Chapter 53

In fact, from the very beginning, Yang Xiaoyun was tempted to help the old man.However, in order not to expose herself, she did not give Mr. Chang a health-enhancing pill.

However, since she had further contact with Mr. Chang, she found that she especially admired this old man.Especially, Mr. Chang is still Xiaobao's teacher now.Yang Xiaoyun is such a person, if someone treats her kindly, she can repay it very much.If others are malicious, then, sorry, you have entered Yang Xiaoyun's blacklist.

As the name suggests, it is to refuse to communicate!Just like Yang Xiaoyun's natal brothers and sisters-in-law, except for posting some things to the parents at home during the holidays, Yang Xiaoyun never went back to her natal home.

Perhaps, you will sound a little cold.However, this is Yang Xiaoyun's biggest concession.With such a group of extreme relatives, it is better to keep a distance.

"Here, I will accept it. Thank you, little girl!" Mr. Chang is not a fool, and the medicine Yang Xiaoyun brought out at this time must not be Fanpin.Especially after knowing her medical achievements, this bottle of medicine is extremely precious.

"Grandpa, I'll take my leave first. Don't worry about your body. Let everything take its course, and you'll look like a long-lived old man!" Yang Xiaoyun didn't say bluntly that Mr. Chang could still live for a few more years.However, Mr. Chang is naturally clear about the meaning contained in these few sentences.

Ning Guangming quickly packed his schoolbag and came over.Say goodbye to Mr. Chang politely, then take Yang Xiaoyun's hand and go home.Old man Chang looked at the backs of one big and one small not far away, and then looked down at the medicine bottle in his hand.A smile of reminiscence appeared on the old face.

I still remember that in Yunnan 20 years ago, a blind fortune-teller stopped him as he was passing by.

"Newly bereaved wife, there are three sons in the family. Sir, let's do the math! Only one meal is enough."

He was at a low point in his life at the time, his wife had just passed away, and he was tricked by a friend again when he gambled on stones.It can be said that misfortunes never come singly!The blind man appeared out of nowhere and grabbed him, making him feel irritable.But the blind man's first two sentences stunned him.It seems that he is a person with some skills.

He didn't say much, and directly took the blind man to a place to eat, ordered a meal for one person, and then quietly watched the blind man eat the food skillfully, without being able to tell that he was blind at all.

"Okay, I'm full. What do you want to count? Wealth? Life? Fortune?" the blind man asked leisurely after finishing his meal.

"Whatever!" He was also very confused at the time, since he met this blind man, it was destined by fate.What can be calculated is probably destined.

"Don't force everything, and take a step back. When you are 74 years old, there will be a catastrophe. If you follow the arrangement of your eldest son, you will surely turn the bad luck into good luck. The cause of the past life will be the fruit of this life. The good cause will reap the good fruit. Alright , I should go too." After finishing his speech, the blind man waddled away.

To this day, old man Chang still clearly remembers the blind man's words.It seemed that Yang Xiaoyun was the noble person he was destined for.

Yang Xiaoyun, who had gone far away, didn't know what Mr. Chang was thinking.She held Ning Guangming by the hand, and the little guy didn't stop talking for a moment, and kept telling her: the teacher is so strict, and the little grandson of the Chang family is so interesting.

Yang Xiaoyun could tell that Ning Guangming was very happy at Chang's house.She stroked her son's head.

"Study hard, you know? Respect teachers, love friends. Mom will always love you!" After finishing speaking, he knelt down and kissed Ning Guangming on the forehead.

Ning Guangming's face turned red all of a sudden.He looked at Yang Xiaoyun, hesitated for a moment, then leaned over, kissed Yang Xiaoyun's cheek, and whispered: "Mom, I love you too!"

Although Yang Xiaoyun has been busy with work, he hasn't played with Ning Guangming for a long time.However, blood is thicker than water in this mother-child relationship, and anyone and anything can't be cut off and can't let go.

During this period of time, Yang Xiaoyun was busy, and Li Xin was also busy.Her first translation was about to be published, and the final proofreading and publication procedures kept her busy.

She has completely walked out of the shadow of the past.It can be said that if she meets his ex-husband now, although she hasn't gone through the divorce procedure, she already regards that person as a past tense, and she can walk in front of him with her head held high, and she doesn't even bother to look at such a scumbag.

A woman has her own career, which is different from being a housewife.The progress in translation and the publication of translations have allowed her to find the confidence in life.That sense of accomplishment made her feel like her past was like a previous life.

Like Yang Xiaoyun, Ning Youwei has just finished his work recently.Various laws, regulations, and provisions have just been proposed, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.When he came home from get off work today, he was surprised to find that there was no one at home.Looking at the note on the dinner table, it turns out that Mom has gone to the publishing house, and Xiaoyun has gone to Chang's house to pick up the child.

Ning Youwei also supported Li Xin's career.In his view, people should live and learn.Find something you like to do, he can't agree more.

As for Xiaobao going to study at Chang's house, at first, he didn't understand Yang Xiaoyun's intention.However, later on, he clearly felt Xiaobao's change, and he was naturally overjoyed.Not only because of his son's progress, but also because he married a good wife.

