Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 123 1 enemy 2

Chapter 123
On the battlefield, the most intense is naturally where the two extraordinary puppets are. The wooden knife man wields the wooden knife in his hand, slashing continuously, causing the rocks to crack and the ground to collapse, while the puppet of Sen Luo has the absolute upper hand , not only dodged the sword light perfectly, and danced with both fists, but also suppressed the wooden sword man to retreat steadily.

But this wooden knife man is unexpectedly tough and flexible. Although he can be suppressed in a short time, it is not so easy to completely defeat it.

The four geniuses in the innate realm, against Song Tiancheng and He Xiao, even with Xiaoyu's help, they were still crushed. The two struggled to support them, but obviously they couldn't hold on for too long.

And what can determine success or failure is undoubtedly Lin Chen's battlefield.

With the strength of the innate first-order, against two innate third-order geniuses, but still have the upper hand!

At this moment, Lin Chen showed his sharpness and made all his moves.

The swirling wind of Sen Luo affected the actions of the two of them, while the Sen Luo Demon Halberd waved, the black wind blades seemed to be endless, and the sharpness also carried a terrifying impact force, making it hard to guard against.

In just a few breaths, Zhao Zixuan and Wu Zhuoheng's bodies were full of color. They looked at each other, and the eyes of the two of them flashed cruelty. The matter has developed to the present, and I am afraid that there is no other choice but to desperately.

The scene of Lin Chen defeating the green-scaled crocodile with one move, until now, still left an indelible impression on the two of them, affecting their will.

After all, even if the two joined forces, it might be difficult to quickly defeat the green-scaled crocodile, but Lin Chen completely suppressed this innate fifth-order monster in a single encounter.

"The roar of the tiger moves the mountains and forests!"

"Deadly Power·Earth Flying Eagle!"

Two angry shouts came out, and the two of them used the method of pressing the bottom of the box at the same time, the roar of the tiger and the cry of the eagle sounded at the same time, and the power of the two martial souls was released without reservation at this moment.


With a cold snort, sensing the intentions of the two, Lin Chen no longer held back. Although he had many means, he was not arrogant enough to regret the full attack of two innate third-tier geniuses.

The reason why he was able to suppress the green-scaled crocodile just now was because he had an advantage in momentum, and coupled with the sharpness of the Senluo Demon Halberd, he achieved unexpected results.

While the handprints were changing, and the koi in the dantian was jumping, Lin Chen did not hesitate to use the golden scale transformation!
A more violent wave emanated from Lin Chen's body, the smile on his face was even bigger, and a black arrogance was glowing all over his body. He took a step forward, like a demon king descending, pressing on the two of them.

"Wind of Sen Luo, rise up!"

With an angry shout, the Senluo Demon Halberd in Lin Chen's hand flew across the sky, and the raging energy poured into the Demon Halberd, and from the edge of the halberd, a tyrannical black whirlwind flew out.

This is the first time Lin Chen has used the Mori Demon Halberd to display the Mori Wind, but the effect is unexpectedly good. The wind whirls into the sky, far stronger and sharper than before, with an astonishing killing breath.

Looking at this tornado in horror, Zhao Zixuan's eyes were full of horror. He could feel that just now, Lin Chen's power had almost doubled!
And such a terrifying tornado is definitely not comparable to the previous one. If one is involved in it, death may be the only end.

"You can't keep your hands anymore!" Zhao Zixuan gritted his teeth, slapped his chest with his backhand, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and shot into the Death Eagle martial soul in mid-air. With the blessing of this blood essence, the Death Eagle martial soul The whole body also flashed a fierce red, and the momentum was stronger.

Feeling Lin Chen's terrifying attack, Wu Zhuoheng secretly scolded Zhao Zixuan in his heart, who would have thought that his opponent would be so perverted against a kid who was a first-class innate?
If I had known this, I wouldn't have agreed to Zhao Zixuan even if I killed him!

A flash of heartache flashed in his eyes, he took out a pill from the Ruomu card, and stuffed it into his mouth. Immediately, Wu Zhuoheng's aura surged again, breaking through the third level of innateness in an instant, reaching the fourth level, and still rising , only one step away from reaching the fifth level!

"It turned out to be the Shengyuan Pill!"

His pupils shrank suddenly, Zhao Zixuan didn't expect that Wu Zhuoheng actually hid such a good thing as Shengyuan Pill, but thinking that Wu Zhuoheng was from the City Lord's Mansion, he was relieved.

In Tianyuan City, the City Lord's Mansion can be said to be the only one, and things like Shengyuan Pill should not be difficult to get.

After taking the Shengyuan Pill, Wu Zhuoheng had raised almost two small realms in a short period of time, Wu Zhuoheng also gained confidence, and amidst the gushing of Yuanli, another powerful attack was sent out.

"The Power of the Violent Tiger Shaking Rivers and Mountains!"

With the blessing of Yuanli, the violent tiger spirit in the midair also became more ferocious, moving forward frantically, and charged towards the wind of Sen Luo.

Facing Lin Chen's attack, both of them used all their strength and trump cards, but looking at them, in Lin Chen's eyes, while the magic flame surged, there was also a hint of ridicule.

It was only a mere wind of misfortune that forced the two of them into such a state. This battle had already come to an end.

Even if they can block the stormy wind, Lin Chen still has the strength to use the second and third. At that time, what will they use to block it?

The two attacks moved forward, and finally hit the sky-reaching black tornado in mid-air. The roar of the tiger and the cry of the eagle resounded at the same time, and the violent fluctuations were released.

This kind of battle can be said to be the top among the geniuses participating in the quota competition this time. The fluctuations on the halfway up the mountain were quickly transmitted to the entire mountain, and everyone noticed this scene.

Deeply shocked by the black tornado, many geniuses were secretly speechless.

"My God, what is the method of this black tornado?"

"It's said that it was Lin Chen who killed the extraordinary, he used to perform this kind of attack!"

"The eagle crows, the tiger roars, it's Zhao Zixuan and Wu Zhuoheng, they are actually fighting Lin Chen!"


Even though they were very suspicious of the rumors about Lin Chen destroying Chaofan, in the hearts of many geniuses, Lin Chen who single-handedly killed eight innate wooden swordsman was still a little afraid.

But at this moment, Yaoyao felt the power of that sky-high tornado, and they were also shocked.

At this level, although it is impossible to palm off the extraordinary, it is still more than enough to deal with these innate beginners!
"There is no man under the reputation, Lin Chen, he really has two talents!" On the top of Shihu Mountain, an old figure in sackcloth looked viciously at Lin Chen, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The martial arts techniques performed by Lin Chen were vaguely magical, which reminded him of a legend from a hundred years ago.

But now, on Lin Chen, he seemed to see the shadow of that legend, the domineering figure who was unrivaled in the world.

There are only three words in that legend, which is... Ye Tianchen!
(End of this chapter)

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