Chapter 84 Miracle
where is your house?

Shen Mo asked the male ghost in the co-pilot while driving.

"My home is the third one in the second alley of Paofang Street in the old city."

Cannon Street?Why does Shen Mo feel that he has a special relationship with that gai, and he went there several times in just a few days.

With a destination in mind, Shen Mo drove forward without saying a word all the way, one person and one ghost soon arrived at Paofang Street in the old city.

Shen Mo parked the BMW, and said to the male ghost again before getting out of the car, "Your soul has been taken out of your body for a month. According to common sense, the chance of being resurrected is slim. You'd better be mentally prepared."

"Well! I will... If there is really no other way... I will go to reincarnation, find a good father in my next life, be a rich second generation or something..."

Silently said, "You think too much, no matter how beautiful your reincarnation posture is, judging from the circumstances of your untimely death, being able to reincarnate into a human womb is considered a high-spirited, and you still want to be a rich second generation."

"..." The male ghost was speechless and muttered, "Brother, at least you should give the ghost something to think about, and don't say anything good or bad."

Soon, Shen Mo, led by the male ghost, came to his door.

What disappoints Shen Mo and the male ghost is that the door of his house is not opened, and there is an old big lock on it.

"Who else is in your family?" Shen Mo asked.

"My father and my mother are here...they never lock the door, because I always forget to bring the key..." the male ghost said with ghostly condensed tears dripping down, "they Didn't leave the door open for me..."

Silently, he stood quietly and didn't answer. Although he was an orphan, he was extremely sensitive to family affection. In the male ghost's words, what he heard was not complaints, but a deep love for his family.

"Perhaps, they have something to go out," Shen Mo wanted to relieve the sad atmosphere, but it was obviously not very successful.

"Mom is not in good health, they rarely travel far... something must have happened to them!" the male ghost wanted to float in the sky as he said that, flying around like headless flies.

Mo Mo raised his hand, grabbed the male ghost, and shouted, "Don't be so impulsive, you are a ghost now, you have left my protection, and met a ruthless guy, who will teach you how to be a ghost every minute."

Mo Mo carried the male ghost in his arms, and continued to ask, "We've been talking for so long, and I still don't know your name?"

"My name is Zhang Pengju. My elder brother can call me Juer. My mother always calls me that. Beer is very kind."

"..." whispered silently, kindness is kindness, but it always feels weird to call you smoothly, "I'd better call you Pengju!"

"It's all right, so big brother, what shall we do next? Do you know where I can find my parents?"

"Do you have the phone numbers of your uncles and aunts?" Mo Mo suggested, "Call them!"

"Crack!" Pengju clapped his hands suddenly, and said happily, "This is really a good idea, why didn't I think of it? Elder brother is really smart and witty. Younger brother, my admiration for elder brother is like the Yellow River crashing down the river, endless , just like the surging river water, out of control!"

Shen Mo took out his mobile phone and said with a disgusted face, "Your flattery is really ugly, but I like it, so don't stop."

"..." Pengju had never seen such a stinky and shameless person, and he didn't know how to play the flattering words that had just come out of his mouth.


"I told you to dial!"

The phone was answered quickly, and it was an old man who could be heard old and tired from his voice.

"Hello, who are you?"

"I'm..." Shen Mo glanced at Pengju, "I'm Pengju's friend. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I can't get in touch with him. Uncle, do you know what he's been up to lately?"

"Ju'er..." The other end of the phone was choked with sobs, and he said firmly, "He... recently... it's not convenient to go out, what can you do?"

Shen Mo and Peng Ju looked at each other, what was it meant to be inconvenient to go out? Ju'er's soul was here, and Fang was inconvenient to say.

Pengju urged anxiously, "Brother, first ask where they are? My body is buried."

Silence coughed dryly, and continued, "Uncle, I have something urgent to find Pengju, why don't you let him answer the phone... No, it's quite troublesome, or tell me where he is, and I'll go find him, It's in a hurry."

The other end of the conversation was silent for a long time, only to hear a long sigh, and Pengju's father said, "Son, I won't hide it from you, Pengju has recently suffered from a strange disease, like a vegetable, and is still in the hospital. Come to Yancheng Central Hospital."

Both Shen Mo and Peng Ju showed joy on their faces at the same time, unexpectedly there was hope.

Mo Mo thought that Peng Ju's body had been buried long ago, and that it might have been burned to ashes and thrown into the sea to continue the carbon cycle.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Mo Mo asked the department and ward number, and then went straight to the hospital with Peng Ju's soul.

Yancheng Central Hospital, outside the emergency department corridor.

On a makeshift bed, lay a young man with a skinny complexion. He was taken care of by a gray-haired half-centenarian and an old lady in a wheelchair with inconvenient legs and feet.

