Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 134 Little man, you are going to break your promise

Chapter 134 Little man, you are going to break your promise
This fluctuation is very familiar, even from a distance, Lin Chen can see, on the top of the statue, a demon's wings are unfolding gorgeously.

Rose dancer!
From the previous stone tablet, it was guessed that Mei Wu'er was probably in this space, but when he really saw this figure, Lin Chen still almost couldn't control himself.

Without Mei Wuer, I would never be able to get to where I am today. It would be impossible to kill Yu Laogou and survive the assassination of Heilian.

Looking from a distance, one can still see that on the altar at the top of the statue, there are one after another snarling fox figures, biting at Mei Wu'er.

It's just that the stepping figure stopped abruptly, feeling the murderous intent from Ji Bo, Lin Chen's back felt a chill.

As long as Lin Chen stepped out of the forest of steles, the old dog would definitely attack without hesitation. Although he had lost an arm, he had extraordinary combat power after all. With Lin Chen's current strength, he might still be difficult to deal with.

Withdrawing his steps, turning around, and looking at Jibo, Lin Chen's eyes flashed a savage color, accompanied by a strong devilish energy, wantonly flaunting it.

"You want to be with me forever?"

The words made Yu Jibo startled, yes, if he was given another chance to choose, I'm afraid he might not really choose to attack Lin Chen, after all, for such a genius, friendship is far better than enmity much better.

It's a pity that there is never any medicine for regret in the world. The matter has come to this point. Yu Jibo believes that even if he let Lin Chen go, this hatred will still not diminish. On the contrary, Lin Chen will definitely Will seek revenge.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to kill Lin Chen here!
Seeing Yu Jibo's eyes flickering, Lin Chen already understood that things between the two of them might not be good at all.

Lin Chen had already made a decision in his mind while his thoughts were spinning.

From the name of the stele before, it is not difficult to see that there are three of them, Mei Wuer and the others. Meng Xinger, who has a dim name, should be dead, and at this moment, the condition of Mei Wuer on the top of the statue is definitely not much better. Go, Lin Chen must help her!

At this moment, what Lin Chen was thinking about was not what he could help, but how to help. After all, Yu Jibo was staring at him, and he was absolutely not allowed to step out of the Forest of Steles.

It's just that there are some things that always have to be done, right?
Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen swung his palm, and a broken treasure map appeared in his hand.

"Old dog, don't you just want this treasure map, I'll give it to you!"

Before he finished speaking, a wave of Yuan power surged in Lin Chen's palm, wrapped around the treasure map, and flew to the rear. In situ.

This sudden change made Yu Jibo completely stunned. He never thought that Lin Chen would give up the fairy treasure map just like that!
Even though Lin Chen didn't know much about this treasure map, just relying on this treasure map, he was able to enter the Fox Immortal Palace, so he could see how precious this map was. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen would throw it away as soon as he said it.

Standing there blankly, for a moment, Yu Jibo didn't even know how to choose, and taking advantage of this gap, Lin Chen's figure shot out and flew towards the statue at high speed.

No time!

At this moment, Yu Jibo finally came to his senses and headed towards the treasure map. It would take time for Lin Chen to grow up, but with the treasure map, he might have a greater chance!

Besides, this kid rushed up to the statue altar and faced that powerful fox demon, wouldn't he be dead?

While his mind was spinning, Yu Jibo had already rushed to the treasure map, grabbed it in his hands, and felt this breath, and he also laughed wildly.

This is undoubtedly the Treasure Map of Immortal Machine, and it can be perfectly spliced ​​together with his own fragmented map to form a new fragmented map!

And as the two remnants of the picture merged into one, suddenly, those lines and patterns that seemed to have no structure at all became clearer at this moment.

Before he had time to take a closer look, he put the treasure map in his arms, and Yu Jibo immediately turned back, holding a knife in one hand, rushed out of the forest of steles, and went straight to Lin Chen!

After getting the treasure map, if he kills Lin Chen again, the trip will be complete!
At this moment, Lin Chen had come all the way to the foot of the statue, followed an entrance, and entered the inside of the statue.

At the same time as the eyes were dark, scarlet eyes flickered in all directions, as if there were endless fox demons living here.

At the same time, Lin Chen also saw clearly that there was a sky-reaching staircase in front of him, soaring up to the top of the statue, without the slightest hesitation, his figure had already merged into the shadow, and he went up the staircase.

And at the same time Lin Chen rushed up the stairs, Yu Jibo also rushed up, sensing Lin Chen's aura, and he was going up. Yu Jibo raised his knife and wanted to chase him, but the low roar of beasts all around The voice made him hesitate a bit more.

Lin Chen has the supernatural ability to escape from shadows, but Yu Jibo does not. If he moves forward rashly, he will only be surrounded by fox demons. Yu Jibo absolutely does not want to have such a nightmare experience again.

The broken part of his left arm is still aching, which not only reduces his strength greatly, but also makes it extremely difficult for him to improve in martial arts in the future.

Breathing heavily, sweat was already dripping down his forehead, Yu Jibo didn't dare to take a step, but he was unwilling, so he let Lin Chen go.

Moreover, if he wanted to leave here, he might have to climb the stairs. Thinking of this, Yu Jibo finally made up his mind, and at the same time his figure flickered, he rushed towards the stairs.

At this moment, Lin Chen was advancing at full speed, and he had already completed two-thirds of the distance. At the same time, he also found that with the upward movement, the fox demon on the stairs became stronger and more fierce.

If it weren't for the magical power of shadow escape, Lin Chen would never be able to reach here. In all directions, there are foxes of the supernatural realm. Their two tails are constantly sweeping. Even though they are hiding in the shadows, Lin Chen still feels the bloodlust.

Not daring to slack off in the slightest, and going all out, Lin Chen finally came to the top of the stairs, took a step, and walked out of the shadows. He also saw the huge altar on the top of the statue.

On the altar, there was a beautiful figure with demon wings whistling behind it. If it wasn't Mei Wuer, who was it?

hoo hoo hoo!
The sound of violent beast roars continued, and Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly. He also discovered that there were ten fox monsters with a third tail here.

Although the third tail has not fully grown out, it has completely transcended the extraordinary level and marched towards the king. There are still ten such fox demons. It is hard to imagine how Mei Wuer survived. .

In fact, Mei Wu'er had already reached her limit, but behind her, Meng Xing'er's body was still cold, and that Ji Xue was seriously injured and had already lost her fighting power, so she could only stand up.

His whole body was covered with dense wounds, and it seemed that he could no longer bleed blood. His face was pale, and despair appeared in his eyes.

At this time, what Mei Wuer saw was her brother's figure. In the final analysis, she took this mission to treat her brother's broken dantian, but she didn't expect that not only she could not protect herself, but also her sisters were implicated.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think of Lin Chen, the little man she was talking about.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth and whispering softly, Mei Wu'er completely gave up resistance.

"Little man, you said that you would repay my kindness ten times. It seems that you are going to break your promise..."

(End of this chapter)

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