The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 461 You Can't Learn My Blessings

Chapter 461 You Can't Learn My Blessings
"Want to get my power."

For this, Silence is not surprised at all. Any normal person would have such an idea. The difference between McConaughey and others is that he has the ability to put this matter into action.

If even the Steinmetz family is not qualified to talk to Silence, then no family in the United States can do this.

McConaughey felt that he was qualified. No matter what conditions Shen Mo put forward, he would be able to meet the other party's requirements. Even if he wanted to take away the jewel in the palm of the Steinmetz family from him, he would not hesitate at all.

"Come on, young man, tell me your conditions! As long as you can say it, I, McConaughey, as the patriarch of the Steinmetz family, promise you that I will help you achieve it."

Shen Mo shook his head slightly, stared at McConaughey calmly, and replied truthfully, "Mr. McConaughey, to tell you the truth, you can't learn my blessings."

"Can't you learn it?!" McConaughey asked with a gloomy face, "I know there must be many restrictions on learning this power, but our Steinmetz family has a lot of talents. As long as you ask, you will be able to find them." Candidates who meet the requirements... The key to the question is Mr. Shen, are you willing to entrust this inheritance to our Steinmetz family."

Faced with McConaughey's questioning, Shen Mo didn't plan to delay any longer, but replied firmly, "My inheritance is not blood relatives, so no matter how good the Steinmetz family is, they can't get this power of."

McConaughey:  …

He subconsciously looked at Emily, who shivered and blushed instantly.

McConaughey shook his head. It's too late. Even if Shen Mo and Emily are married now, they will grow up after the child is born and learn about inheritance.

This method obviously doesn't work.

After a moment of silence, after McConaughey made a decision, he added, "If you just want to get the power of blessing, I may have a compromise."

McConaughey's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What way?"

Compared to McConaughey's expression, Emily was a little disappointed, but it was just a flash and she didn't show it.

"I have a skill called the Art of Talismans, which can endow ordinary talismans with extraordinary power. In theory, I can bless my blessings on talismans. As long as you use the blessing talismans, you can stimulate the power of blessings and obtain the finished Apocalypse Potion .”

McConaughey was overjoyed, but he grasped the silent words, "Theory?! Your consciousness is this kind of talisman, haven't you finished it yet?"

"Yes, you are right." Shen Mo did not lie, "But my talisman background tells me that it is not difficult to do this, as long as I have a little patience and a little luck, I happen to have both .”

McConaughey pondered for a moment, and it was not difficult to hear from Shen Mo's words that he was absolutely unwilling to hand over his ability inheritance to the Steinmetz family easily. Taking a step back, he got the blessing talisman from Shen Mo's mouth to solve the current problem. It is also feasible for urgent needs.

If you can't get some things at once, you can figure them out slowly, which is the way to plot. McConaughey is very good at this.

In McConaughey's view, the method of using the Crystal Goddess (Celia) to make the apocalypse potion is too inefficient and uncontrollable, because no one knows what will happen to the Crystal Goddess, and she may be there in the next second. Dissipate into nothingness.

As a businessman, McConaughey understands that the blessing talisman in Silence's hand is the real feasible way.

Well, the problem is coming.

How long does it take for Silence to create a blessing talisman?At what value will it be resold to the Steinmetz family after manufacture?All the rules here need to be negotiated by both parties.

"Mr. Shen, how long will I have to wait before I can see the blessing talisman in your mouth."

"It won't be long, give me a little time."

As he said silently, with a flick of his wrist, the gossip yin and yang sword pouch appeared in his hand, and he took out the materials needed for refining the talisman from it, and began to refine the blessing talisman.

With the foundation of intermediate-level talismans, the way of silent talismans can be said to be the first glimpse of the door. Combined with the panacea-like skill of weapon blessing, it is really not difficult to refine blessing talismans.

Mo Mo first used the Langhao pen to engrave the picture and text of the talisman of the weapon blessing on the yellow talisman, and then mobilized his own spiritual power to release the weapon blessing.

hum!A milky white halo swept over the yellow talisman, and it shattered after only hovering for a moment.

fail!Not terrible.The terrible thing is that you are afraid of failure.

Silently, without changing his face, he took out another yellow talisman and patted the lucky cat on his waist.

"Nannan, it's your turn to act. Help me get lucky."

"Leave it to me!"

hum!Blessed by the luck attribute of scarlet, the silence was like a spring breeze, and his mind became clearer for a while. The failure just now became a valuable experience before he succeeded.

One by one, the talismans were shattered and wiped out. McConaughey and the others were dazzled by the sight, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing the silent talisman refining.

Just when Shen Mo refined No.90 six times, he finally remembered a new notification sound in his mind.

【Ding!Self-created talisman: weapon blessing talisman. 】

[The proficiency of intermediate talismans increases. 】

[Weapon Blessing Talisman (one-time): A Talisman that can be activated to give a creature or item a weapon blessing status. 】

Although the weapon blessing talisman was successfully refined, the intermediate talisman was not upgraded to a high-level talisman. This silence is not in a hurry. As long as there is success this time, the next step is to imitate the gourd painting, and the follow-up slow healing talisman , or the Devil's Hand Talisman, will it be far behind?
After the first talisman was made, Shen Mo handed it to McConnor, who held it in his hand as if he had found a treasure, and looked at it carefully for a long time, "Mr. Shen, how can I use this talisman?"

"Tear it up, or post it up."

McConaughey did as he did, carefully picked up a blue semi-finished Apocalypse Potion, and pasted the blessing talisman on it. The next moment, a milky white halo rose from the talisman and spread to the inside of the Apocalypse Potion. The color potion became slightly warmer.

"It worked! It really works!"

McConaughey handed over the Apocalypse Potion to Anderson and the others. After some testing, they revealed the efficacy of the new medicine, which was stable in properties and three points stronger than before. More importantly, it had no side effects or repulsion.

Such a miracle, it's astounding.

McConaughey was very excited in his heart, but his face was calm. He knew that he had to hold back, and the next step was the crux of the problem, what price should be paid for silence.

"Mr. Shen, what price do you want to cooperate with us?"

Mo Mo secretly rejoiced, he had done so much, just waiting for McConaughey's words.

"I want the Crystal Goddess you are talking about, and I want [-]% of the Apocalypse Potion developed in the future."

Crystal Goddess!

How did Silence know about the existence of the Crystal Goddess?McConaughey shook his head. With the blessing talisman, the Crystal Goddess has become less important, and it is not impossible to hand her over to Shen Mo.

The question is, what does Silence want the Crystal Goddess to do?
There is also [-]% of the apocalypse potion, which is too much!After all, the entire research and development process was carried out by the Steinmetz family, and Silence only provided the last process. Such a price was somewhat unacceptable to McConaughey.

However, in order to win over the relationship with Silence, McConaughey finally compromised.

"Mr. Shen, as long as you tell me what you want to get the Crystal Goddess? I will agree to your conditions."

After silently contemplating for a while, he said seriously, "Would you believe me if I said it was for absorption?"

McConaughey:  …

Absorbing the Crystal Goddess? !Such a beautiful goddess, you actually want to use it for absorption... etc. It is reasonable to use it for absorption.

But what about after absorption?What's the use?
Shen Mo waved his hands, "This is already your second question."

"So, Mr. McConaughey, how is our cooperation?"

(End of this chapter)

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