As soon as Shen Mo entered the emergency department of the hospital, he could see this very special family of three.

"Dad! Mom!" Pengju broke free from the shackles of silence, and suddenly floated to their side, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time erupted at this moment, and he cried like a heartless child.

Shen Mo witnessed all this and didn't say much. After Peng Ju calmed down, he walked slowly towards the two old people.

"Hello, uncle and aunt!"

Ju'er's father hunched over, raised his head to look at Shen Mo, looked him up and down, and didn't feel that Mo Mo looked familiar, but he didn't want to ask more questions, and replied politely, "You are the one who just called, isn't it Pengju's friend?" , please sit down, thank you for coming to see Pengju, this kid Pengju is always worry-free, he didn't give you any trouble, did he?"

Shaking his head silently, knowing that Ju'er's father meant something else, he explained, "No, Peng Ju and I just met each other not long ago, so we came to see him when we knew he was ill."

Said silently, picked up Pengju's soul with one hand, and walked slowly towards the hospital bed.

"Pengju, look at how hard your uncles and aunts take care of you. You must respect them well in the future, you understand!"

Mo Mo stroked Pengju's forehead with one hand, and then drove his soul into his body.

Pengju's father was still wondering what Shen Mo had done.

Lying unconscious on the bed, Zhang Pengju, a vegetative who had survived on IV drips, miraculously started to move, and propped himself up, with eyes full of tears, calling out to his parents heartbreakingly.

"Ju'er, you're awake!"

"Ju'er, wake up!"


The voice of Juer's father and mother echoed in the emergency room, and soon attracted the attention of the doctor on duty.

The situation in Pengju is very special. Such a sudden and unexpected vegetative case is unheard of. They can do nothing but infuse the patient with nutrient solution every day to prolong the life of the patient. In addition, the patient's financial conditions are poor and he cannot afford to live. In the inpatient department, the hospital specially added corridor beds for them, trying to help this poor family of three as much as possible.

However, just now, the patient who had been in a coma for a month without any improvement, unexpectedly woke up by himself.

This is unimaginable enough to be reduced to a medical miracle.

Just as the doctors were anxiously asking about the situation, Shen Mo had already left the emergency room and was about to leave the central hospital.

He has already done what he should do, and the rest is left to the legend!
As soon as Shen Mo walked out of the hospital and lit a cigarette for himself, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Smoking is bad for your health."

Silently looked back, it was none other than Zhang Jiayi who spoke.

She was dressed in a white professional attire, which still couldn't hide her perfect body curves, and her delicate face was full of smiles.

Shen Mo took a sip of the cigarette in his hand, squeezed it out, and threw it into the ash trough on the trash can beside him, and replied flatly, "What I smoke is not cigarettes, but emotions!"

Puff!Zhang Jiayi covered her mouth and chuckled, "I thought you were talking about loneliness."

Shen Mo muttered in her heart that she was just using cigarettes to anesthetize the emotional touch of Pengju's family just now. Zhang Jiayi didn't know the cause and effect, so it was hard to understand that it was normal.

Seeing that Shen Mo didn't answer, Zhang Jiayi continued, "I'm leaving get off work soon, let's have lunch together! I know a newly opened restaurant, the steak and red wine are very good."

"I don't... Goo! Goo!" Just as Shen Mo wanted to refuse, his stomach began to growl unbearably. He thought he had been busy all morning, and now he was really hungry and panicked.

"Well then, go try it!"

"Well, wait for me, I'm going to change clothes." Zhang Jiayi said, turned around and entered the hospital, just in time to collide with the hotly-discussed doctor in the emergency room.

"It's amazing, it's hard to imagine, how could a vegetative person who was clearly unconscious suddenly heal?"

"Just now I saw someone came over and slapped the patient on the forehead, and said something."

"I think it should be that the person said something that stimulated the patient and awakened the patient's consciousness. There is a medical precedent for this."

"It's possible, this case cannot be ruled out, but even so, this is still a medical miracle in our Central Hospital!"

Zhang Jiayi listened to their discussion in a daze. She also knew some rumors about the vegetative state in the emergency room, but she didn't expect that the patient really recovered.

Zhang Jiayi couldn't help but look at Zhang Pengju a few more times. He was a very ordinary young man with nothing special about him.

But when Zhang Jiayi passed by the patient, she heard the patient whispering to her parents.

"Mom and Dad, you must keep the matter of Brother Mo Mo saving me a secret, do you understand?"

Um? !Zhang Jiayi stopped and couldn't help but look at Zhang Pengju. Her hearing was much better than the average person's, and she definitely heard what she said just now.

It turned out that silence saved him.

With a slight smile on Zhang Jiayi's face, she happily ran back to the Second Department of Surgery, changed her clothes, and prepared to go to the appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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