The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 554 The Dying God

Chapter 554 The Dying God
The first impression given by the tower master Demon Building is that this guy should not appear in the nine-story Yin Tower, but in the heavens. He is noble and godly. Although he has a decadent and uninhibited temperament, the nobleness in his bones But it cannot be concealed.

Shen Mo and Lao Huang subconsciously began to be on guard when they saw Mo Lou, and they dared not slack off.

The Demon Tower on the throne naturally also found Shen Mo and the others. He slightly lifted his cheeks with his slender fingers, and his seductive eyes looked up and down on Shen Mo's body, but he didn't speak for a long time.

Lou Yidrill, who was bound by the holy light, immediately fell to his knees when he saw the tower master Molou in fear, and begged, "Master Molou, it's not that villains are greedy for life and afraid of death, but they coerce villains to bring them here." See you. Please forgive the villain!"

The rope of the Holy Light began to burn her body with Lou Yidrill's movements, but her fear of the Demon Tower made her forget the burning pain of the Holy Light for a while, and only wanted to be forgiven by the Demon Tower.

Molou's cold eyes fell on Lou Yidiao's body, as if he was looking at an interesting plaything, "You did a good job, why should this king blame you."

Lou Yidiao was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood Mo Lou's thoughts. He changed the topic and muttered, "Master Mo Lou, this person has the power of Zhiyang, which is very powerful. You must be careful."

Demon Lou sneered, unmoved, looked at Shen Mo again, and said in an unquestionable voice, "Human beings, let go of this king's servant!"

Silence threatened, "One life is worth one life. If you let Wuchang Wang go, I will let her go."

A murderous intent flashed in Mo Lou's eyes, "This king is ordering you, not negotiating terms with you."

"I'm negotiating terms with you, not following your orders."

Magic Building:? ? ?
He seemed to be interrupted by the silent rhetorical question, but his majesty as a demon king did not allow him to suffer such disobedience.

I saw purple magic energy flashing in the eyes of Mo Lou, and a terrifying purple magic flame erupted under Lou Yidrill's feet. After fleeing, he landed beside the magic building.

"Thank you, Master Molou, for your help."

Molou ignored Lou Yidrill, and looked at Shen Mo again, with eyes like looking down on an ant, "Human, what can you do to King Ben?"

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the silent forehead. He could clearly see the purple magic flame just now. Under the detection of the power of the mind, the magic flame of the magic building exploded with a higher temperature that was more terrifying than the holy light, and it actually extinguished the flame with flames. , devouring the silent holy light.

And this is just the power of a look in the magic building.

This man with "God X" written on his forehead really has god-like abilities.

But Mo Mo didn't panic at all, isn't he a god?If it is really a deadly situation, what is Tushen afraid of?

Mo Mo is a man with many hole cards, and finally one hole card can kill this God X.

So where does silent confidence come from?Naturally, it was obtained through the detection of the power of the mind and eyes. The moment the magic building started, Mo Lou couldn't help seeing the power of the magic flame, and also detected that the body of the magic building was in a state of extreme weakness. This state is likely to be impermanence Wang said, the serious injury suffered in that battle, even after so many years, the magic building still has not recovered from the injury.

At the moment when the magic flame erupted just now, there was an undetectable subtle change in the body of the magic building. If it wasn't for the power of mind and eyes in Mo Lou's body, it would be impossible to know it.

Magic building!He is indeed a god, but a dying god.

What does a dying god have to fear? !Hit him!

Shen Mo took care of everything, and said with a slight smile, "The strength of the tower master Demon Tower is indeed extraordinary, but if you fight with me to the death with your current body, the outcome is unpredictable!"

Mo Lou stared at Shen Mo meaningfully, but did not answer.

Mo Mo continued, "In order to kill me, it must not be worth it to delay your recovery time for hundreds of years, thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years!"

Mo Lou tapped his cheeks with his slender fingers, silently watching Shen Mo, waiting for the essence of his words.

"I have a good suggestion here."

"Let's hear it!" The magic building had foreseen it.

"You and I put down the sword and turn the jade into silk."

"Haha!" Molou laughed, as if watching an ant struggling in place, "Then what kind of benefits can this king get from it?"

"I can help you recover from your injuries!"

Molou was surprised, "It's up to you?!"

"It's just me!"

Mo Lou didn't believe it, "How can a mortal body heal this king's injury? Do you know what kind of injury this king has suffered?"

Silence said bluntly, "You borrowed the power of the king of impermanence to bring the nine-story Yin Tower to the world, and the purpose is to feed on the blood of the world. It can be seen that your injury requires a lot of human essence and blood."

Mo Lou sneered, "Since you know all about it, don't you want to sacrifice the inexhaustible human blood to this king?!"

Shaking his head silently, "No, you are wrong."

Molou was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the purpose of silence was.

Mo Mo pointed to the huge palace, "I want to borrow your nine-story shadow tower to heal your injuries."

Hearing this, Molou couldn't laugh or cry. He had never seen such an arrogant and ignorant person. Not only did the human beings in front of him know nothing about power, they actually tried to snatch the nine-story Yin Tower from him.

Simply audacious.

The main reason why Silence said this was because a new mission prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, side mission: Nine-story Yin Tower.Trigger side missions: Capture the Nine-story Yin Tower. 】

[Hint: The Nine-story Yin Tower can help the server heart quickly increase its integrity, and open the Nine-story Yin Tower dungeon and the Yin-Yang Junction dungeon. 】

Shen Mo wants to seize the Nine-story Yin Tower from the hands of the tower master Demon Lou, so that his server heart can make great progress.

As the owner of the Nine-story Yin Tower, Mo Lou naturally wouldn't listen to Silence's words. He sneered, "I have been in charge of the Nine-story Yin Tower for endless years, but I don't know that the Nine-story Yin Tower has the ability to treat my injuries."

Silently laughed, "It's really useless in your hands, but it's different in my hands."

"Oh?! What a difference."

Silence: "I can't say it yet."

Molou: "Are you making me happy?"

Mo Mo continued to say, "You have no choice now. If you are an enemy of me, the outcome is unpredictable. Even if you kill me by chance, your injuries will inevitably become more serious. When the support from the Super Bureau arrives, you will still die. , the current human world is not the human world you know. If you choose to hand over the Nine-story Yin Tower to me, I can use the Nine-story Yin Tower to heal your injuries. Of course, it is not a sacrifice of human blood."

Mo Lou fell silent, and he looked at Shen Mo quietly, as if he could see through Mo Mo's heart, but unfortunately he couldn't penetrate Mo Mo's thoughts at all.

After a long time, Molou laughed and mocked, "I never believe in other people's numbers. I only believe in myself. Since you have a cure for me, if I kill you, yours will be my king's." .”

Molou yelled loudly, and under Shen Mo's constant lobbying, he still chose to fight to the death with Shen Mo.

Facing the attitude of the Demon Tower, Shen Mo knew that this battle was inevitable.

"Since you have chosen to fight, let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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