Chapter 463
The first floor of the Babel Tower.

A frail figure crouched and shivered in the corner, and the calamity Yamata no Orochi battle ax was held in the hand of the octopus hunter and looked at it carefully.

"A good axe! What a good axe! Such an artifact falls into your hands, it's a violent act."

Mo Mo raised his bruised and swollen face, and wanted to exhale the fragrance, but found that his front teeth fell out, and the air began to leak when he spoke, so he simply healed slowly and healed his injuries.

That's right!You read it right!

The figure hiding in the corner was really silent. He suffered a disastrous defeat in the first round of fighting against the octopus hunter.

The opponent's shikigami: Xuanwu, like a wild dog off the leash, frantically biting Shen Mo's thigh, Shikigami: White Tiger blasted the magic beads on Shen Mo's face, followed by A huge whirlwind seems to be able to tear everything apart at a speed of hundreds of revolutions per second.

Three strokes!

With only three skills, Mo Mo lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he found that he was seriously injured, and the calamity · Yamata no Orochi · battle ax also fell into the hands of the octopus hunter.

What kind of opening is this? !
Isn't it a good customs clearance?How do you tell me that this kind of opponent clears the level?It's not an order of magnitude at all!

Silence is painful!But he suddenly found that there was an extra message in his mind.

【Ding!You were defeated by the Octopus Hunter*1, please continue to work hard until you defeat the Octopus Hunter. 】

Depend on!This piece of information further confirmed Shen Mo's guess in his heart. This is not a customs clearance at all, but an experience!A powerful opponent's experience of silence!

Knowing his situation, he reined in silently and learned from the pain. While rubbing the bruised and swollen dog egg who was also violently beaten by Shikigami Xuanwu to restore his mental strength, he frantically released slow healing to himself and healed his injury in the shortest possible time. Here you can challenge Octopus Hunter again.

Calamity · Yamata no Orochi · battle ax is waving wantonly in the hands of the octopus hunter, and the strong wind generated can easily tear the hard granite ground. It can be seen that the physical strength of the octopus hunter has reached an unbelievable level.

Mo Mo's pitiful [-] points of strength are not enough to look at in front of the other party.

After a while, Shen Mo recovered from his injuries and had to stand up again to face the octopus hunter.

"Oh? You recovered quite quickly. I thought you would be very strong, but I didn't expect you to be so useless. As a priest, have you never tempered your body?"

Yamaguchi, who was silently questioned, was speechless. He really hadn't tempered his body well. Part of his strength came from the rewards of the system, and only a very small part was obtained from his own study or practice.

"Thank you for maxing out your Slow Healing, but not making good use of it."

The octopus hunter flicked his wrist, and threw the disaster ax to Shen Mo, "It is impossible to defeat me with a body like yours, you go back!"

Shen Mo looked at the magic portal shining with blue brilliance behind him. He knew that he could leave this purgatory with just one step, but this step of his was to waste all his hard work during this period. One step, no matter what, you can't cross it.

He must stand up!

Mo Mo suddenly tore his shirt to pieces, exposing his relatively solid chest, and immediately plunged the Calamity Tomahawk into the ground, and half-kneeled in front of the octopus hunter under the surprised gaze of the octopus hunter.

"Please teach me!"

Octopus Hunter:···

"Why should I teach you?"

"I want to be an exorcist with a strong body like you!"

"There are too many people who think like you..."

"I have the blood of the Dragon God!"

Octopus Hunter: "???"

Roar!Shen Mo displayed his mimicry ability, instantly transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, and the majestic dragon power erupted, making the whole room start to tremble.

The octopus hunter's eyes widened, and disbelief was written on his resolute cheeks that he saw a real dragon.

As an octopus hunter who is an exorcist, he naturally knows the meaning and value of a real dragon. The real dragon Xingjun is the second consciousness of an exorcist!
The dragon god's talent shown by Silence at this moment has essentially defeated the heart of the octopus hunter.

Although he is still unwilling to teach silence, he is already very honest in action.

"I don't even bother to look at your weak physical body. Let's not talk about anything else. Do you know how to combine physical training and skills?"

Shen Mo suddenly realized that he, who has the power of slow healing, didn't know how to use slow healing to continuously refine his physical body?

After receiving enlightenment, Shen Mo began to exercise his physical body crazily, from the most basic push-ups, squat jumps, to the final burpee jump, high-intensity combined movements, Shen Mo found that there is a blessing of full-level slow healing, his The physical body is not in a state of fatigue at all.

Even mental malaise can be brought back to the state with the help of dog eggs.

Ever since, the silence seemed to become a perpetual motion machine that never stopped, and began to crazily squeeze his own body.

Time flies, Shen Mo doesn't know how long he has stayed on this floor, but only knows that [-]% of the food in the gossip Yin-Yang sword pouch has been eliminated.

During this period, the octopus hunter didn't like Silence's training methods at first, but as Silence's physical strength gradually increased, the octopus hunter also began to teach Silence how to use the priest's method to torture the flesh.

Priests are originally a group of muscular uncles who pursue the ultimate strength of the body. They had to fight head-on in the battle with the pretenders in the Arad continent. In this way, they pay more attention to the training of the body, combined with healing skills such as slow healing, They tortured their physical bodies to the point where ordinary people are horrified.

At this moment, Mo Mo looked at his strong physical body comparable to that of the octopus hunter, and his abnormal values ​​in the four-dimensional attributes. Even if he hadn't defeated the octopus hunter, he felt that he was making a solid profit.

Name: Silence.

Level: Level 18 (Aura 24555/12000)

Power: [228] [Awakening: Nine Bulls and Two Tigers]

Physique: [226] [Awakening: Man of Steel]

Agility: [194] [Awakening: Vigorous and Resolute]

Spirit: [146] [Awakening: Mind Eyes]

His strength and physique broke through two hundred one after another, and his agility was about to break through two hundred. On the contrary, the spirit that had been shaking the lead before had fallen.

For such attributes, the octopus hunter's view is that this is what a priest should look like. The previous silence was soft and weak like an elf girl.

But even with such an attribute, it is still not attractive to octopus hunters.

"Don't be too happy. Among the four professions that priests change jobs, exorcism requires the least physical body. Your current physical strength can't even beat me. It's impossible to be those monsters behind. opponent."

"You don't want to persuade me to give up again!" Shen Mo curled his lips. During this period of getting along, Mo Mo has become very familiar with octopus hunters. "I said, I won't give up."

"Hey, if you didn't have a bag that can always take out food, you would have starved to death."

The octopus hunter cursed and picked up his sawtoothed battle axe, "Enough is enough! Get up and fight again."


Didn't you just knock me out 5 minutes ago?Again!
"If you don't force me, you will never be able to leave my level."

Mo Mo's heart is bitter, but he lived a fulfilling life, being beaten... no!The years of experience are always so unforgettable.

(End of this chapter)

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