Chapter 472
Thick fog filled the air, and darkness raged.

Silence only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and then entered Locke's horrible dream.

This is still Elm Street, but it is the Elm Street in Locke's memory. Many buildings in it are similar to Elm Street, but if you look closely, you will find that these buildings are blurred, as if shrouded in a thin layer of mist.

Mo Mo walked on the hazy and vague street, and there was no living creature around him except himself. Even in Locke's dream, it was not so easy to find Locke.

Here, Shen Mo has no way to rely on Nan Nan's strength, so he can only rely on his own strength to search around.

Fortunately, Shen Mo was lucky, and he didn't spend much effort to find Locke. This poor child who witnessed his girlfriend being brutally killed by Freddy was running wildly on the street. With a terrified expression, he kept turning his head to look at a dark red ghost behind him. The ghost was backlit, making it impossible for people to see its appearance, but the sharp fingers and claws shining with cold light rubbed against each other and made a piercing sound. the sound of.

finally found you!

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and he wanted to use his panacea skill weapon blessing, but found that he could not trigger the skill at all in Locke's dream world, because in Locke's view, there is no so-called weapon blessing in this world.

This made the corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitch, secretly thinking that something was wrong, and when he was at a loss, he had already collided with Locke who was running away.

When Locke saw Silence, he was stunned for a moment, and then dominated by the fear behind him, he instinctively asked for help, "Sir, help me, someone is going to kill me."

Silence is also the mud bodhisattva crossing the river at this moment, and it is difficult to protect himself. In Locke's dream world, Freddy is much more fierce than Silence.

But Shen Mo knew that all he could do at this moment was to believe in the boy named Locke in front of him. In his dream, he was the only opponent of Freddy.

"Lock, don't be afraid, this is just your dream!"

Locke's face was surprised, and he remained silent, "Dream? You mean dream?"

"Yeah! A nightmare being used by it. Here, the more you fear it, the stronger it will be."

Silence revealed the results of his own research on the imprint of ghost faces, relying on the imprint of ghost faces born from the fear of human beings. As long as the host is more afraid, it will become stronger. Once the host loses the heart of fear, the latter will also lose the environment to continue to breed, and then lose strength.

The only difference now is that the appearance of Freddy has made the power of fear reach the extreme.

After a silent explanation, Locke seems to have recognized the current situation, but is it so easy to completely eliminate the fear in his heart?

Even if Locke completely eliminates the fear in his heart, the power of fear he generated before is enough for Freddy to kill him.

Silence is needed here to help Locke dispel that last doubt.


Freddy naturally discovered Silence as an uninvited guest a long time ago. He was very surprised how Silence entered his territory, but when he felt that the power of Silence was insignificant, the corners of his mouth raised and he let out a creepy and strange smile .

No matter how the silence came about, Freddy just had to let him go, and that was enough.

The sharp fingers and claws emitting a cold light waved in the air, as if they were enough to cut through this fragile dream world. Accompanied by the sound of blood and flesh being torn apart, Freddy continued to create a terrifying atmosphere. He needed and longed for this hopeless situation. The way of killing, he has long discovered that the closer death is, the more fear of death will inflate...
He is like a gourmet tasting food, greedily sucking the sweetness and pleasure brought by fear.

Locke behind the silence couldn't help but tremble, and the fear in his heart took root again and intensified.

Silence shook his hand and slapped Locke hard in the face. Both Locke and Freddy were surprised by Silence's move.

"You hit me?"

"Don't hit you, let you continue to add buffs to the other party?" Silence murmured, pointing at Freddy's nose and cursing, "Isn't he just dangling around with a nail clipper? What's the point? I'm afraid, do you use nail clippers to kill people?"

Freddy: ? ? ?

Locke covered his face and looked at Freddy's finger claws. In a daze, he threw away the terrifying atmosphere that Freddy rendered, which really looked like inferior nail clippers.

"Look at him carefully. He is dressed in tatters, like a beggar on the street. Are you still afraid of a beggar?"

Locke shook his head, "Why am I afraid of beggars..."

"Look at his face again... Hey! He is so ugly that he dare not see people. He looks like a severely disabled person who was burned by fire. For a guy like this, you should not be afraid of him, but pity him. Wake up tomorrow and remember to give He donated one dollar, no more, and if he donated more, he would be inflated again as a pervert."

Locke: "Oh... I still have a dollar."

Freddy: ? ? ?

After a series of silent teachings and psychological hints, Locke's eyes on Freddy gradually eased, as if the frightening Freddy was no longer so scary, but rather pitiful, severely burned beggar with nail clippers Begging along the road, tsk tsk, what a setting to win the sympathy of human beings!

Locke has a faint impulse and intention to appeal to people from all walks of life to care about disabled beggars.

As for Freddy, as Locke's opponent's heart of fear became weaker and weaker, his strength also weakened like the Yellow River bursting its banks. In Locke's dream world, in order to kill Locke, Locke must be killed. Believe that the world is real and so is he...
But the appearance of silence broke this sense of reality, making Locke realize that he was dreaming, and the devil image that Freddy worked so hard to create was actually redefined as a widow and a beggar...

Now, it is obviously not the time to kill and seize souls.

Freddy glared at Shen Mo fiercely, and his sharp claws rubbed and twisted for a while, and then turned into a black mist and disappeared.

The next moment, Silence and Locke opened their eyes at the same time, and they looked at each other in the darkness, as if feeling something.

"Are you... the person in the dream?" Locke asked tentatively, pointing to the silence.

"Yes!" Shen Mo let go of the power of his heart again, and found that the imprint of the grimace between Locke's brows still exists, but it is much weaker than before, like a flame in a strong wind, crumbling and going out at any time.

After passing through Locke's dream world, Silence finally understood Freddy's ability.

His ability is to use human beings' fear of him to blur the boundary between reality and dreams until people can't distinguish the difference between reality and dreams. The damage suffered in dreams will reflect to reality.

From a scientific point of view, there is also a basis for this. When the human brain thinks that it is injured, your body will make the result of the injury.

Freddy's power is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that no one knows his ability, which gives him the opportunity to use it to the extreme and act recklessly.

As for the real function of the ghost face imprint, Silence still has not found the answer. Apart from pulling Locke into a dream, this ghost face imprint should have other more terrifying functions.

Silent fingers ignited a milky white halo, and twitched suddenly at the center of Locke's brows, pulling out the imprint of the grimace.

Under Locke's unbelievable gaze, he actually saw this grimace imprint.

"Ugh?! What is this? How can there be such a thing in my body?"

Shen Mo was slightly surprised, "Can you see it?!"

"Shouldn't I see it?"

In theory, Locke cannot see the imprint of ghost faces, but as he escaped from the dream, his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

"You go to the police station and turn yourself in! Tell Chief Connor that you are not the murderer, the murderer is Freddy."

Locke looked stunned. He didn't expect Shen Mo to know everything about himself and the real murderer who killed Tina.

"How do you know this... Also, will Chief Connor believe what I say?"

"He'll take your word for it, and he'll believe it when you say Freddy's name. Oh, by the way, and you've got to tell me, and I'll go get him."

After silence, he disappeared from Locke's sight.

By the time Shen Mo returned to the hotel, it was already late at night.

Silence stared at the imprint of the grimace drawn from Locke's head, and after a moment of hesitation and hesitation, amidst the exclamations of Nan Nan and Ji Nai, he implanted the imprint of the grimace into his eyebrows.

"Master! What are you doing?"

"It's over! The boss is getting more and more perverted."

Shen Mo snorted coldly, you know a hammer, who doesn't have a dream yet.

Mo Mo wants to have a dream, is that wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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