don't believe it. Please take this The monster bestowed upon me, and I am willing to stick to her obsession."

The comments of passers-by around are constantly reaching Ma Shisan's ears, especially in today's era, every passerby is a walking camera, they hold up the camera, and record Ma Shisan's embarrassment at the moment, which can be described as 360 degrees There are no dead ends.

"Silence, I beg you, let me down quickly." Ma Shisan covered his face to prevent his identity from being exposed.

Shen Mo also realized that he had played too far. He first withdrew the Ascension Formation, and then ordered the Snow Maiden Ji Nai in the collar to blow a biting cold wind.

As the eyes of passers-by around were blocked by the cold wind, the mobile phones in their hands froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the next moment they crashed and went black.All the videos taken were also destroyed.

When the passers-by opened their eyes again, Mo Mo and the others had disappeared in place, and the red demonic aura of Zashiki Doji Nannan permeated the surroundings, continuously seeping into everyone's bodies.

After a while, everyone looked around in a daze, not knowing what happened just now. Under the influence of Nan Nan's evil spirit, they lost their memory of the incident just now.

This is a new technique that Nannan learned from the same hands of Yumi-san, and it is also a coup for the Zashiki Doji clan to save their lives. They use monster energy to interfere with the memory of humans or monsters, making them temporarily forget what happened just now, and when they think about it again, they will misunderstand Think it's a dream.

On Yancheng Highway, a Maserati is driving slowly, and the car behind is always five meters away from it.In the car, Hua Yingjun was concentrating on driving the car, Liu Xiaoci and Ma Shisan sat in the back seat, silently sat in the co-pilot position and leaned against the window, without saying a word.

After a period of deliberation and silence, Ma Shisan finally spoke.

"Silence, are you sure that what happened just now will not be uploaded on the Internet?"

Silence saw Ma Shisan with a tense and weak face through the rearview mirror. This was the first time he saw Ma Shisan like this. He lost the arrogance and complacency of the group leader, and became a little more like a little lolita. dimensional properties.

"I have always been at ease when dealing with Nan Nan."

"Yes! I guarantee [-] million Nannan, those people will never remember what happened just now."

"Yeah, what the master said is right. Ji Nai destroyed all those mobile phones."

The corners of Ma Shisan's immature mouth twitched. It's been a long time since I saw him. Shen Mo actually caught a monster, and made the monster call Shen Mo its master in a very vicious way.

While talking, the pocket-sized Snow Maiden Ji Nai crawled out from the silent collar. Her cute and pure appearance is simply the cutest thing for all creatures.

"Wow! What a cute little person! Brother, can she give it to me?" Hua Yingjun exclaimed.

"Drive your car! This is Ji Nai, the snow girl. I brought it back from the island country. From now on, she will be in charge of my personal daily life."

Liu Xiaoci was taken aback, and said jealously, "Boss, shouldn't I be responsible for these?"

"I have to go on another trip, so you have to stay in Yancheng to take over my job during this time."

Ma Shisan interjected, "Are you still going out? You just handed over the work in the group to her so casually? Let me tell you, don't think I can't beat you, so I can't order you. Say, what are you doing in the island country?" What happened to that black hole?"

Silence cast another glance at Ma Shisan, "Of course I have my own business to go to the island country. As for the black hole, it was created by Toshiba Yamata Orochi, and has nothing to do with me."

Ma Shisan looked disdainful, I believe you a ghost, you can't even speak the truth.

"Okay, since you don't want to tell me about the island country, then you can always tell me where you are going next. Do you know how many group owners have made fun of me in order to help you lie!"

Mo Mo frowned slightly, "Your group leader still has a group?"

"Nonsense, or do you think that we are scattered all over the world, how to communicate and communicate? Do you know? Can a group leader who can't even manage the group members be a good group leader? You are so naughty, or you will come to be the leader." This group leader, I, Ma Shisan, quit."

Silence waved his hand, "I'm not interested in the group leader of Group 21."

This sentence sounded a little ambiguous, and Ma Shisan's face flickered, making it difficult for him to say anything.

"Since you don't want to be the leader of this group, then you must obey my orders... Even if you don't obey orders, you should still say hello to me so that I can deal with the higher-ups."

Silence also understood Ma Shisan's difficulty, and he briefly explained, "I'm going to America."

"America? What are you doing there? Impeaching Trump?"

I didn't expect Ma Shisan to joke around.

"Have you heard of the Stone of Apocalypse?"

Ma Shisan looked straight, "Is it the Apocalypse Stone that has been making a lot of noise recently? A spar that can make extraordinary people's abilities skyrocket?"

"That's right, I'm going to America to collect this spar."

"for what?"

"For this dream!"

Ma Shisan: "You lied to me again."

This time I really didn't lie to you.

(End of this chapter)

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