Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 136 The Heart of Charm

Chapter 136 The Heart of Charm
The brilliant stars, shining in front of everyone's eyes, gave people an unreal feeling.

Lin Chen is still a Star Soul Master? !
Both Yu Jibo and Mei Wu'er were taken aback, especially Mei Wu'er, with ecstasy flashing in her eyes, this time, three people from Qixiu came, and Meng Xing'er was a star soul master, and she also left The essential.

However, Meng Xing'er was attacked and killed by a powerful fox demon when she just stepped onto the top floor of the statue, completely cutting off her hope of leaving.

Mei Wu'er and Ji Xue have fought so far, but it's just because they are unwilling, but now, Lin Chen revealed his identity as a star soul master, but it undoubtedly gave her a big surprise.

Behind Mei Wuer, Ji Xue, who was already in despair, also had fluctuations in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Lin Chen, perhaps, because of the appearance of this young man, she could really leave alive today!

But when he heard Lin Chen's words, the wooden knife in Yu Jibo's hand stopped suddenly, and he looked at Lin Chen, he was puzzled.

"Little Lin Chen, stop talking nonsense, do you think you can fool me with such an excuse?" Yu Jibo said.

"Hehe, you don't have to believe it, or you can attack me, but I hope you won't regret it." Lin Chen clenched the magic halberd tightly, but this attitude made Yu Jibo even more uneasy.

Indeed, I am afraid that the opportunity to leave lies on this high platform. If what Lin Chen said is true, then he really has to count on Lin Chen to leave alive.

"Why should I believe you, hmph, do you want to use me as a spear?" Yu Jibo snorted coldly, looking at these powerful fox demons, he also guessed Lin Chen's intentions.

With Lin Chen's strength, it is very difficult to pass these fox demons and get close to the high platform, and the two women can be seen at a glance that they are both at the end of their strength and do not have much strength left. Therefore, to deal with the fox demons, we still have to rely on him. Kibb.

"I've said everything. Believe it or not, it's up to you to open the way." Lin Chen looked like a rascal, which made Yu Jibo angry. He found that he didn't have a chance select!
Even if he didn't believe in Lin Chen, he still didn't dare to take the risk of beheading Lin Chen. Moreover, the high platform was probably the biggest secret in this space. If he didn't go and see it, it would be in vain.

In any case, Yu Jibo will take action against the fox demon and be responsible for opening the way.

This feeling undoubtedly made him very aggrieved. He clearly wanted to kill Lin Chen, but he didn't dare to do it. He wanted to open the way for him and was used as a spear.

This time, although his arm was broken, he got the Immortal Machine Treasure Map, gained a lot from the Forest of Steles, and learned the Dao of the Sword of Life and Death. Generally speaking, it is still possible.

So, after a cold snort, Yu Jibo held the wooden knife in his hand and looked at these fox demons.

Even if these guys are the existence of the extraordinary peak, not far from the king, but in Yu Jibo's eyes, this is a group of rabble, it is not a problem at all.

The power of the sword of life and death gave Yu Jibo great self-confidence.

If he had realized the power of this powerful Dao of the Sword earlier, he would not have had an arm bitten off outside the palace at all.

With this tyrannical way of the sword, Yu Jibo can take the heads of these fox demons without getting close at all!
He took a step forward and swung the saber. Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed. Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he also saw that on the wooden saber, black and white air surged out. A blade of life and death cut down suddenly!

The light of the knife is like an upside-down galaxy, black and white are clearly distinguished, and it is completely different from the previous attack, as if the knife in Jibo's hand has spirituality at once, which is completely different.

With cold eyes, looking at the fox demon in the front, Yu Jibo has absolute confidence. If he cut off this guy with a knife, even Lin Chen can cut off its arm. Could it be that he, Yu Jibo, is not as good as an innate kid?

But in fact, this knife is indeed very powerful, with enough power to deal with this fox demon.

In the final analysis, this fox demon is still not enough to look at. He has no brute strength and body, and he will undoubtedly not be able to last long in the face of a real strong man.


The knife light slashed across, like a black and white light wheel, suddenly split the fox demon's body into two from the point between the eyebrows, blood gushed out, and the two halves of the broken body fell slowly, half died instantly, and the other half was full of vitality , still trembling.

One knife and two paragraphs, the knife cuts life and death, half of life, half of death!

Only Yu Jibo who is like this can truly be worthy of the title of cutting life and death with a knife.

Yu Jibo was also very proud of swiping a knife and instantly killing a fox demon. He turned his head and looked at Lin Chen with a strong sense of threat in his eyes.

"Boy, you'd better not lie to me, otherwise, your end will not be much better than this fox demon!"

For Lin Chen, he hated him so much that his arm was bitten off by the fox demon. Yu Jibo blamed all of this on Lin Chen, but he forgot that this was his greed for Lin Chen's treasure map. looking for.

In his conception, it seemed that if he wanted a treasure map, Lin Chen should offer it with both hands, which was ridiculous.

Naturally, Lin Chen wouldn't argue with him, the current situation was stronger than others, what he was thinking about was what was on the high platform, and how to deal with this guy after he left.

Obviously, the core of this space is the altar at the top of the statue, and the most precious thing should be there, and after leaving, without any scruples, Yu Jibo will definitely attack him.

Meiwuer and the others appearing here must be related to the treasure of the altar. Right now, this treasure may also fall into the hands of Jibo.

"Little man, the treasure on the altar is a charming heart. If this idiot takes it rashly, he will definitely fall into the illusion of charm. You and I will take the opportunity to make a move, and we must keep him!" Mei Wu'er secretly transmitted the voice, But it made Lin Chen's heart move.

Charming heart!

Although he doesn't know what it is, Lin Chen can also deduce that such treasures are definitely very precious. Also, this place is called the Fox Immortal Temple, and foxes have always been related to charm, like Lin Chen just now. Entering the palace, isn't it just falling into an illusion and almost being sucked dry?

With a move in his heart, he secretly nodded to Mei Wuer, and the two also followed Yu Jibo and walked towards the high platform.

Ji Xue was covered in blood, carrying Meng Xing'er's corpse on her back, it was very heavy, Qixiu had seven people in total, they were like brothers and sisters, but one of them was broken here.

And it has to be said that Lin Chen's demonic attack first, and Yu Jibo's one-shot kill, all of these created a great deterrent to these fox demons. For a while, the remaining nine did not dare to act rashly.

Soon, a group of people came under the high platform and went up the stairs. They could faintly feel a strange aura, accompanied by the spread of the strange fragrance, which made everyone a little bit flustered.

Yu Jibo's eyes lit up, and he walked quickly towards the stone platform, and at this moment, the remaining nine fox demons, forced by a mission and task that penetrated into their blood, finally came between roars. , flew over the high platform!

ps: Thanks to Wu Han for the reward, becoming the deacon of this book!
(End of this chapter)

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