Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 112 Mori Demon Halberd, 1 Halberd Owl Head!

Chapter 112 The Mori Demon Halberd, the Head of a Halberd!
The surface of Lin Chen's body also burst into a fierce magical flame in an instant, and the flame rose from the depths of his pupils, echoing this Fang Tian painted halberd.

I saw this halberd, which was as tall as a person. It exuded a thick metallic texture, covered with cloud patterns, and was inserted obliquely above the ground.

The body of the halberd is thick and full of grip, and the sharpness of the tip is definitely not comparable to the trident condensed by Liu Junyu with the black wind. Two branches fly out from both ends of the halberd, connecting with two crescent cuts.

At first glance, it looks like a top-notch treasure, but at this moment, around the body of the halberd, a black wind whirls through the sky, whistling and flamboyant.

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth raised, he was missing a convenient weapon, but unexpectedly, it took no effort to get it!

Unlike Lin Chen's joy, Liu Junyu's heart fell to the bottom.

When he escaped from death and came here, after many years of comprehension, he realized a lot of things from this magic halberd, and there were even faint signs that as long as he went one step further, he could pull out this halberd.

After many years of staunch defense, he understands better than anyone else that the power of this halberd contains the Dao of Heaven and Earth in it. As long as he gets this halberd, he will definitely soar into the sky.

And to lead Lin Chen here, on the one hand, he wanted to use the wall of black wind to block him, and on the other hand, Liu Junyu also wanted to try, whether he could pull out the halberd and kill Lin Chen.

In the battle with Lin Chen just now, seeing the wind of the forest, he was quite enlightened, so he made this move.

However, when he really tried it, he realized that he was too naive. Even if he could barely hold the halberd, the sense of resistance coming from the halberd made it difficult for him to hold on. Even a breath time!

Standing in the corner, looking at such a vision, Liu Junyu was terrified and frightened. He opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Chen. He had lost the courage to fight.

Without even looking at him, Lin Chen's eyes were burning, and he walked directly to the front of the halberd. He stretched out his palm and grabbed it!

In an instant, an incomparably violent sense of resistance came from the deepest part of the halberd. The wind swirled through the sky, and amidst the turmoil, it aimed at Lin Chen, as if it wanted to cut him into pieces.

The sharpness emanating from the edge of the halberd caused Lin Chen's whole body to feel unimaginably painful, as if cut by a knife. Compared with it, the body-breaking fountain was nothing.

Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, Lin Chen gritted his teeth tightly, and did not let go.

He understood that once he let go at this moment, it would not only mean that he had completely lost the chance to take over this treasure, but it would also be very likely to be torn into pieces by the fierce black wind!
The way of a warrior is to face up to difficulties, and a mere weapon, can it be reversed?
Instead of retreating, he moved forward, his body was facing forward, his palms were already cracked and bleeding, but Lin Chen held him even tighter, his handsome face was full of madness, and he was wearing a blue shirt. Monstrous magic flames!
At this moment, Lin Chen seemed to have Ye Tianchen's unrivaled aura once again, his whole body's vitality surged, and the veins on his arms burst out, wanting to pull out the magic halberd.

This scene deeply shocked Liu Junyu.

He stayed here for three years, and every night, he would sit cross-legged here, watching the halberd, shocked by the demonic aura, but he never dared to take a step beyond it.

Until today, he wanted to try to touch the halberd, but he was blasted away in an instant!

Lin Chen's strength is not stronger than him, but in Lin Chen, there are some things that he doesn't have.

Even when he was hunted down to this point, Liu Junyu had never felt such a sense of defeat. Looking at Lin Chen, he understood that this arrogant figure full of magic flames would be a nightmare for his whole life.

However, perhaps his life is coming to an end soon.

The resistance emanating from the halberd is getting stronger and stronger. Lin Chen's whole skin is showing signs of cracking at this moment. Blood is flowing and spreading along the pattern of the halberd body. Debuted mysterious blood lines.

hum. .

The whole body trembled, the blood pattern flowed on the magic halberd, and at the same time as it hummed, he finally felt fear. The magic flame breath from Lin Chen's body was not only from the same root, but also suppressed this The magic power of the halberd!

The blood penetrated and slowly disappeared on the body of the halberd, but slowly condensed inside the halberd, turning into a brand-like existence, forming a blood-colored rune, which was Lin Chen's exclusive mark.

Suddenly, a message entered Lin Chen's mind, and a connection with the halberd suddenly occurred in his heart.

Senluo Demon Halberd!

As blessed as his heart is, Lin Chen also knew the name of the halberd. With a tremor in his arm, he pulled the halberd out of the ground at the same time with a sudden force!

The pure to the extreme black brilliance is extremely dazzling at this moment, illuminating the entire cave, while the cloud patterns on the body of the halberd are flowing, and at the same time, there is a sense of sharpness that wants to pierce the sky, making this Heifeng mountain Cracks appeared.

The black wind blade condensed crazily and poured into the magic halberd, which also made the body of the halberd heavier and the edge of the halberd sharper. Liu Junyu felt a tingling pain all over his body from a long distance away.

Terrified to the extreme, he never thought that Lin Chen would actually pull out the halberd!


Holding the Senluo Demon Halberd, Lin Chen laughed happily, the halberd in his hand trembled and buzzed, and there was a sense of affinity, and Lin Chen had been completely subdued.

It is called the Senluo Demon Halberd. This halberd was originally born for killing, and it has a murderous aura in itself, as well as that demonic arrogance. Only those who can suppress this halberd with both killing intent and demonic nature can use it. Have the qualifications to truly become its master.

Undoubtedly, Lin Chen did it.

Whizzing. .

The scalp-numbing sharp wind blades poured into the magic halberd in just a few breaths, and the black arrogance swept away with a sense of determination.

The body of the halberd trembled, and Lin Chen felt that this magic halberd had long been silent for a long time, and it needed to be irrigated with blood!
Senluo Demon Halberd, the halberd must be stained with blood!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Chen took a step forward, pointing at Liu Junyu with the magic halberd in his hand, the terrifying sharp edge, during the sweep, the air was cut apart, and the rock walls around Liu Junyu were all cracked, such a scene , has already frightened his guts.

"Forgive me, please let me go, my king..."

Kneeling down with a plop, Liu Junyu's crotch was full of shame, and he was so scared that feces and urine flowed out, he panicked and begged for mercy.

Even with a fourth-order congenital cultivation base, facing the coercion of the birth of the magic halberd, he couldn't even arouse the slightest desire to resist, and he couldn't even take a step to escape!

But how can Lin Chen allow this person to live, not to mention that he knows the secrets here, and can also control the black wind, the desire from the magic halberd alone is absolutely unrelenting.

With stern eyes and fierce flames, Lin Chenwu held the magic halberd across Liu Junyu's neck without any stagnation or hindrance, simply and neatly.

The next moment, a column of blood soared, a big head raised high with indescribable horror and despair in its eyes.

A halberd owl head!
(End of this chapter)

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