Chapter 467 Galantis
"Come on, young man, come and sit with me."

A smile crept up on Cristin Ronaldo's demonic face, beckoning silence.

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched. Facing Ronaldo's request, his spine shivered and his heart panicked.

This is an avenger with the power of demons, he actually asked me to sit beside him?
What's the matter?play?What about life?How about imagining the future?Or recall the bits and pieces of being a devil?
Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and showed his disaster battle axe, "If you want to kill or scratch, it's up to you, don't play tricks on me."

Shen Mo knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat this Avenger named Ronaldo, but he did not lose in battle. Shen Mo could lose, but he could not lose in momentum.

"come over!"

Ronaldo yelled loudly, and the strong demonic aura instantly turned into a ferocious demon arm, which restrained Silence fiercely, pulled it in front of him, and then planted Silence by his side like a carrot.


What a terrifying demon hand. Compared with the demon hand summoned by Silence, the demon hand summoned by Silence comes from magic soldiers. The demon hand summoned by Ronaldo is simply a demon at the level of a demon king.

I saw a trace of gloom flashing across Ronaldo's face, but he forcibly suppressed it, and said in a weak tone again.

"Sorry to surprise you."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, "What exactly do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you."


Silence, he doesn't believe it, octopus hunter, chattering Yuguo, and Hurricane Borge, which of them didn't torture Silence to death, why did the Avenger, who should abuse Silence the most, should sit down with Silence instead? Have a nice chat.

What exactly is this unfolding?

Could it be that the way to open the silence is wrong.

"Do you think that among the four major professions of priests, we Avengers are the most violent type of people?"

Facing Ronaldo's inquiry, Mo Mo thought to himself, isn't it?If not, what were you doing just now?Are you kidding me?

Although Ronaldo didn't answer seeing silence, his expression said everything.

"Haha, young man, you really have misunderstood our Avengers."

There was a kind smile on Ronaldo's face, in stark contrast to the devilish aura emanating from him.

"A clergyman who can accept the power of the devil without sinking into the power of the devil is a burden that ordinary people can bear."

Ronaldo looked up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle, his eyes were deep, as if filled with the entire starry sky.

"The clerics who can become avengers are all clerics with excellent centrality. If they cannot resist the temptation of the devil, they will eventually become the fangs of the devil."

Ronaldo's words are full of vicissitudes and bitterness, like old Chinese medicine, bitter and trembling.

Shen Mo sat beside him, frowning, because the other party didn't look like he was lying, and the other party didn't continue to embarrass himself, Shen Mo simply felt relieved, sat beside him quietly, and chatted with the other party.

"Since the power of the Avenger is so dangerous, why did you choose this profession?"

Ronaldo replied solemnly, "Because the power of the devil is at your fingertips."


There is nothing wrong with this statement.

Paladin, blue boxer, exorcist, these three professions want to gain powerful power, they must go through hellish tempering, only by tasting what ordinary people can't taste, can they do what ordinary people can't do.

As for the Avengers, they don't need to make much effort, they only need to sign a contract with the devil, and they can obtain the power of the devil from the abyss of hell.

Unlike those pretenders who walk in time, the reason why the Avengers are not defined as pretenders is that they have a heart that is not corrupted by demons.

Knight's heart? !
Silently tilted his head and asked.

Ronaldo shook his head with a smile, "No, we are not knights, we are just a group of innocent people persecuted by demons, with hatred and disgust for demons, we choose to accept the power of demons and eliminate evil with evil."

"Only demons can kill demons!"

He pondered for a while in silence, then shouted.

Ronaldo gave a silent glance in surprise, and nodded in approval, "That's right! I'm surprised that you think so."

Silence shrugged, "My values ​​are different from yours. In our world, there is no distinction between good and evil, good and evil. Angels and demons are just two different races. No one would think that angels are pure good , and no one will think that demons are extremely evil. They are all tricks to deceive children, and truly rational people understand that good and evil lie in the human heart."

Ronaldo listened to the silent long talk quietly, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relieved, but he didn't say anything more. After a long time, he said, "It seems that I have nothing to teach you. I There is only one word for you."

Nod in silence.

"From the moment you choose to compromise with the devil, you must remember that your soul belongs to you."

Silence didn't understand, but it seemed to understand.

"I remember."

"Go! She's waiting for you."


"The one on the last floor."

The figure of the Avenger dissipated, he really didn't make things difficult for Shen Mo, he really just sat down with Mo Mo and chatted about life... There are really not many such good people.

Watching Ronaldo's last trace of starlight dissipate, Shen Mo stood up and walked to the last floor leading to Tongtian Tower.

Someone was there waiting for him.As long as she passes her test, Silence can be transferred to a careerist and start a new career.

who is she?

Silence stepped out, and the magic portal took him away from the Tongtian Tower on the fourth floor, and came to the Tongtian Tower on the last floor.

He opened his eyes, trying to lock onto someone's figure, but found that there was nothing in front of him, as if nothing had ever existed.

You can hear your own breathing, heartbeat, and even the sound of blood flowing quietly all around...
He looked around, trying to search for the woman Ronaldo was talking about, and tried hard for a long time, but he didn't even find a single figure.

What's happening here?Is silence too late?

"Are you looking for me?"

Mo Mo suddenly turned around, but couldn't find the source of the voice, it seemed to be close to the ear, but thousands of miles away.

"Where are you?"

"I am here."

Shen Mo looked around, except for the paleness in his eyes, he still couldn't find a trace of color.

"what's your name?"

Silence tried to communicate with the other party and asked the other party's name.

"Grantis Gracia."

"It's you!"

Silence knew who she was.She is the mentor of the clergy, a blond girl sitting on a cross.

Is she the final test?
(End of this chapter)

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