The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 470 Model Block Elm Street

Chapter 470 Model Block Elm Street

1317 Elm Street.

Beep beep!

The ear-piercing siren sounded in Shen Mo's ears, the chaotic and dense footsteps were endless, and the uninformed passers-by's comments were like buzzing bees constantly provoking Shen Mo's nerves, pulling him back to reality from the trance he had traveled through.

Shen Mo blinked his confused eyes, looked around curiously, and couldn't help asking himself: Who am I?where am I?what am i doing
"Oh! Poor Tina was murdered just like that. Who is so cruel that even such a simple child would not be spared."

"It's said to be her boyfriend, the boy named Locke. The young people nowadays are really scary."

"Oh my god, may there be no boyfriends in heaven... no, no killing."

Hearing the discussion in his ears, his silent brows were slightly frowned. He realized that he was already on Elm Street. At this moment, he was probably sent directly to the scene of the murder. The girl named Tina who died was probably killed by the Nightmare Angel. Freddy killed.

According to Shen Mo's understanding of the plot of A Nightmare on Elm Street, the residents of Elm Street brutally killed Freddie, a kindergarten administrator, more than ten years ago. Freddy started his own road of revenge, trying to kill the children of those people back then.

Judging from the current situation, Freddy has already started his own road to revenge.

Shen Mo cast his eyes on the wooden house No. 1317. Under the perception of the power of the mind and eye, a faint and strange energy entangled in the surroundings, which was difficult to dissipate for a long time, and those ordinary people could not detect this energy at all, as if they were not at all. Existence is general.

Silence realizes that this energy comes from Freddy—a strange energy that can enter human dreams.

nightmare? !
Shaking his head silently, he once encountered a nightmare in the real world. Compared with the power of the nightmare, the energy in front of him is even more evil and weird, and it is by no means purely the power of the nightmare.

From this point of view, Freddy is not easy!What the hell is he?

While thinking silently, the door of Room 1317 was pushed open, and under the escort of the police, two panicked high school students, a man and a woman, were brought into the police car as witnesses in this case.

hum!The power of the mind's eye was activated, sweeping across the two of them, and the silent brows could not help but frown.

"What is this?"

Under the perception of the power of the mind and eye, the bodies of the two are no different from ordinary people, but just between their brows, there is a black mist as black as ink. The black mist is like a seed rooted in the depths of the soul, constantly eating away at them souls, growing and growing from their fears...

This is also not the power of Nightmare.

Nightmare is nothing more than entering the dream of human beings. It is impossible to parasitize one's own power in the human body and grow by relying on human fear.

A trace of curiosity rose in Shen Mo's heart. He felt that he should follow these two children. Since Freddy chose them, as long as he followed them, he would definitely be able to find clues about Freddy.

After making up his mind to pay attention, Silence disappeared into the crowd, and a few dodges disappeared from sight.

Elm Street Police Department.

Director Connor's head hurts. The law and order on Elm Street he manages has always been very good, but today is extra special, because there was a murder case just happened on Elm Street. The person who died was a high school student, and he was involved daughter Nancy.

"How could she be there! She should be sleeping at home, how could she be mixed with those three people, and there is a murderer among them?!"

Director Connor took a puff of cigarette, stubbed out half of the cigarette, and threw it into the trash can. He was about to get up and leave his office. He went to the interrogation room and asked his daughter Nancy, what was she doing?
But just as Director Connor got up, he caught sight of a figure out of the corner of his eye, and it passed by in a flash.


Director Connor rubbed his eyes, reconfirmed for a long time, shook his head and said, "Am I dazzled? Just now there seemed to be a figure flashing... It must have been pissed off by Nancy. This time, we must close the Her confinement, she can't even think of leaving the house with any excuse."

trial room.

Nancy and her boyfriend Glenn were taken into a separate interrogation room, and what awaited them would be an interrogation by the police.

Nancy panicked now, she never thought that an ordinary party would end like this, her friend Tina was brutally killed in front of her.

Although the police agreed that the murderer might be Tina's boyfriend Locke, Nancy did not believe that Locke would kill Tina at all, and it was impossible for them to have such a thing happen because of a little emotional conflict.

But Tina is dead, and Locke has escaped.Everything made Nancy at a loss.

creak!The door of the interrogation room was pushed open, pulling Nancy back to reality from the panic. She looked at the man who walked in with surprised eyes, because the man was not wearing overalls, but plain clothes. What was even more strange was that he With black hair and yellow skin, which is rare on Elm Street, she never heard from her father that there were Asian detectives in the police station.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

"What do you see?"

Nancy was asked back by the man, her eyes were flustered, and she recalled, "I didn't see anything. When I went in with Glenn, there was blood everywhere... Tina fell in a pool of blood, her body was covered with wounds ···”

The man shook his head, sat opposite Nancy, and said again, "That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about things that others can't see."

Nancy froze for a moment, and stared at the man's eyes in surprise, as if she could see the sparkle in the man's eyes.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

"Have you ever dreamed about him?" The man tapped the interrogation table with his fingers, and a milky white halo gradually emerged with his taps, which was the holy light of purification power.


"123! He's back looking for you! 456! Lock the door!····"

Nancy's complexion changed suddenly, and she suddenly remembered the horrible dream she had had during this period. In the dream, it was this nursery rhyme that kept ringing, and the scary red figure...
"Who are you? How do you know what kind of dreams I have had?"

Silence raised the corner of his mouth, he did not answer Nancy's inquiry, but under the perception of the power of his mind, he clearly noticed that the black mist between Nancy's brows was growing along with the fear in her heart, and grew stronger until it turned into a The horrible grimace that was as dark as the abyss gave out a creepy smile, as if telling Silence that it had matured and it was time to reap Nancy's life.


Silently tapped the finger on the interrogation table, and at the moment before that grimace wanted to penetrate into Nancy's mind, the holy light of purification power entered it.

Zizi!The grimace collided with the holy light and changed violently. The hideous grimace struggled and twisted in the holy light, and finally turned into black mist and disappeared.

Nancy only felt her spirit relax, as if something had been untied. The fear in her heart disappeared in an instant, and her whole body was indescribably calm and serene.

Nancy: "???"

Silence: "Hey? I started a bit harder, and I still want to take it out and study it. Forget it, there is another one."

Under Nancy's surprised gaze, Shen Mo left the interrogation room.

After a while, Director Connor rushed into the interrogation room and cursed, "Nancy, why are you there? What did you see?"

Nancy: "Didn't someone ask you just now?"

Director Connor: "Who?!"

(End of this chapter)

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