human ice maker

Chapter 917 The End of the Dusty Mystery Dare to Bite the Dog

Chapter 917 The End of the Dusty Mystery Dare to Bite the Dog
A group of majestic off-road convoys appeared in people's field of vision, rolling over the gravel path and driving towards this side staggeringly.The soldiers surrounding them did not stop the convoy from approaching, but consciously separated a group of people to carry the corpses lying on the path, allowing the convoy to pass safely.

The convoy quickly drove to the side and stopped. Fat Duck's head stuck out from the cab of the first car in the row, waved his hands vigorously, and shouted excitedly: "Boss!"

Fat Duck's hair has been dyed back to blond again, I don't know if he has a special preference for blond hair, last time he was forced to dye his hair black on the opening day of Bixing Network, but he dyed it back immediately after returning up.But having said that, I don't know if it's because of getting used to it after watching it for a long time, but everyone, including Ruan Qingyu, thinks that Fat Duck really looks more pleasing to the eye with a golden retriever.Like the last time it was dyed black, it was awkward no matter how you looked at it.If Fat Duck loses his ruffian appearance, it will always make people feel that something is missing.

The drivers in the cars behind also stared straight at 11, with either awe or excitement in their eyes, but just like other people seeing 11 for the first time, they were more surprised and stunned.There is no other reason. The legendary Ice Killer is too young, only around twenty, right?Everyone thinks that Bingsha should be at least three or over 40 years old, because age and experience are linked.To be able to achieve such a big name must have a proud ability, but if you want to develop a proud ability, you must spend a lot of time accumulating, and there is no shortcut in the middle.

So the first time everyone saw 11, apart from being in awe of his reputation, they were more surprised.But after thinking about it, no one would really foolishly challenge the authority of the Ice Killer.The so-called man with nothing in vain under his reputation, think about how many famous killers and mercenaries in the world have died in his hands, who is he?There must be a reason why he has survived until now and has achieved such a big name, so even though 11 is still very young, no one dares to underestimate him.

After taking a look at Fat Duck, 11 nodded his head to the monkey, the queen and the others, and then walked towards the car first, while the monkey, the queen and Dowell followed closely behind him.

A soldier ran two steps forward and opened the door first.But he wasn't being courteous, it was just a matter of discipline and responsibility. Eleven didn't greet him politely, just bent down and wanted to get into the car.At this moment, a white shadow suddenly flew over with a "whoosh", with 11 eyes and quick hands, his left hand grabbed the fur of Xiaobai's neck first, and then disregarded Xiaobai's objection of "嗤嗤", looked Without even looking, he was thrown into the car.

"Boom!" Xiaobai bumped his head against the opposite door and made a loud thumping sound. He flopped a few times before falling unwillingly onto the chassis. He immediately got up and nimbly jumped onto the seat, rubbing his Head, yelling softly at 11, "Yiwuyiwu", looking at him with an angry and aggrieved look.

When seeing Xiaobai, Dowell suddenly remembered something, covered his mouth suddenly, his eyes kept rolling like he did something wrong.Seeing that 11 had already boarded the car, Dowell hurriedly tugged on the queen's sleeve, then leaned into her ear and whispered to her about Leng Ye's offending Xiaobai just now.

After hearing Dowell's words, the queen first glanced towards the forest angrily, then stretched out her hand to beckon the soldier who just opened the door for them, and whispered a few words to him.After listening, the soldier saluted first, then hurriedly turned around and called for a helper, and the two hurriedly ran back into the woods.

When the two found Leng Ye, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.Which unlucky child is this who ran out to embarrass himself?
Needless to say, this unlucky child is naturally Leng Ye. At this moment, he is hunched over, holding a sniper rifle as a crutch, and is limping towards this side.While walking, he murmured "Ouch, Ouch" and "Die dog, dead dog" inarticulately.

To make matters worse, his clothes and trousers were all torn into strips of rags barely hanging on to hide his shame, and he looked like a beggar even more than a beggar.And from the face to the feet, all were engraved with criss-cross bloodstains. It can be said that no part of the whole body is intact at this moment.Well, being bruised and bruised is not enough to describe his current miserable state.

