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Chapter 272 New side quests

Chapter 272 New side quests
In the fourth round, the winner was Shen Luo's team.

The victory came very easily. Shen Luo and the others just followed Su Guiwan's advice and directly captured the 4AM people, and then the four of them fired a round without even spending much time aiming. Just killed the four people in 4AM directly.

They were caught off guard and unable to resist.

The powerful facts can only prove that Su Guiwan's commanding talent is indeed unparalleled, and as soon as he takes over, Shen Luo and the others can explode into a different fighting power.

Su Guiwan's judgment was not wrong, and Aluka's memory was not wrong, but they did not expect Shen Luo and others to appear in such a place.

"It feels... as if they already knew where we were going." Solitary in his team, he said with a little suspicion at this moment.

Wei Shen then looked at Aluka in the blink of an eye: "You guy, you must be an undercover agent sent by Shen Luo, right? Have you leaked our tactics a long time ago? Tell me! What good are you!"

Aluka said: "I'm wronged... I don't have time to contact Shen Luo!"

Wei Shen's questioning was of course a joke, and of course he knew that Aluka would not do such a thing, but molesting Aluka within the team seemed to have become a practice, so Wei Shen said that.

Several other people in the team also looked a little dignified at this time, and Dragon God Jue felt even more strange: "It is reasonable, generally speaking, a normal team would not go to that position, Shen Luo and the others... feel It's kind of weird."

Wei Shen also nodded: "Maybe he guessed our movements."

"Guess it? Then there must be a basis, right? Guessed where we will move out of thin air?" Dragon God was determined not to believe it.

Wei Shen shook his head: "I don't know about that."

Long Shenjue frowned, and at this moment he kept thinking: "If you have time, you must ask this guy, Shen Luo, what kind of name he is."

There must be a lot of confusion in Longshenjue's heart, but at this time the last game of the game is not over yet, so it is unlikely that Longshenjue will ask Shen Luo directly, and can only wait for them. Just finish the last game.

In the fifth round, the atmosphere of the 4AM team became a little sluggish. The losses in the first few rounds were indeed a bit of a blow to confidence. Once or twice was okay, but this was the third time, so they couldn't accept it. .

"It always feels like we're going to end..." Xiao Xingming said in the team channel at this time.

Gu Cun also nodded: "Shen Luo and Turaf feel like they can handle the four of us..."

4AM's current record is a bit poor. Four rounds were played, in which the sniper rifle lost all and the automatic assault rifle won one game. This must be a big blow for 4AM.


Shen Luo's team is not strong, apart from Shen Luo and Turaf, the combat effectiveness of Cheng Kei and Su Guiwan is almost negligible.But even so, it was still Shen Luo and Turaf who turned the tide one after another.

"... Xiao Cuncun, your idea is wrong." The optimistic player Aluka is still very optimistic at this time, and has not lost confidence because of the previous defeats.

Gu Cun said helplessly: "You can't blame me, the strength of the two of stronger than mine."

Whether it is Shen Luo or Turaf, in terms of the attainment of sniper rifles alone, it is indeed better than Gu Cun, but the strength of Gu Cun is that he has more magic shots.

Sometimes it feels good, and Gucun can even stage a [-]v[-].

It's just that the probability of such a nerve gun appearing is relatively low. The idea of ​​4AM is to cultivate the feeling of isolation. It is difficult, but it is worth the effort.

The battle of the fifth round begins.

At this time, Shen Luo also heard a familiar voice next to his ear...

"Congratulations to the host for accepting the mandatory side quest - 4AM for single-player elimination in the fifth game."

"As the best companion, whether it is strength or others, it should be at an excellent level. I hope the host can complete the task of completely destroying 4AM."

"Mission success reward: 1000 points."

"Mission failure penalty: obliteration!"

Seeing the obliteration of the mission failure punishment, the current Shen Luo actually already roughly knows the urine nature of the system, and rolled his eyes angrily: "System, can you be more gentle? Don't obliterate it all the time, it will affect my mood."

Shen Luo has not cared about the tasks released by the system in the first place, but was joking with the system.

Based on the system's past urination, Shen Luo felt that this obliteration or not obliteration was actually just a joke, and the system always liked to use this method to intimidate itself.

The tone of the system at this time was unexpectedly tinged with emotion, the kind of inexplicable... helplessness and contempt?

"Host, please respect yourself, the mission penalty cannot be changed, please come on, host."

Shen Luo rolled his eyes.

In fact, he was too timid to try what to do if the mission really failed, so Shen Luo decisively used the reward he had obtained before - the aura of full concentration.

His own strength is not weak, and with the aura added to his body, of course he can gain more abilities. In this way, it is not impossible to completely destroy 4AM alone.

It's just... I still need to tell my teammates.

But Turaf and the others were all surprised after hearing Shen Luo's suggestion.

"What do you want to do? Let's watch the show first?" Turaf expressed his confusion.

"The lion and the rabbit also need to work hard. With our current lineup, you mean you want to put water on 4AM? Isn't it a little too confident?"

Shen Luo said: "That's not true. I just want to see where my current technical limit is. The 4AM team is a good touchstone."

Shen Luo naturally opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, and the words were half-truths and half-false.

Turaf and the others were not sure whether what Shen Luo said was true or not.

Su Guiwan first agreed: "I agree with Senior Shen's opinion...Anyway...Anyway, we still lack such a victory in the end."

Shen Luo smiled when he heard the words, and said, "So you two, cute and rabbit, don't refute. Our commander-in-chief has already said that he supports me."

Shen Luo said to Turaf and Cheng Keai in such a joking tone.

In the end, Cheng Keai snorted, rather contemptuously: "When the time comes, you will be beaten into a dead pig by 4AM, so don't expect us to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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