Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 101 Destroy the Transcendent in Palm!

Chapter 101 Destroy the Transcendent in Palm!

Deathly silence!

Under the night of Pingshan City, amidst the chaos, thousands of green corpses stood in place, and the strange smell of corpses wafted with the night wind.

On a green lotus throne, Song Qing was holding the sword in his hand sluggishly, staring at the palm print on the sky, he swallowed with difficulty, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Yan Yi died at the hands of this young man, no loss.

Yang Shouyang and Yang Yong were also stunned, and they kept retreating. They flew towards the outside of Pingshan City, and they didn't even care about the thousands of corpses.

If the green hills remain, there is no fear of lack of firewood. At this moment, Yang Shouyang has mastered the method of refining corpses. This trip to Pingshan City is just a small test. There is no need to confront Lin Chen head-on at this time.

Cui Ming also fled backwards, but Lin Chen's attack targeted Cui Ming first!

Lin Chen and the Cui family are already immortal, so today is to crush and kill everyone in the Cui family!

The palm prints are huge, carrying terrifying black flames, descending from the sky, the speed is not fast, but it does not make people feel the slightest resistance.

When he was really locked by this palm print, Cui Ming truly felt the power contained in this palm, and his face turned ashen for a moment.

Click, click. .

On the ground, there are already deep cracks, which continue to spread, and the houses are also constantly collapsing amidst people's exclamations. This scene seems to be the end of the day.

Even if the power of the palm print is aimed at Cui Ming and others, the aftermath is definitely not something ordinary people can afford.

In the past, Fan Zhenhao flattened the mountain and built the flat mountain city in anger, but today, the power he left behind is still enough to destroy the flat mountain city!
"No, it's impossible!"

Guarded in the middle by the guards, Cui Yuan had completely collapsed as he fled towards the outside of the city. He couldn't imagine how Lin Chen had such power.

In his eyes, an ant that could be kneaded at will suddenly became so powerful, with such a gap, it was hard to accept.

"Protect Young Master Cui Yuan with all your strength!" Cui Ming shouted angrily, forcibly using his strength, and shot backwards, but he was horrified to find that the terrifying palm print had locked his breath tightly.

Not only him, but also Cui's many guards, Cui Yuan, are all unable to fly!

After all, this is the palm of a strong man in the holy realm. Even if Lin Chen is not enough to perfectly display the power of this palm print, it is still more than enough to deal with Chaofan!
Following Cui Ming's order, many guards protected Cui Yuan and quickly fled to the outside of Pingshan City. With Cui Ming blocking most of the pressure, their actions were not hindered much.

The other extraordinary guard was also standing behind, guarding Cui Yuan, but at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

In mid-air, Cui Ming made a move with his palm, and suddenly, an irresistible force was generated. Suddenly, the other guard found in horror that his body had flown towards Cui Yuan uncontrollably!
"Cui Hu, I can't die, so, you die!" With a ferocious smile, Cui Ming grabbed Cui Hu's body and blocked him.

Throwing Cui Hu out, Cui Ming took advantage of his strength to retreat, and suddenly felt the pressure was greatly relieved, and his back was drenched in cold sweat. After a while, he was afraid that without Cui Hu as a scapegoat, it would be difficult for him to leave here alive today.

Life and death are at stake, how can you be kind to a woman, even if you want to use Cui Yuanlai as a shield now, Cui Ming will not hesitate, your own wealth and life are the most important!
Rumble. .

The palm prints fell, seemingly slowly, but within a few breaths, they fell suddenly. The houses in the entire Pingshan City had collapsed at this moment, and the people who fled frantically also had many casualties. There were cracks on the ground. Dao Dao Dao Dao, bottomless, the so-called sky crashing and earth cracking, is nothing more than that.

If you look far away at this moment, you can find that the entire Pingshan City, with a radius of thousands of miles, is sinking, forming a huge palm print shape!

The power of the palm of a strong man in the holy realm is so terrifying!
Everyone escaped from the palm print center as much as possible, and headed in all directions. Under Lin Chen's deliberate control, Mu Yi and others also successfully evacuated and reunited with the left behind people outside the city.

Yang Shouyang, Yang Yong, and Song Qing are all extraordinary powerhouses, and Lin Chen mainly targeted the Cui family, so they all managed to escape the range of the palm prints. As for the thousands of corpses, they were not so lucky. .

Where did Yang Shouyang want to manipulate the corpses to escape, he resolutely gave up the corpses, so, with the sound of explosions, thousands of corpses exploded one after another, turning into puddles of foul-smelling green water.

"No! Cui Ming, you're going to die!" Cui Hu found sadly that he couldn't do anything at all, he could only watch the palm prints glowing with black flames, enlarging in his pupils.

Under such pressure, he lost the ability to move.

Extraordinary and strong, walk in the sky!

How mighty and domineering, but in the face of absolute power, he can't even blink his eyes, just like a poor ant, he can only wait to die.

Lin Chen's face was stern and did not change at all. In the depths of his eyes, magic flames surged. At this moment, in his heart, the monstrous murderous intent was like the whirling wind of the forest, raging continuously.

Lin Chen at this moment is very much like the domineering and wanton Senluo Demon Lord Ye Tianchen a hundred years ago!

Behind him, there seemed to be a shadow belonging to Ye Tianchen, screaming up to the sky, slowly attached to his body, and finally planted deeply in his heart with this terrifying magic flame.

The wind rises in the forest, and the heart of the devil is planted!

Under the influence of Ye Tianchen and the Mori Demon Monument, Lin Chen was still unavoidable, contaminated with demonic nature, like a time bomb buried in his body.

At the same time as the palm print crashed down, it finally landed in front of Cui Hu. Suddenly, an incomparably violent force swept away. In an instant, the space around Cui Hu completely burst!
The thousand-foot-sized palm prints shrunk down to nearly a hundred feet under Lin Chen's deliberate manipulation during the process of falling, which reduced a lot of damage. And this kind of manipulation also greatly increased Lin Chen's pressure. The healed wound showed signs of opening again.

The palm print hit Cui Hu's body, and the aura of destruction completely enveloped him. He only lasted for one breath, and this extraordinary third-order powerhouse was crushed away in despair. , turned into a cloud of blood mist, and then was burned by black magic flames, not even the slightest dust left!
Destroy the extraordinary with the palm of your hand, and destroy a super strong person face to face!
This scene, like a bewilderment, was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, and the momentum remained undiminished. This palm print continued to move forward, rushing straight towards Cui Ming and Cui Yuan surrounded by many guards!

(End of this chapter)

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