Oh, no, there is another place that is well protected by him, and Xiaobai can't even bite it.That's where the lifeblood lies, Leng Ye had tightly covered this place at the time, because this place is related to the future "sex happiness" and the livelihood of thousands of descendants, so naturally he couldn't let go of it even if he bit him to death.Leng Ye is going all out, a man is a man, he doesn't have to lose his face, but he has to protect his life!So when Xiaobai also saw that this was his "weakness" and desperately wanted to bite his hand away, Leng Ye was also angry from the heart, and the evil turned to the guts, and he bared his face, " Aww" with one bite, he and Xiaobai started to bite each other.

Well, Leng Ye bit Xiaobai, let Sky Burial know what to admire.So, at this moment, there are still a few white dog hairs on his mouth, that is the only gain in the "biting battle" with Xiaobai just now, and this is by sneak attack.So, dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, but people will also jump when they are in a hurry.Although this is not what Leng Ye wanted, but he really can't do anything about it. Why does this vicious dog that deserves to be skinned, a bastard plus three thousand preserved eggs and five thousand rotten eggs, thrown into the latrine to feed shit, why does he always look at his children and grandchildren? Why don't you let it go?Leng Ye used both hands to tightly cover this part, and of course the only weapon that could resist was the mouth.So I was forced to rush, so I ignored it, and bit it with one bite.

However, Leng Ye's bite obviously exposed a hornet's nest. Biting people has always been Xiaobai's patent. It has always been the only one that bites people. Has anyone ever seen anyone who dared to bite it?Suddenly, Leng Ye bit off the hair of his mouth, and the little guy's face turned green, his nose turned green, and his eyeballs turned green from anger.

The queen once said a wise saying: Xiaobai in a rage is still very scary.

This is a fact!Uncle Dog's signature weapon can be pirated, it's really unbearable shit, even dogs can't bear it.So Xiaobai let out an angry roar, opened his dog's mouth, and bit Leng Ye's mouth with one bite.Well, look at Leng Ye's mouth still has a circle of clear bite marks, it's really miserable.

Originally, Xiaobai hadn't planned to do anything, so just bullying him a little bit was enough to relieve his anger.Who would have imagined that Leng Ye would actually eat the heart and guts of a dog, and dared to use Uncle Dog's sign to go and bite Uncle Dog back.Originally, I wanted to save some face for him, but now it's all over, everyone is tearing their faces and there is no need to save face.The final result is of course really "tearing the face". Leng Ye thinks that he is so handsome that he is so handsome, and the handsome face that fascinates thousands of girls is left by Xiaobai with the trace of "Mr. Dog is here for a visit".Well, there is also Xiaobai's "gentle kiss".

This is not too bad, the worst part is Leng Ye's butt.Xiaobai couldn't break through the defensive position in front, so Gouyan turned his attention to it and made a 36-stroke move.Turn to the back of the buttocks and desperately grab and bite, to see if he wants the front or the back.But Leng Ye's temper is that of an ox. No matter how badly the other positions are lost, he will hold on to this last life-saving grass, refusing to move the line of defense.Xiaobai was also annoyed, originally it was just a bluff, but it turned into a real pursuit of Huanglong, and as a result, Leng Ye's ass was naturally lost.Of course, Xiaobai is still very measured in his strikes, otherwise he will go down with a click of his paw, so there is no need to play with him for so long.

In the end, under Leng Ye's face of crying and tears, Xiao Bai's anger disappeared, and his joy was exhausted. He rushed to Leng Ye's head, pouted his buttocks, and pissed dog urine as a souvenir.It used to do this a lot in the base.

Originally, Xiaobai wanted to keep the big one on top of his head, but after holding it in for a long time, he couldn't get it out, and then saw that 11 had come out, so he simply ignored the villain and sent a kind heart to spare him this time, leaving As soon as I took a pee, I happily ran to 11.Leaving Leng Ye alone on the ground, disheveled and humiliated, tears of grief and indignation turned into a mournful howl.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs! !
So when two new fighters who joined the Dark Cross came running, they saw this scene.Seeing Leng Ye's miserable appearance, the two soldiers looked at each other and swallowed quietly.

How fierce is the battle to beat people into such a miserable appearance?
The important thing is, who did he fight with just now?The two soldiers looked left and right, and looked forward and back, but they didn't see any enemies.