So, Ning Youwei is a very good husband.Even if he doesn't understand his wife's intentions, he will not easily oppose his wife's decision.Basic trust is needed between people, so understanding and support are even more needed between husband and wife.

Putting down the note, Ning Youwei planned to cook by himself today and cook something delicious for his family.

The harmony of the Ning family set off the panic of the Jiang family far away in Shanghai.

"What? You said Yunmei is gone!" Ning Zhiyuan's second uncle asked loudly.

"Old Jiang! This child hasn't been home for two days, and he doesn't know where to go." Yunmei's mother was about to cry.What is this called!

"How did you become a mother? Don't you know where your daughter is?" Ning Zhiyuan's second uncle was furious.Who will tell him what to do when his daughter in her 20s is missing.

"It's not what you said. The son of Director Wang's family is good. I insist on Yunmei going on a blind date with him. I have already seen that Yunmei doesn't like that person at all. I think maybe she wants to hide from us." Yunmei's mother guessed.

"You blame me? You have the nerve to say it! My daughter is so old, and she still hasn't found a husband's family. Are you waiting to be laughed at by others? My daughter's thoughts, I, as a father, don't know, how can you not know? Forget it, tell me It's useless for you to say these things. You go to her room to see if there is anything missing. I'll call my elder brother and younger sister." Ning Zhiyuan's second uncle ordered.

Jiang Yunmei's mother came to her room, and the clothes in the closet were well placed, and there was nothing missing.There were also other things, but fortunately, a note was found on her desk.

"Mom and Dad! I want to be quiet, don't worry, I will be back in a few days." Signed: Jiang Yunmei.

When Yunmei's mother took the note to the living room, Yunmei's father had already finished the call.

"Look, this is a note left by Yunmei. I said, don't force her, you still don't believe me!" Yunmei's mother looked sad.What if something happens to this child!
Jiang Minghui put down the phone, feeling very anxious.The second elder brother called to say that Yunmei was gone, and asked her if she had seen Yunmei.She has been busy with company affairs recently, and she hasn't seen Yunmei for a long time.Where did this child go?
"Mom, what's wrong with you? Look at your frowning face!" Ning Zhiyuan came back from the outside, and saw his mother sitting on the sofa in a daze, and didn't even notice that he was approaching.

"Have you seen your sister Yunmei these two days? Just now your second uncle called to say that your sister Yunmei is missing!" Jiang Minghui looked at her son and asked anxiously.

"What, no way? I'll go to my second uncle's house right away and ask about the specific situation. Mom, don't worry, I will notify you in time if there is any situation." After Ning Zhiyuan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

You want to ask where Jiang Yunmei went?Obviously, she still couldn't let go of Ning Youwei.The family has been forcing her to go on a blind date recently, and she is very confused.

It's been a long time since I saw Ning Youwei, Jiang Yunmei can hardly remember his appearance.I vaguely remember that he was tall and his skin was very fair.Ning Youwei's facial features were blurred in her mind.

However, Jiang Yunmei still remembered his voice, which was warm and magnetic.She still remembered Ning Youwei concentrating on his work.She still remembered Ning Youwei's smile.

Running away from home this time, Jiang Yunmei didn't want to have anything to do with Ning Youwei.She wanted to say goodbye to this man and her memory.Maybe, after going back this time, she will get married soon.There was no chance to see Ning Youwei again.

You may ask, why did Jiang Yunmei sneak out.Come here in the open, can't you?
Jiang Yunmei knew that her sister-in-law had interfered with her work ever since she knew she liked a married man.Although this matter, sister-in-law did not tell anyone.However, Jiang Yunmei had a premonition in her heart that sister-in-law would not allow herself to come to see Ning Youwei again.

Moreover, she has been really irritable recently, and her heart is indescribably flustered.She understood that it was her rebellious psychology that was at work.People are like this, the more restrained they are, the more they want to break free.

Ning Zhiyuan who had just run out of the house suddenly stopped, he thought of a question.Could Miss Yunmei go to see Brother Youwei?
This thought stopped him in his tracks.Sister Yunmei did not go back to work, but stayed in Shanghai, which relieved Ning Zhiyuan's anxiety.He thought Miss Yunmei had figured it out.Unexpectedly, now he has run away from home.He was very sure that Sister Yunmei must have gone to find Big Brother Youwei.

"Zhiyuan, what are you doing standing at the door? Are you going out?" Ning Shangwen returned home and saw his son standing blankly at the door, wondering what he was thinking.

"Dad, are you back? Let me tell you something, I want to go to Province S." Although Ning Zhiyuan is working in his own company now, he always needs to report where he goes.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ning Shangwen naturally saw his son's expression.

"Uh...I'm going to find Brother Ning Youwei to see if Sister Yunmei has gone to his place." Ning Zhiyuan said truthfully.

"What? Who are you talking about? You go to S province to find Ning Youwei? Tell me how those three characters are written!" Ning Shangwen said excitedly, his hands trembling.Could it be...?
(End of this chapter)

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