Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 148 Half Step King!

Chapter 148 Half Step King!
That's right, a thought came to Mei Wu'er's heart, but she couldn't hold it back anymore.

She wants to use this charming heart to seek Lin Chen's safety!
First of all, without Lin Chen, she might have died in the Fox Immortal Palace, and it is impossible for her to still be standing here. After all, this charming heart should belong to Lin Chen.

Moreover, she has always understood in her heart that even if she got the Chiba Cloud Root Grass, it might be difficult to repair her younger brother's dantian. It is very likely that her younger brother will still be a cripple who cannot cultivate.

Even though he was so good.

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned. How could he fail to see what this guy meant? He made it clear that he wanted to restrain Mei Wuer with Chiba Cloud Root Grass so that Qixiu could not make a move. This was equivalent to directly removing Lin Chen's arm.

Although he didn't know why Qixiu's female assassin helped this kid, Cui Chenlin was not as rough as he appeared on the surface, and his thoughts were extremely delicate.

As long as he takes advantage of the situation and makes everyone unable to help Lin Chen, how can such a congenital boy turn the world upside down?
As for the fact that he had beheaded extraordinary powerhouses, Cui Chenlin wanted to try to see what kind of means Lin Chen had.

Seemingly aware of Mei Wuer's hesitation, Ji Xue at the side took a deep look at this sister.

There are seven people in Qixiu, who love her sisters. At this moment, she immediately guessed Mei Wuer's intentions. Although she couldn't believe it, Ji Xue still nodded.

"Wu'er, the charming heart is naturally controlled by you. I hope you can follow your own heart. I think Xing'er must think so too." Said with a smile, Ji Xue looked at Mei Wuer.

Hearing this, Mei Wuer's eyes instantly filled with tears.

Ji Xue and Meng Xing'er took this mission with her just to help her and her younger brother. Meng Xing'er even gave her life for this, but now, she was about to go against her original intention.

Mei Wu'er doesn't even know if it's worth it or not, but she doesn't want to think about it anymore, she only knows that she must not watch this little man get hurt.

"I didn't get the heart of charm. It belongs to Lin Chen." Mei Wuer opened her mouth, but everyone was stunned.

Most of the people present, including the Wooden Knife Dojo and the Zhao family, did not know what this charming heart was, but Cui Chenlin's breathing stopped immediately.

Belonging to forest dust?

With a flash of thought, Cui Chenlin weighed in his mind, and immediately said: "Anyway, hand over the heart of charm, everything is easy to talk about, Mei Wuer, it doesn't matter if you don't want Qianye Yungencao, give me the heart of charm, Cui, and I can release Lin Chen left, and even let him continue to participate in the subsequent selection!"

Cui Chenlin's words shocked Lin Chen and the others again.

What is this charming heart?
Even Mei Wuer and the others only know the name, but don't know the details, but now it seems that they still underestimated this crystal.

I'm afraid it's definitely not just something that can make people fall into an illusion.

Lin Chen also thought of the Immortal Treasure Map, the Fox Fairy Palace, the mysterious red land, and the weird fox demon. All these seemed to be related to ancient things, and they were not within his reach now.

Before he had time to think about it, he looked at Mei Wuer, but Lin Chen met a pair of firm eyes.

"I don't care about anything else, I just want you to be safe."

The voice was not high, but it was decisive, and immediately gave Lin Chen an unattainable warmth. Even Xia Xinxuan and Li Lianyu had never given him this feeling, except for his parents.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen understood that he might not be able to change Mei Wu'er's mind. Not only did he give himself the right to deal with the charming heart, but he would definitely make a move in the battle.

The most difficult thing to bear is the beauty's kindness. Lin Chen has thousands of words, but he doesn't know where to start.

But above the sky, Cui Chenlin felt uneasy in his heart.

If he can get the Heart of Charm, it will be a great achievement. At that time, the Cui clan will definitely agree with him and Cui Meier. When he thinks of Cui Meier's beautiful face, which is naturally charming, Cui Chenlin's whole body becomes hot.

"Lin Chen, give me your charm, let's forget about today's matter!" Cui Chenlin spoke again.

When Lin Chen heard the words, he was calculating quickly in his heart.

The current situation, if there is a real fight, is still full of many variables, but this charming heart must not be handed over to Cui Shi, since Cui Yuan captured his parents, all this has been endless.

In this case, there is only war.

With a swipe of the palm, the Sen Luo Demon Halberd was already in his grip, and Lin Chen suddenly had a fighting spirit.

Soar into the sky!

Feeling the aura of this young man, all the people present turned pale. Ordinary people, facing the extraordinary powerhouse, which one would not bow their heads in admiration, let alone raise their fighting spirit.

Cui Chenlin's complexion also turned cold.

It had been expected that Lin Chen would not give in, but he did not expect that he would be so arrogant, a mere innate talent, and dare to do it?

"Boy who overestimates his abilities, do you think that I can be compared to third-rate people like Cui Hu?" Cui Chenlin shouted angrily, raising the broadsword in his hand high.

At the same time, as the two were about to make a move, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Zhao Han of the Zhao family immediately took a step.

"This person has nothing to do with me, let me kill him today!" His eyes were red with murderous intent, Zhao Han wished he could cramp and skin Lin Chen.

He only had one son, Zhao Zixuan, whom he loved and nurtured in every possible way, but died in Lin Chen's hands, how could he not hate him.

Hearing this, Cui Chenlin also stopped, and looked at Zhao Han. With his strength, making a move would indeed damage his status. Zhao Han was willing to be this pawn, and he would not refuse.

Following Zhao Han's attack, the two members of the Zhao family behind him also released their aura and pressed down on the people below.

"Wooden Saber Dojo, you should think about it, the forces that oppose the Cui family have not yet been established in the Dayan Dynasty!" One of them said sadly.

The power in Tianyuan City is turbulent, and the Zhao family has long been unhappy with the Wooden Sword Dojo.

"Hmph, why do you need to intervene in the affairs of my wooden knife dojo, the Zhao family, I haven't noticed it yet!" Chen Ling finally said something hard at this time, but he pointed the finger at the Zhao family, but he didn't Involving Choi.

"Where is there so much nonsense, let's fight!" Another strong man from the Zhao family had a violent temper, and he rushed down immediately with a surge of energy.

The scene is about to explode!
The fluctuation of Yuanli instantly covered the surrounding area, but before it could completely dissipate, it was like being stuck forcibly, and the people of the Zhao family who swooped down seemed to be imprisoned.

"In Tianyuan City, it seems that I have the final say." A faint voice sounded, and then, a figure appeared in front of everyone as if it appeared out of thin air.

When the pupils shrank suddenly, Cui Chenlin couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Half-step king!"

(End of this chapter)

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