Feeling the weird gazes from the two soldiers, Leng Ye was also distressed.Although he already knew that Xiaobai was perverted, but how did he know that this dog would be so perverted?When ambushing the big circle in Taiguo, although Leng Ye had witnessed Xiaobai's attack with his own eyes, it was indeed clean and neat.But in Leng Ye's heart, he still doesn't take Xiaobai seriously. No matter how powerful he is, he is still a dog, right? How could his majestic Mr. Leng have any reason to be afraid of a dog?And from Leng Ye's point of view, Xiaobai's success that time was the result of a sneak attack. The soldiers in the big circle were not wary of him so he let him approach and had a chance to take advantage of the sneak attack.If it was him who was on guard, if he still couldn't beat a dog, then Uncle Leng would really kill him with a piece of tofu.

In fact, it is quite normal for Leng Ye to think so, a dog, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a dog, and it can be kicked to death with one kick.But Leng Ye was wrong because he really regarded Xiaobai as a dog, but he didn't know that if Xiaobai really went crazy, he would take 11 seriously and would not dare to be careless in the slightest.But Leng Ye couldn't be blamed, he hadn't met Xiaobai a few times before, and 11 was by his side those few times, so Xiaobai naturally pretended to be more obedient than his grandson.Later, when Taiguo ambushed the big circle, although he saw Xiaobai make a move, and was amazed at its sneak attack and killing skills and skills, he didn't take it too seriously.After that, Xiaobai was injured in order to save 11, and there was no room for him to show his power in the following battles.Immediately after returning from Taiguo, the queen took her back to the base for treatment. Of course, they would not let Leng Ye know about the base.This time, when we met, there were more people, monkeys appeared, and Xiaobai fully recovered.Everyone rushed over to save 11, how could there be a chance for him to see Xiaobai's abilities.

Therefore, Leng Ye's fate like this is completely asking for trouble, who made him look down on this dog.You know, even sky burials are hiding away from it now, and they dare not provoke it easily.

But as the saying goes, eating a mat will make you wise, Leng Ye already knows now, if he fights with Xiao Bai again in the future, he has to wear a chastity belt first, or the thicker one.Hmph, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so I'll order a thicker alloy chastity belt as soon as I get back.Leng Ye thought bitterly.Of course, he was just thinking about it, not to mention another fight, he didn't have the confidence to beat Xiaobai, even if he could barely fight against the wind, it really made Leng Ye wear a clumsy and heavy chastity belt To fight a dog... What's that word like?The golden lacquered signboard of the dignified Mr. Leng was completely destroyed.

But then again, even if he was willing to wear a chastity belt, he might not be a match for this dog.This point, Leng Ye now has self-knowledge.This little thing is small in size, extremely fast, not slippery, and its movements are unbelievably nimble and vigorous.Not only is it good at both long-distance attack and melee combat, but it is also more cunning than humans, grabbing one claw here, biting this one, dodging immediately if it takes advantage, and never giving you a chance to touch it.With such a reckless style of play, even if Leng Ye had ten hands, he would not be able to handle it.

Alas, forget it, I only bullied it when I was daydreaming, and I can't find this place again.Leng Ye wanted to cry without tears.

When the two fighters went back with Leng Ye one by one, everyone in the audience was stunned.The same thought popped up in everyone's mind: who did this unlucky child meet?Why was he beaten so badly?
In the first car, when Leng Ye was framed and appeared, Dowell and Fat Duck desperately covered their mouths, resisting the urge to burst out laughing.But looking at the shoulders of these two people shaking desperately, it is clear that it is very hard to endure.But the monkey opened its mouth wide when it saw Leng Ye, then looked at Xiao Bai with strange eyes, showing a gloating expression.From his appearance, one could tell that Xiaobai had suffered a lot in the base.The queen glanced at Leng Ye, then turned her head and continued to sit with a cold face.

As for 11, when he saw Leng Ye, he didn't show any surprise expression, on the contrary, it seemed to be reasonable.Then he retracted his gaze and looked down at Xiaobai. The little guy was lying on his lap, sticking out his tongue and looking innocent, looking at 11 eagerly.

Seeing that Leng Ye had returned, the queen snorted softly and said, "Drive."

"Oh." Fat Duck hurriedly responded, stepped on the accelerator, and left first.Seeing the lead car moving, the cars behind naturally rushed to catch up one after another.

Seeing that 11 and the others drove without waiting for him, Leng Ye, who hadn't climbed the path, jumped and screamed anxiously in the field pit, yelling inarticulately: "I haven't got in the car yet——!"

(End of this chapter)

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