Chapter 204
Ye Long pulled over a chair, pressed Qin Yu on the chair, put his hands on Qin Yu's shoulders, and asked solemnly: "Are you sure that the defense map of the Chiyu Army fell into the hands of the Demon Soul Nation?"

Strictly speaking, Qin Yu didn't have any evidence to prove that the defense map of the Akabane Army fell into the hands of the Demon Soul Nation.

However, Lin Qingyin died in order to steal back the defense map.

A human life, a human life that looks extremely humble to others, but to Qin Yu, this is already the most powerful proof, but it cannot be accepted by others.

"I'm sure."

"Is there any evidence?" Ye Long asked again.

Qin Yu's face turned cold: "If you don't stop me, when I kill Mu Gu and get back the defense map, that will be evidence!"

Ye Long shook his head, and said: "You take it for granted, Mu Gu is not that easy to kill. Not to mention Mu Gu himself, but to put down the anxious General Jin Bu of the Demon Soul Kingdom, you are no match for him."

Jin Bu, the General of the Demon Soul Nation, was burly and burly, standing there like a black tower, he was indeed terrifyingly strong.

The punch he collided with Chi Zhongyan blasted the surrounding sand, gravel, vegetation into powder, and even rolled up a huge wave more than ten meters high on the Luoshui River.

The power of one punch is already so terrifying, if it really hits, it will definitely be a scene of landslides and ground cracks.

Qin Yu remained silent with a sullen face.

Ye Long asked again: "Apart from the woman who died in Shengcheng, is there any other evidence or clues?"

"Don't call her a dick, she is far more noble than many high-ranking people!" Qin Yu said bitterly.

"Yes. Besides this woman, are there any other clues?" Ye Long asked again.

Qin Yu shook his head, and replied: "When I heard the news, the envoy of Demon Soul Kingdom had already left the Holy City. There was no time to delay, so he immediately chased after him."

After a pause, Qin Yu suddenly asked, "Where did your news come from?"

"This matter is very serious. The Shadow Guard has already started an investigation. The news naturally came from the Shadow Guard." Ye Long replied.

When Qin Yu left the Holy City, Nangong Wuyue and Wei Cangxing should have reported this matter to the Shadow Guard.

"I've already told you everything. I killed people too, but unfortunately I couldn't kill Mu Gu. Let me go." Qin Yu calmed down and said calmly.

Ye Long shook his head and said, "The general will not let you go."


"Just because you caused too much trouble this time." Yelong's voice was cold, but there was a hint of worry in his tone.

Qin Yu laughed and said: "I caused such a big disaster, shouldn't I be allowed to leave? I won't hurt you."

Ye Long saw through Qin Yu's thoughts at a glance, and said coldly, "Stop pretending, after chasing him for thousands of miles, isn't it because you are worried about the general's accident? Since you are worried, why be stubborn?"

Qin Yu immediately frowned and turned into anger, and said loudly, "What am I worried about? I have chased here for thousands of miles, only to avenge my confidante!"

"Okay. Stay here well. If you leave the camp now, I'm afraid you won't be decapitated within a few days." Ye Long straightened up and said in a cold voice.

"I've stepped into the realm of divine power, it's not that easy to kill me!" Qin Yu snorted angrily.

"You are thinking too simply. This time you killed the envoy of the Demon Soul Nation, the Demon Soul Nation will kill you, and the Holy City will arrest you. You and the Hidden Dragon Royal Family still have a feud. In this world, except for the general who is willing to protect you, I have already found you. There will be no second person who dares to take the blame for you." Ye Long turned his back to Qin Yu, looked at him from the corner of his eyes with his back turned, his gaze was like a sharp sword, with a cold light shining.

Calm down and think carefully.

Qin Yu had to admit that Yelong was right.

"Since you say it's a disaster, why don't you persuade him to let go and let me fend for myself."

Ye Long laughed lightly: "If it was possible, I would have persuaded you a long time ago. However, I have been with the general for 30 years, and I know him best. The general values ​​friendship, even if the sky falls, he will carry it for you. "

"Really? Then I really want to see what will happen when the sky falls." Qin Yu said so, but he knew in his heart that the sky will not fall, but the pressure from all directions will not be easier than the sky falling How many.

Ye Long opened the tent, and left a last sentence: "I'm going to investigate the matter that the Demon Soul Kingdom took the defense map. I don't have time to monitor you. I hope you can understand something and don't cause trouble again."

"Unless you tell me the results of your investigation, I won't stay here." Qin Yu insisted.

"Yes, you caused the disaster, and I will let you know the detailed reason." After Yelong finished speaking, he walked away.


the next period of time.

Chi Zhongyan was busy rearranging the defense of the Akabane Army.

Regardless of whether the deployment map is really taken away by the Demon Soul Nation, preparations must be made first.

Qin Yu stayed in the Chiyu Army's barracks for three days, during which time he did not see Chi Zhongyan.

On the third night, Yelong reappeared.

"Have you found it?" Qin Yu asked first.

"I didn't find much useful content. However, the deployment map may have been leaked." Ye Long replied.

"Are you deliberately trying to hide from me?" Qin Yu frowned doubtfully.

"No need, you know what you need to know."

Qin Yu asked again: "Then who gave the deployment map to the envoy of the Demon Soul Kingdom? This should be found out, right?"

"Do you think that a person or force who premeditatedly sold the defense plan to the Demon Soul Nation would have no preparations in advance and let you easily find them?" Ye Long didn't answer, but asked back.

Although he was very unwilling, Qin Yu had to admit that those who dared to sell the defense map of the frontier army could not be so stupid as to leave clues for people to trace.

After a long silence, Qin Yu suddenly said: "I want to cross the river and kill Mu Gu, and recover the defense map!"

Ye Long knew what Qin Yu was thinking when he heard it, but he couldn't agree: "The moment the defense plan is leaked, there is no need to recover it."

This is indeed the case. Once the defense map is leaked, it is no longer a secret. Even if the defense map is recovered, the defense of the Akabane Army must be changed, so it is meaningless whether to recover the defense map or not.

"Could you be able to bear this?" Qin Yu stared into Yelong's eyes and questioned.

Ye Long narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned around suddenly and said, "I'll discuss it with the general."

the next day.

Chi Zhongyan and Yelong had already arrived at Qin Yu's camp.

Ye Long said, "The general promised you to follow me to assassinate Mu Gu and get back the defense map."

Qin Yu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Chi Zhongyan to agree to such an outrageous proposal.

"You really agree?" Qin Yu looked at Chi Zhongyan, frowned, and asked in disbelief.

"You are already a divine martial arts sect. If you want to bear the responsibility, I will let you bear it! However, during the mission, you must obey Yelong's command." Chi Zhongyan emphasized.

Qin Yu really wanted to kill Mu Gu, and regardless of what Chi Zhongyan planned in his heart, he directly agreed, "Yes!"

three days later.

Qin Yu set off with Yelong, disguised as a serf of the Demon Soul Kingdom, and sneaked into the anxious land.

After stepping into the anxious land, Qin Yu still felt that Chi Zhongyan agreed too readily, and asked casually: "Chi Zhongyan agreed so readily, why do I always feel something is wrong?"

Ye Long said expressionlessly: "That's because the army of the Holy City who wants to punish you has entered the southern border."

(End of this chapter)

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